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Detailed Description

This class provides helpful methods for creating fonts ready to be used in a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument

This class provides helpful methods for creating fonts ready to be used in a iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument

Note, just created PdfFont is almost empty until it will be flushed, because it is impossible to fulfill font data until flush.

Member Enumeration Documentation



Force embedding fonts.

Force embedding fonts. It expected to get an exception if the font cannot be embedded.


Force not embedding fonts.

Force not embedding fonts. It is expected to get an exception if the font cannot be not embedded.


Embedding fonts if possible.


Not embedding fonts if possible.

Creates a new instance of default font, namely iText.IO.Font.Constants.StandardFonts.HELVETICA standard font with iText.IO.Font.PdfEncodings.WINANSI encoding.

Creates a new instance of default font, namely iText.IO.Font.Constants.StandardFonts.HELVETICA standard font with iText.IO.Font.PdfEncodings.WINANSI encoding. Note, if you want to reuse the same instance of default font, you may use iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument.GetDefaultFont() .

Returns created font embeddingStrategy the EmbeddingStrategy which will define whether the font will be embedded cached indicates whether the font will be cached

Created a PdfFont instance given the given underlying iText.IO.Font.FontProgram instance.


Created a PdfFont instance given the given underlying iText.IO.Font.FontProgram instance.


Created a PdfFont instance given the given underlying iText.IO.Font.FontProgram instance.


Creates a PdfFont by already existing font dictionary.

Creates a PdfFont by already existing font dictionary.

Note, the font won't be added to any document, until you add it to iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas . While adding to iText.Kernel.Pdf.Canvas.PdfCanvas , or to iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfResources the font will be made indirect implicitly.

iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument.GetFont(iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDictionary) method is strongly recommended if you want to get PdfFont by both existing font dictionary, or just created and hasn't flushed yet.


Creates a PdfFont instance by the path of the font program file and given encoding and place it inside the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument .

Creates a PdfFont instance by the path of the font program file and given encoding and place it inside the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument . If such PdfFont has already been created and placed inside the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument , then retries its instance instead of creating. EmbeddingStrategy.PREFER_EMBEDDED will be used as embedding strategy.

Parameters embeddingStrategy the EmbeddingStrategy which will define whether the font will be embedded cached indicates whether the font will be cached

Creates a PdfFont instance by the path of the font program file and given encoding and place it inside the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument .

Creates a PdfFont instance by the path of the font program file and given encoding and place it inside the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument . If such PdfFont has already been created and placed inside the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument , then retries its instance instead of creating.

Parameters embeddingStrategy the EmbeddingStrategy which will define whether the font will be embedded cacheTo the iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument to cache the font

Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's.

Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's. Required font program is expected to be previously registered by one of the register method from PdfFontFactory .


Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's.

Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's. Required font program is expected to be previously registered by one of the register method from PdfFontFactory .


Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's.

Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's. Required font program is expected to be previously registered by one of the register method from PdfFontFactory .


Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's.

Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's. Required font program is expected to be previously registered by one of the register method from PdfFontFactory .

Parameters embeddingStrategy the EmbeddingStrategy which will define whether the font will be embedded. Note, standard font won't be embedded in any case. cached If true font will be cached for another PdfDocument

Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's.

Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's. Required font program is expected to be previously registered by one of the register method from PdfFontFactory .

Parameters embeddingStrategy the EmbeddingStrategy which will define whether the font will be embedded. Note, standard font won't be embedded in any case. style Font style from iText.IO.Font.Constants.FontStyles .

Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's.

Creates PdfFont based on registered iText.IO.Font.FontProgram 's. Required font program is expected to be previously registered by one of the register method from PdfFontFactory .

Parameters embeddingStrategy the EmbeddingStrategy which will define whether the font will be embedded. Note, standard font won't be embedded in any case. style Font style from iText.IO.Font.Constants.FontStyles . cached If true font will be cached for another PdfDocument

Creates a PdfFont instance from the TrueType Collection represented by its byte contents.

Parameters embeddingStrategy the EmbeddingStrategy which will define whether the font will be embedded cached indicates whether the font will be cached

Creates a PdfFont instance from the TrueType Collection given by the path to the .ttc file.

Parameters embeddingStrategy the EmbeddingStrategy which will define whether the font will be embedded cached indicates whether the font will be cached

Registers a .ttf, .otf, .afm, .pfm, or a .ttc font file.

Registers a .ttf, .otf, .afm, .pfm, or a .ttc font file. In case if TrueType Collection (.ttc), an additional parameter may be specified defining the index of the font to be registered, e.g. "path/to/font/collection.ttc,0". The index is zero-based.


Register fonts in some probable directories.

Register fonts in some probable directories. It usually works in Windows, Linux and Solaris.

Returns the number of fonts registered