  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
温文尔雅的生姜  ·  java-cli-demos/src/dus ...·  3 月前    · 
老实的充值卡  ·  C# ...·  3 月前    · 
年轻有为的海龟  ·  URL encode data - ...·  4 月前    · 


  • Get embeddings from dataset
  • Visualizing the embeddings in 2D
  • K-means Clustering in Python using OpenAI
  • Semantic text search using embeddings
  • 1.创建项目

    使用poetry创建一个名称为 openai-embedding-sample 的项目

    1poetry new --src openai-embedding-sample
    2cd openai-embedding-sample


    2├── pyproject.toml
    3├── README.md
    4├── src
    5│   └── openai_embedding_sample
    6│       └── __init__.py
    7└── tests
    8    └── __init__.py


    1poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true --local
    2poetry env use python3.11


    1poetry source add --priority=primary private-pypi https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/


    1poetry add openai pandas matplotlib plotly scikit-learn numpy tiktoken


  • openai - openai的python库
  • pandas - 数据分析工具,用于处理和分析数据
  • matplotlib - 用于绘制二维图表和图形
  • plotly - 一个交互式可视化库,支持绘制各种类型的图表和图形
  • scikit-learn - 是一个用于机器学习的库,提供了多种机器学习算法的实现
  • numpy - python中用于科学计算的核心库,提供了高性能的多维数组对象和各种计算功能。
  • tiktoken - 是由 OpenAI 开发的一个高效的 BPE (Byte Pair Encoding) 分词器。它主要用于将文本编码成数字序列(token),以便机器学习模型能够处理和理解文本数据
  • 添加测试依赖:

    1poetry add --group=tests pytest
      2.1 嵌入(Embedding)是什么?

    想象一下,我们有一堆不同种类的水果。 我们可以用文字来描述这些水果,比如“苹果”、“香蕉”、“橙子”等等。但是,如果我们想让计算机来理解这些水果之间的关系,仅仅用文字是不够的。

    嵌入就是一种将这些文字转化为计算机能够理解的数字表示的方法。 这些数字表示的向量(vector)就叫做嵌入。通过这种方式,我们就可以把原本抽象的文字概念转化为具体的数值,让计算机能够更方便地进行计算和比较。


  • 降维: 嵌入将高维的文本数据映射到低维的向量空间中,这有助于减少计算量,提高模型的效率。
  • 相似性计算: 嵌入能够捕捉单词或短语之间的语义和语法关系。例如,“苹果"和"香蕉"的嵌入向量会比较接近,因为它们都是水果。
  • 可视化: 通过将嵌入向量可视化,我们可以直观地观察到单词之间的关系。
  • 嵌入在自然语言处理中的应用

  • 词嵌入(Word Embedding): 将单词表示为稠密向量,用于各种自然语言处理任务,如文本分类、情感分析、机器翻译等。
  • 句子嵌入(Sentence Embedding): 将整个句子表示为一个向量,用于句子相似度计算、文本摘要等。
  • 文档嵌入(Document Embedding): 将文档表示为一个向量,用于信息检索、推荐系统等。
  • 嵌入的生成通常需要大量的文本数据和复杂的机器学习模型。常见的方法包括:

  • Word2Vec: 通过预测上下文单词来学习词嵌入。
  • GloVe: 结合了全局统计信息和局部上下文信息来学习词嵌入。
  • BERT、GPT等预训练模型: 这些模型通过在大规模文本数据上进行预训练,学习到高质量的词嵌入。
  • Text —> Embedding Model —> Text as Vector


    3. 亚马逊美食评论数据集




    4. 加载数据集
     1import pandas as pd
     2import tiktoken
     5def main():
     6    # 加载数据集
     7    input_datapath = "data/fine_food_reviews_1k.csv"
     8    df = pd.read_csv(input_datapath)
     9    df = df[["Time", "ProductId", "UserId", "Score", "Summary", "Text"]]
    10    df = df.dropna()
  • df = pd.read_csv(input_datapath): 使用Pandas的read_csv函数读取CSV文件,并将数据存储到一个名为dfDataFrame中。DataFrame是Pandas中用于表示二维数据的结构。
  • df = df[["Time", "ProductId", "UserId", "Score", "Summary", "Text"]]: 从DataFrame df中选取指定的列,包括"Time”、“ProductId”、“UserId”、“Score”、“Summary"和"Text”,并创建一个新的DataFrame。这样做的目的是只保留我们感兴趣的列。
  • df = df.dropna(): 删除DataFrame df中包含缺失值(NaN)的行。这样可以确保后续的分析不会受到缺失值的影响。
  • 1    df["combined"] = (
    2        "Title: " + df.Summary.str.strip() + "; Content: " + df.Text.str.strip()
    4    print(df.head(2))

