private TransactionalBean transactionalBean;
@JobWorker(type = "taskB")
Public void executeServiceBLogic() {
This might be a better design anyway, as the job worker is just an adapter to call business logic, not a place to implement business logic.
But despite this, now you can use the @Transactional
annotation to change the transactional behavior. This will ensure all repository calls within that bean will use the same transaction manager, and this transaction manager will either commit or rollback completely.
For the error scenario 2 and 3 from above (job worker crashes after entity A or B was inserted) nothing has changed: the error will lead to a normal rollback, nothing has happened at all and retries will take care of things.
But consider error scenario 4 where the behavior changes big time. Assume the job completion command was committed properly on the workflow engine, but the network failed to deliver the result back to your client application. In this case, the blocking call completeCommand.send().join()
will result in an exception. This in turn will lead to the Spring transaction being aborted and rolled back. This means that the entities will not be written to the database.
I want to emphasize this: The business logic was not executed, but the process instance moved on. There will be no more retries.
At-least-once vs. at-most-once
So we just changed the behavior to what is known as at-most-once semantic: We can make sure the business logic is called at most once, but not more often. The catch is, it might never be called (otherwise it would be called exactly once).
This is a contrast to our scenario A and B where we had a at-least-once semantic: We make sure the business logic is called at least once, but we might actually call it more often (due to the retries). The following illustration taken from our developer training emphasizes this important difference:
You might want to revisit achieving consistency without transaction managers to read more about at-least-once vs at-most-once semantics, and why exactly once is not a practical way to achieve consistency in typical distributed systems.
Note, that there is one other interesting implication of at-most-once scenarios, that is probably not obvious: The workflow engine can move on, before the business logic is committed. So in the above example, the job worker for service task B might be actually started, before the changes of service task A are committed, for example visible in the database. If B expects to see the data there, this might lead to problems you have to be aware of.
To summarize, this change might not make sense in our example. Use cases for at-most-once semantics are really rare; one example could be customer notifications that you prefer to lose over sending it multiple times and confuse a customer. The default is at-least-once, which is why Spring Zeebe’s auto completion also makes sense.
Thinking about transaction boundaries
I wanted to give you one last piece of food for thought in this already too long post. This is about a question we also get regularly: can’t we do one big transaction spanning multiple service tasks in BPMN? So basically this:
Assume you have the model above in production and rely on the functionality that in case of any error, the process instance is simply rolled back. Now, a year later, you want to change the process model. The business decides that before doing Task B you first need to manually inspect suspicious process instances. The BPMN change is simple:
Such a transactional integration would only work when you use components that either work in one single database only, or that support two-phase commit, also known as XA transactions. At this point I want to quote Pat Helland from Amazon: “Grown-ups don’t use distributed transactions.” Distributed transactions don’t scale, and a lot of modern systems don’t provide support for it anyway (think for example of REST, Apache Kafka, or AWS SQS). To sum this up: in real-life, I don’t see XA transactions used in distributed systems successfully.
If you are interested in such discussions, the domain-driven design or microservices community has a lot of material on it. In lost in transaction I also look at how to define consistency (= transaction) boundaries, which are typically tied to one domain. Translated to the problem at hand I would argue that if something has to happen transactionally, it should probably happen in one service call, which boils down to one transactional Spring bean. I know this might simplify things a bit—but the general direction of thought is helpful.
So this was a lot, let me recap:
1. Camunda 8 does not take part in Spring driven-transactions. This typically leads to at-least-once semantics due to retrying of the engine.
2. You can have transactional behavior within the scope of one service task. Therefore, delegate to a @Transactional
method in your own Spring bean.
3. You should have a basic understanding of idempotency and eventual consistency, which you need for any kind of remote calls anyway, which means: with the first REST call in your system!
4. Failure scenarios are still clearly defined and can be taken care of, not using XA transactions and two-phase doesn’t mean we are going back to chaos!
As always: I love to hear your feedback and am happy to discuss.