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Traceback (most recent call last):
File "eval_rcnn.py", line 11, in
import tools.train_utils.train_utils as train_utils
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tools.train_utils'

Hello, I followed the steps in README, while I encountered such problem when I want to use the quick demo. Can you give me any hand? Thanks very much.

I have checked the quick demo steps in several machines and doesn't find any problems.
Please check your steps and make true you run the command in the path PointRCNN/tools/

Thanks for reply very much. It's true that I run the command int the path PointRCNN/tools/, but it doesn't work.
However, afterwards when I try to change every tools.xx.xx -> xx.xx in tools/eval_rcnn.py, tools/kitti_object_eval_python/eval.py and tools/kitti_object_eval_python/evaluate.py, the command works well.

Maybe you can solve the problem with the following steps:

  • pip install ~/Download/torch-1.0.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl (from https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/ , downloaed the pytorch1.0.0 appropriate for cuda10.0)
  • conda install -c numba cudatoolkit=10.0
  • pip install numpy torchvision==0.2.1 tqdm easydict scipy fire scikit-image numba tensorboardX pyyaml shapely