    这段代码将原始数据集中的 “Summary” 和 “Text” 列合并成一个新的 “combined” 列,并在每个合并后的字符串中加入 “Title: " 和 “; Content: “,以区分摘要和正文。最后,打印出前两行数据以查看结果。

    1    embedding_model = "text-embedding-3-small"
    2    embedding_encoding = "cl100k_base"
    3    max_tokens = 8000  # the maximum for text-embedding-3-small is 8191
    5    embedding_model = "bge-large-en-v1.5"
    6    max_tokens = 512  # the maximum for bge-large-en-v1.5 is 512
  • embedding_model = "text-embedding-3-small"这行代码指定了要使用的嵌入模型为 text-embedding-3-small。这个模型是 OpenAI 提供的一个预训练语言模型,用于生成文本嵌入。
  • embedding_encoding = "cl100k_base"这行代码指定了用于编码文本的编码器为 cl100k_base。这个编码器是与 text-embedding-3-small 模型兼容的,用于将文本转换为数字序列(token)。
  • max_tokens = 8000设置最大 token 数: 这行代码定义了文本的最大 token 数为 8000。这个限制是基于text-embedding-3-small模型的限制,超过这个限制将导致错误。
  •  1    # subsample to 1k most recent reviews and remove samples that are too long
     2    top_n = 1000
     3    df = df.sort_values("Time").tail(
     4        top_n * 2
     5    )  # first cut to first 2k entries, assuming less than half will be filtered out
     6    df.drop("Time", axis=1, inplace=True)
     8    encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(embedding_encoding)
    10    # omit reviews that are too long to embed
    11    df["n_tokens"] = df.combined.apply(lambda x: len(encoding.encode(x)))
    12    df = df[df.n_tokens <= max_tokens].tail(top_n)
    13    print(len(df))
    14    print(df.head(2))
  • top_n = 1000 定义一个变量 top_n,用于指定最终想要保留的评论数量,这里设置为 1000。
  • df = df.sort_values("Time").tail(top_n * 2)根据 “Time” 列对 DataFrame 进行排序,按照时间降序排列。取出排序后的 DataFrame 的最后 2000 行,作为初始筛选结果。这里乘以 2 是为了考虑到后续可能会过滤掉一部分评论,因此先取多一些数据。
  • df.drop("Time", axis=1, inplace=True)删除 DataFrame 中的 “Time” 列,因为在后续处理中不再需要。参数 inplace=True 表示直接修改原 DataFrame,而不是创建一个新的副本。
  • encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(embedding_encoding)获取指定编码器的编码对象,这里使用的是 cl100k_base 编码器。
  • df["n_tokens"] = df.combined.apply(lambda x: len(encoding.encode(x)))创建一个新的列 “n_tokens”,用于存储每条评论的 token 数量。使用 apply 函数对 “combined” 列中的每条文本进行处理,计算其对应的 token 数量。encoding.encode(x) 将文本转换为 token 序列,len() 函数计算序列的长度。
  • df = df[df.n_tokens <= max_tokens].tail(top_n)筛选出 token 数量小于等于 max_tokens 的评论,并取最后 1000 条作为最终结果。
  • print(len(df))打印最终筛选后的 DataFrame 的行数,以验证是否得到了期望的 1000 条评论。
  • 5. 生成嵌入并保存

    先写一个测试,演示一下OPENAI API的embeddings API的调用方法:

