  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

The following is an example of Ansible® role to install Machine Agent on Linux, Windows, Solaris, and AIX:

- hosts: all tasks: - include_role: name: appdynamics.agents.machine vars: # Define Agent Type and Version agent_version: 20.9.0 agent_type: machine machine_hierarchy: "AppName|Owners|Environment|" # Make sure it ends with a | sim_enabled: "true" # Analytics settings analytics_event_endpoint: "https://fra-ana-api.saas.appdynamics.com:443" enable_analytics_agent: "true" # Your controller details controller_account_access_key: "123key" # Please add this to your Vault controller_host_name: "fieldlab.saas.appdynamics.com" # Your AppDynamics controller controller_account_name: "customer1" # Please add this to your Vault enable_ssl: "false" controller_port: "8090" controller_global_analytics_account_name: 'customer1_e52eb4e7-25d2-41c4-a5bc-9685502317f2' # Please add this to your Vault # config properties docs - https://docs.appdynamics.com/display/latest/Machine+Agent+Configuration+Properties # Can be used to configure the proxy for the agent java_system_properties: "-Dappdynamics.http.proxyHost= -Dappdynamics.http.proxyPort=9090" # mind the space between each property

In Linux and Windows, the Ansible role starts and runs the Machine agent as a service during installation, upgrade, and rollback.

In Solaris and AIX, the Ansible role will install, upgrade, and roll back the machine agent. However, you must start the Machine agent manually.

Machine Agent Variables

Variable Description
java_system_properties To configure proxy settings for agents
analytics_event_endpoint Specify Events Service URL in this variable
enable_analytics_agent To enable Analytics Agent for the Machine Agent
sim_enabled Enable server infrastructure monitoring
Global account name of the Controller