If I have an vector of unsigned char's, what's the best way to pass them to a function that only takes a vector of char's? What about a vector of signed chars?
In the conversion, is there any risk of losing data?
If I have an vector of unsigned char's, what's the best way to pass them to a function that only takes a vector of char's? What about a vector of signed chars?
In the conversion, is there any risk of losing data?
You have to copy the data to a vector of signed chars. There's no good way to just twiddle the type. However, there is no risk of data loss. Only the type changes -- the bit patterns remain the same.
A custom vector class could be written that allows magical conversion to and from signed or unsigned, but you can't do it with std::vector<T>
You mean it's included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.
Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.
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