    注意, 这里对代码的测试使用的本地部署的嵌入模型bge-large-en-v1.5

     1from openai import OpenAI
     2import os
     5def test_openai_api_embeddings():
     6    OPENAI_API_BASE = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_BASE")
     7    OPENAI_API_KEY = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")
     8    embedding_model = "bge-large-en-v1.5"
     9    client = OpenAI(base_url=OPENAI_API_BASE, api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY)
    10    res = client.embeddings.create(input="abc", model=embedding_model)
    11    print(res.data[0].embedding)


    1pytest -rP tests/test_openai.py::test_openai_api_embeddings


     1from typing import List
     2from openai import OpenAI
     3import os
     5OPENAI_API_BASE = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_BASE")
     6OPENAI_API_KEY = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")
     8client = OpenAI(base_url=OPENAI_API_BASE, api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY, max_retries=5)
    11def get_embedding(text: str, model="text-embedding-3-small", **kwargs) -> List[float]:
    12    # replace newlines, which can negatively affect performance.
    13    text = text.replace("\n", " ")
    15    response = client.embeddings.create(input=[text], model=model, **kwargs)
    17    return response.data[0].embedding


    1    # Ensure you have your API key set in your environment per the README: https://github.com/openai/openai-python#usage
    2    # This may take a few minutes
    3    df["embedding"] = df.combined.apply(
    4        lambda x: get_embedding(x, model="bge-large-en-v1.5")
    6    df.to_csv("data/fine_food_reviews_with_embeddings_1k.csv")


    在Pandas 中,index_col参数用于指定DataFrame的索引列。索引列是DataFrame中用来唯一标识每一行的标签,有点类似于数据库中的主键。 当我们读取CSV文件时,通常会将其中一列作为索引,以便后续对数据进行高效的查找和操作。

    1    # 读取生成嵌入的文件
    2    df = pd.read_csv("data/fine_food_reviews_with_embeddings_1k.csv", index_col=0)
    3    # 查看embeddings结果和长度
    4    print(df["embedding"])
     1python -m openai_embedding_sample
     312     [-0.017417438328266144, -0.018280575051903725,...
     413     [-0.027951912954449654, -0.018266700208187103,...
     514     [0.027293438091874123, -0.02840059995651245, -...
     615     [0.004309102427214384, -0.021994683891534805, ...
     716     [0.017969520762562752, -0.0392923504114151, -0...
     8                             ...                        
     9447    [0.007145790383219719, -0.0035732914693653584,...
    10436    [0.013964557088911533, -0.01780335046350956, 0...
    11437    [-0.032477207481861115, 0.0280800461769104, -0...
    12438    [-0.014685509726405144, 0.0015338457887992263,...
    13439    [-0.009211455471813679, -0.04697975143790245, ...
    1    # 查看embeddings结果第一行
    2    print(df["embedding"][0])
    3    print("length:", len(df["embedding"][0]))
    4    print("type:", type(df["embedding"][0]))
    1[0.0267749335616827, 0.003123185131698847, -0.024137750267982483, 0.057977546006441116, -0.053905557841062546, -0.04009933024644852, 0.015665242448449135, 0.06601973623037338, 0.03214592859148979, 0.02665616199374199, 0.019556688144803047, 0.024528663605451584, 0.025058161467313766, -0.009058943018317223, -0.04273372143507004, -0.03410712629556656, -0.0060263825580477715, -0.037118904292583466, -0.
    30009543468477204442, -0.0009659237111918628, -0.05392676964402199, -0.011576066724956036, -0.007504361681640148, -0.0032890550792217255, -0.03377753123641014, -0.03155573084950447, 0.05228942632675171, -0.012785147875547409, -0.02052222564816475, -0.06280946731567383, -0.026425695046782494, 0.01089983806014061, 0.006608058698475361, 0.051717400550842285, -0.022326190024614334, -0.01687932014465332, -0.03479322791099548, 0.01124760415405035, 0.04013797640800476, 0.02007046528160572, -0.023960063233971596, 0.05589267984032631, -0.006869079079478979]
    4length: 22696
    5type: <class 'str'>



    1    # 将字符串转换为向量
    2    df["embedding"] = df["embedding"].apply(literal_eval).to_list()
    3    print("length:", len(df["embedding"][0]))
    4    print("type:", type(df["embedding"][0]))
    1length: 1024
    2type: <class 'list'>



    1    print(df.head(2))
    1     ProductId         UserId  Score                     Summary                                               Text                                           combined  n_tokens                                          embedding
    212  B000K8T3OQ  AK43Y4WT6FFR3      1  Broken in a million pieces  Chips were broken into small pieces. Problem i...  Title: Broken in a million pieces; Content: Ch...       120  [-0.017417438328266144, -0.018280575051903725,...
    313  B0051C0J6M  AWFA8N9IXELVH      1       Deceptive description  On Oct 9 I ordered from a different vendor the...  Title: Deceptive description; Content: On Oct ...       157  [-0.027951912954449654, -0.018266700208187103,...
      6. 将嵌入在二维空间中可视化(Visualizing the embeddings in 2D)

    我们将使用t-SNE将嵌入维度从1024降至 2。一旦嵌入被降维到二维,我们就可以将它们绘制在二维散点图上。

    注: Visualizing the embeddings in 2D 原文中使用的是OpenAI的嵌入模型text-embedding-3-smalltext-embedding-3-small的维度是1536>

    6.1 降维

    我们使用 t-SNE 降维方法将数据从1024维降到2维。


    1    # 将df["embedding"]转换为numpy数组
    2    matrix = np.array(df["embedding"].to_list())
    3    assert len(matrix) == 997  # 数据行数
    4    print(type(matrix))  # <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
    5    assert len(matrix[0]) == 1024  # 向量维度
    6    print(type(matrix[0]))  # <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

    创建一个 t-SNE 模型并转换数据:

    1    from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
    3    # Create a t-SNE model and transform the data
    4    tsne = TSNE(
    5        n_components=2, perplexity=15, random_state=42, init="random", learning_rate=200
    7    vis_dims = tsne.fit_transform(matrix)
    8    assert vis_dims.shape == (997, 2)
      6.2 绘制嵌入点(Plotting the embeddings)

    我们将根据星级对每个评论着色,从红色到绿色。 即使在降维到二维空间后,我们仍然可以观察到数据点之间相当明显的区分。

     1    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     2    import matplotlib
     3    import numpy as np
     5    colors = ["red", "darkorange", "gold", "turquoise", "darkgreen"]
     6    x = [x for x, y in vis_dims]
     7    y = [y for x, y in vis_dims]
     8    color_indices = df.Score.values - 1
    10    colormap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colors)
    11    plt.scatter(x, y, c=color_indices, cmap=colormap, alpha=0.3)
    12    for score in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
    13        avg_x = np.array(x)[df.Score - 1 == score].mean()
    14        avg_y = np.array(y)[df.Score - 1 == score].mean()
    15        color = colors[score]
    16        plt.scatter(avg_x, avg_y, marker="x", color=color, s=100)
    18    plt.title("Amazon ratings visualized in language using t-SNE")
    19    plt.savefig("visualized-using-t-sne.png")


    7.K-means Clustering in Python using OpenAI

    K-means Clustering: K-means 聚类,一种常用的聚类算法,将数据点划分为 K 个不同的簇。

    我们使用简单的 K-means 聚类算法来演示如何进行聚类。聚类可以帮助发现数据中隐藏的有价值的组群。

     1import numpy as np
     2import pandas as pd
     3from ast import literal_eval
     6def test_k_means_clustering_in_python_using_openai():
     7    # load data
     8    datafile_path = "./data/fine_food_reviews_with_embeddings_1k.csv"
    10    df = pd.read_csv(datafile_path)
    11    df["embedding"] = df.embedding.apply(literal_eval).apply(np.array)
    12    # convert string to numpy array
    13    matrix = np.vstack(df.embedding.values)
    14    assert matrix.shape == (997, 1024)
    1pytest -rP tests/test_openai.py::test_k_means_clustering_in_python_using_openai
      7.1 使用 K-means 找到聚类

    我们展示了 K-means 最简单的用法。你可以根据具体应用场景选择最合适的聚类数量。

     1    from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
     3    n_clusters = 4
     5    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, init="k-means++", random_state=42)
     6    kmeans.fit(matrix)
     7    labels = kmeans.labels_
     8    df["Cluster"] = labels
    10    print(df.groupby("Cluster").Score.mean().sort_values())


    23    3.706186
    32    4.144444
    41    4.325658
    50    4.467085
    6Name: Score, dtype: float64
     1    from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
     2    import matplotlib
     3    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     5    tsne = TSNE(
     6        n_components=2, perplexity=15, random_state=42, init="random", learning_rate=200
     8    vis_dims2 = tsne.fit_transform(matrix)
    10    x = [x for x, y in vis_dims2]
    11    y = [y for x, y in vis_dims2]
    13    for category, color in enumerate(["purple", "green", "red", "blue"]):
    14        xs = np.array(x)[df.Cluster == category]
    15        ys = np.array(y)[df.Cluster == category]
    16        plt.scatter(xs, ys, color=color, alpha=0.3)
    18        avg_x = xs.mean()
    19        avg_y = ys.mean()
    21        plt.scatter(avg_x, avg_y, marker="x", color=color, s=100)
    22    plt.title("Clusters identified visualized in language 2d using t-SNE")
    23    plt.savefig("clusters-visualized-using-t-sne.png")
      7.2 2. 聚类中的文本样本与聚类命名

    我们将展示每个聚类中的随机样本。我们将使用qwen2-7b-instruct(注: 原文中是GPT-4)根据每个聚类中随机抽取的5条评论来命名聚类。

     1    from openai import OpenAI
     2    import os
     4    OPENAI_API_BASE = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_BASE")
     5    OPENAI_API_KEY = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")
     7    client = OpenAI(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY, base_url=OPENAI_API_BASE)
     9    # Reading a review which belong to each group.
    10    rev_per_cluster = 5
    12    for i in range(n_clusters):
    13        print(f"Cluster {i} Theme:", end=" ")
    15        reviews = "\n".join(
    16            df[df.Cluster == i]
    17            .combined.str.replace("Title: ", "")
    18            .str.replace("\n\nContent: ", ":  ")
    19            .sample(rev_per_cluster, random_state=42)
    20            .values
    23        messages = [
    25                "role": "user",
    26                "content": f'What do the following customer reviews have in common?\n\nCustomer reviews:\n"""\n{reviews}\n"""\n\nTheme:',
    30        response = client.chat.completions.create(
    31            model="qwen2-7b-instruct",
    32            messages=messages,
    33            temperature=0,
    34            max_tokens=64,
    35            top_p=1,
    36            frequency_penalty=0,
    37            presence_penalty=0,
    39        print(response.choices[0].message.content.replace("\n", ""))
    41        sample_cluster_rows = df[df.Cluster == i].sample(
    42            rev_per_cluster, random_state=42
    44        for j in range(rev_per_cluster):
    45            print(sample_cluster_rows.Score.values[j], end=", ")
    46            print(sample_cluster_rows.Summary.values[j], end=":   ")
    47            print(sample_cluster_rows.Text.str[:70].values[j])
    49        print("-" * 100)


     23    3.706186
     32    4.144444
     41    4.325658
     50    4.467085
     6Name: Score, dtype: float64
     7Cluster 0 Theme: The customer reviews share a common theme of praising specific products for their health benefits, taste, and suitability for particular dietary needs, while also expressing dissatisfaction with pricing. Here's a breakdown:1. **Nutritional Value and Health Benefits**: The reviews highlight the positive aspects of the products in terms of nutrition, such as the
     85, Yum!:   I loved the V8 Pomegranate Blueberry energy drink! It was very good an
     95, Michael Seasons Unsalted Potato Chips:   These are the best chips ever!  They are unsalted and being on a low s
    105, Licorice for the Gluten Free:   It is a very good tasting alternative to other licorice. Being Gluten 
    115, Michael Seasons Unsalted Potato Chips:   These are the best chips ever!  They are unsalted and being on a low s
    123, This price is ridiculous!:   There's nothing wrong with variety, except when it comes at too high a
    14Cluster 1 Theme: The common theme among these customer reviews is that they all express satisfaction with the product, despite some minor issues or preferences. Each review highlights a positive aspect of the product, such as flavor, taste, or overall satisfaction, while also mentioning a slight drawback or a desire for improvement. The reviewers seem to be repeat customers who
    154, Like this tea:   This tea has a nice flavor although I wish it was a little stronger.  
    165, Love this stuff!!:   I Have been ordering this k cup cappucino drink for awhile now and hav
    175, Addictive:   I never cared much for the original Cherry Coke, but I love the new Ch
    184, Like this tea:   This tea has a nice flavor although I wish it was a little stronger.  
    192, twice the price of my expensive grocery store!:   I know what I am getting as far as product, taste, etc., love the PRIM
    21Cluster 2 Theme: The common theme among these customer reviews is the evaluation and comparison of various coffee and tea products, particularly those designed for Keurig single-serve coffee makers. The reviewers discuss the quality, taste, value, and convenience of the products, often contrasting them with other options on the market, such as traditional K-Cups
    225, Exactly what I was looking for: Fast, fantastic Chai!:   I was skeptical as to how good an all-in-one Chai Tea for Keurig could
    235, THE Alternative To High Priced K-Cups You've Been LOOKING For!:   You love K-Cups, but get annoyed with paying $1.50+ apiece? This produ
    245, Delish!!:   So yummy... Drinking it Black coffee or w cream this coffee is delish 
    255, Good coffee.:   This is the best Donut Shop Blend out there.  Though most k-cups taste
    261, way too bitter:   I love coffee. I am used to strong coffee, I have lots of it. I drink 
    28Cluster 3 Theme: The common theme among these customer reviews is the discrepancy between the product description and the actual product received, leading to dissatisfaction or disappointment among the reviewers. Each review highlights a different product and issue, but the core concern revolves around misrepresentation or misunderstanding of what the product entails. This theme is evident in the following aspects:1
    295, Favorite chew toy!:   This is the second one of these antlers that I've ordered (the first o
    302, Contains aspartame!:   I ordered this gum based on the premise that it contained xylitol rath
    315, won't kid you:   I won't kid you there is nothing better than a real hot dog.  I love h
    325, Dogs love it.:   This is the "all gone" treat after dinner.  It's the only treat that t
    331, Deceptive description:   On Oct 9 I ordered from a different vendor the same product 1.2 oz- 6 


    Cluster 0 主题:这些客户评价的共同主题是对特定产品的健康益处、口味以及适合特定饮食需求的赞扬,同时对价格表示不满。以下是详细说明:

  • 营养价值和健康益处:评论强调了产品在营养方面的积极方面,例如……
  • 5星,Yum!:我喜欢V8石榴蓝莓能量饮料!它非常好……
  • 5星,Michael Seasons 无盐薯片:这些是最棒的薯片!它们无盐,适合低钠饮食……
  • 5星,无麸质甘草糖:它是其他甘草糖的很好替代品。因为无麸质……
  • 5星,Michael Seasons 无盐薯片:这些是最棒的薯片!它们无盐,适合低钠饮食……
  • 3星,这价格太荒谬了!:除了高价之外,品种丰富也没什么不对……
  • Cluster 1 主题:这些客户评价的共同主题是他们对产品表示满意,尽管存在一些小问题或偏好。每个评价都突出了产品的积极方面,如味道、口味或总体满意度,同时也提到了轻微的不足或改进的愿望。评价者似乎是回头客……

  • 4星,喜欢这茶:这茶味道不错,但我希望它能再浓一点……
  • 5星,爱这东西!:我已经点购这个K杯卡布奇诺饮料有一阵子了……
  • 5星,令人上瘾:我以前不太喜欢原版樱桃可乐,但我爱上了新版……
  • 4星,喜欢这茶:这茶味道不错,但我希望它能再浓一点……
  • 2星,比我贵的杂货店贵两倍!:我知道我买的是产品、口味等,喜欢PRIM……
  • Cluster 2 主题:这些客户评价的共同主题是对各种咖啡和茶产品的评估和比较,尤其是为Keurig单杯咖啡机设计的产品。评价者讨论了产品的质量、口味、价值和便利性,常常与市场上的其他选项如传统K杯作比较……

  • 5星,完全符合我的期望:快速、绝佳的印度奶茶!:我对Keurig的全自动印度奶茶是否能做好感到怀疑……
  • 5星,你寻找已久的高价K杯的替代品!:你喜欢K杯,但讨厌每个要付1.50美元以上的价格?这个产品……
  • 5星,太美味了!!:非常好喝……不管是黑咖啡还是加奶油都很好喝……
  • 5星,好咖啡。:这是最好的甜甜圈店混合咖啡。虽然大多数K杯……
  • 1星,太苦了::我喜欢咖啡,我习惯喝浓咖啡,喝很多……
  • Cluster 3 主题:这些客户评价的共同主题是产品描述与实际收到的产品之间的差异,导致了评论者的失望或不满。每个评论都突出不同的产品和问题,但核心关注点在于产品的误导或误解。这一主题在以下几个方面表现得很明显:

  • 5星,最喜欢的咬咬玩具!:这是我订购的第二个这样的鹿角(第一个……
  • 2星,含有阿斯巴甜!:我在基于该口香糖含有木糖醇而不是阿斯巴甜的前提下订购了它……
  • 5星,我不会骗你::我不会骗你,没有什么比真正的热狗更好。我喜欢……
  • 5星,狗狗们喜欢它。:这是晚餐后“吃光光”的奖励。这是唯一的奖励……
  • 1星,欺骗性的描述::我在10月9日从不同的供应商那里订购了相同的产品……
  • 需要注意的是,聚类结果不一定完全符合你的预期用途。更多的聚类数量将关注更具体的模式,而较少的聚类数量通常关注数据中最大的差异

    8. 使用嵌入进行语义文本搜索


    1def test_semantic_text_search_using_embeddings():
    2    import pandas as pd
    3    import numpy as np
    4    from ast import literal_eval
    6    datafile_path = "data/fine_food_reviews_with_embeddings_1k.csv"
    8    df = pd.read_csv(datafile_path)
    9    df["embedding"] = df.embedding.apply(literal_eval).apply(np.array)

    我们计算查询和文档嵌入之间的余弦相似度,并显示前 n 个最佳匹配。


    1import numpy as np
    4def cosine_similarity(a, b):
    5    return np.dot(a, b) / (np.linalg.norm(a) * np.linalg.norm(b))


     1from openai_embedding_sample import get_embedding, cosine_similarity
     4# search through the reviews for a specific product
     5def search_reviews(df, product_description, n=3, pprint=True):
     6    product_embedding = get_embedding(product_description, model="bge-large-en-v1.5")
     7    df["similarity"] = df.embedding.apply(
     8        lambda x: cosine_similarity(x, product_embedding)
    11    results = (
    12        df.sort_values("similarity", ascending=False)
    13        .head(n)
    14        .combined.str.replace("Title: ", "")
    15        .str.replace("; Content:", ": ")
    17    if pprint:
    18        for r in results:
    19            print(r[:200])
    20            print()
    21    return results


     1def test_semantic_text_search_using_embeddings():
     2    import pandas as pd
     3    import numpy as np
     4    from ast import literal_eval
     6    datafile_path = "data/fine_food_reviews_with_embeddings_1k.csv"
     8    df = pd.read_csv(datafile_path)
     9    df["embedding"] = df.embedding.apply(literal_eval).apply(np.array)
    11    results = search_reviews(df, "delicious beans", n=3)
    12    print(results)
     1pytest -rP tests/test_openai.py::test_semantic_text_search_using_embeddings 
     4Delicious!:  I enjoy this white beans seasoning, it gives a rich flavor to the beans I just love it, my mother in law didn't know about this Zatarain's brand and now she is traying different seasoning
     6Delicious:  While there may be better coffee beans available, this is my first purchase and my first time grinding my own beans.  I read several reviews before purchasing this brand, and am extremely 
     8Good Buy:  I liked the beans. They were vacuum sealed, plump and moist. Would recommend them for any use. I personally split and stuck them in some vodka to make vanilla extract. Yum!
    10381    Delicious!:  I enjoy this white beans seasonin...
    11159    Delicious:  While there may be better coffee b...
    12442    Good Buy:  I liked the beans. They were vacuum...
    13Name: combined, dtype: object
  • Get embeddings from dataset
  • Visualizing the embeddings in 2D
  • K-means Clustering in Python using OpenAI
  • Semantic text search using embeddings
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