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Map Field for Laravel Nova

Using this package, you can use spatial fields in Laravel Nova.

I am on an open-source journey 🚀, and I wish I could solely focus on my development path without worrying about my financial situation. However, as life is not perfect, I have to consider other factors.

Therefore, if you decide to use my packages, please kindly consider making a donation. Any amount, no matter how small, goes a long way and is greatly appreciated. 🍺


  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • Laravel 10.* or higher
  • Laravel Compatibility

    Laravel Nova Map Field
    Publish config and assets:
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mostafaznv\NovaMapField\NovaMapFieldServiceProvider"


    Create table with spatial fields
    return new class extends Migration public function up () Schema :: create ( 'locations' , function ( Blueprint $ table ) { $ table -> id (); $ table -> string ( 'title' , 150 ); # laravel 10 $ table -> point ( 'location' )-> nullable (); $ table -> polygon ( 'area' )-> nullable (); $ table -> multiPolygon ( 'areas' )-> nullable (); # laravel 11 and higher $ table -> geometry ( 'location' , subtype: 'point' )-> nullable (); $ table -> geometry ( 'area' , subtype: 'polygon' )-> nullable (); $ table -> geometry ( 'areas' , subtype: 'multipolygon' )-> nullable (); $ table -> timestamps ();
    Add HasSpatial trait to model
    namespace App \ Models ; use MatanYadaev \ EloquentSpatial \ Traits \ HasSpatial ; class Location extends Model use HasSpatial ;
    Define spatial columns of model
    namespace App \ Models ; use MatanYadaev \ EloquentSpatial \ Objects \ MultiPolygon ; use MatanYadaev \ EloquentSpatial \ Objects \ Point ; use MatanYadaev \ EloquentSpatial \ Objects \ Polygon ; use MatanYadaev \ EloquentSpatial \ Traits \ HasSpatial ; class Location extends Model use HasSpatial ; protected $ casts = [ 'location' => Point ::class, 'area' => Polygon ::class, 'areas' => MultiPolygon ::class
    Add map fields to resource
    namespace App \ Nova \ Resources ; use Mostafaznv \ NovaMapField \ Fields \ MapMultiPolygonField ; use Mostafaznv \ NovaMapField \ Fields \ MapPointField ; use Mostafaznv \ NovaMapField \ Fields \ MapPolygonField ; class Location extends Resource public function fields ( Request $ request ): array return [ MapPointField :: make ( 'location' ), MapPolygonField :: make ( 'area' ), MapMultiPolygonField :: make ( 'areas' ),

    Map Field Methods

    method Arguments description withoutZoomControl status
    bool default: true Specifies whether zoom in/out button should display on map or not withoutZoomSlider status
    bool default: true Specifies whether zoom slider should display on map or not withFullScreenControl status
    bool default: true Specifies whether full screen button should display on map or not mapHeight height
    integer default: 400 Map's height hideDetailButton status
    bool default: true Specifies whether Show Details button should appear on detail pages or not markerIcon icon
    integer available: 1, 2, 3 Marker icon withSearchBox boolean Specifies whether map has search box or not searchProvider provider MapSearchProvider searchProviderApiKey apiKey string Specifies api key for search provider, if needed withAutocompleteSearch status bool default: true Specifies whether search results should load immediately or not searchAutocompleteMinLength minLength int Specifies the minimum number of characters to trigger search action searchAutocompleteTimeout timeout int Specifies the minimum number of ms to wait before triggering search action searchLanguage language string Specifies preferable language searchPlaceholder placeholder string searchBoxType type MapSearchBoxType Using this item, you can specify type of search box (button, or text-field searchResultLimit limit int Specifies limit of results searchResultKeepOpen status boolean Specifies whether the results keep opened withTransformation status boolean Specifies whether transport feature should be enable on polygons transformScale status boolean Using this method, you can enable/disable scaling features transformRotate status boolean Using this method, you can enable/disable rotating features transformStretch status boolean Using this method, you can enable/disable stretch option requiredOnCreate status
    bool default: true Makes field required on creation requiredOnUpdate status
    bool default: true Makes field required on update default $callback
    PointValue Set default value for map field.
    Note: Only works in MapPointField capture capture
    Capture experimental By employing this method, you can capture a screenshot reflecting the current state of the map field and save it to the filesystem

    Config Properties

    Method Default Description string https://{a-c}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Default Template URL. Must include {x} , {y} or {-y} , and {z} placeholders. projection string EPSG:3857 Default projection of map Default SRID of map default-latitude Default latitude of map default-longitude Default longitude of map Default zoom of map controls.zoom-control Specifies if map should display zoom controls (zoom in/out buttons) or not controls.zoom-slider Specifies if map should display zoom slider or not controls.full-screen-control false Specifies if map should display full screen button or not controls.undo-control Specifies if map should display undo control or not (Only for Polygon and MultiPolygon ) controls.clear-map-control Specifies if map should display clear map control or not (Only for Polygon and MultiPolygon ) map-height Specifies map height Specifies marker icon. available values: 1, 2, 3 style.stroke-color string Using this property, you can specify stroke color of polygons or other shapes. Either in hexadecimal or as RGBA array style.stroke-width Width of the stroke (px) style.fill-color string rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4) Using this property, you can specify filling color of polygons or other shapes. Either in hexadecimal or as RGBA array. show-detail-button Specifies whether Show Details button should appear on detail pages or not search.enable Using this item, you can toggle displaying search box on maps search.provider MapSearchProvider Specifies search provider available providers: OSM, MAPQUEST, PHOTON, PELIAS, BING, OPENCAGE search.api-key string Specifies API key if required search.autocomplete false Using this item, you can toggle autocomplete feature for search box search.autocomplete-min-length The minimum number of characters to trigger search search.autocomplete-timeout The minimum number of ms to wait before triggering search action search.language string en-US Specifies preferable language search.placeholder string Search for an address Specifies placeholder for text input search.box-type MapSearchBoxType TEXT_FIELD Specifies type of search box. available types: BUTTON, TEXT_FIELD search.limit Specifies limit of results search.keep-open false Specifies whether the results keep opened transform.enable Using this item, you can toggle transforming polygons maps transform.scale Using this property, you can toggle scaling features transform.scale Using this property, you can toggle rotating features transform.stretch Using this property, you can enable/disable stretch option

    Capture Screenshot

    Utilizing this method enables the capture of a screenshot that mirrors the current state of the map field, subsequently saving it to the filesystem. It is important to note that this feature is experimental and its performance may vary. The underlying mechanism operates by generating an image on the client's machine each time the client/admin modifies the map field state. Subsequently, this image is transmitted to the server, where it is then stored in the filesystem.

    To enable this feature, you must first add the capture method to your map field. This method accepts a single argument, which is an instance of the Capture class.

    namespace App \ Nova \ Resources ; use App \ Nova \ Resource ; use Illuminate \ Http \ Request ; use Laravel \ Nova \ Fields \ ID ; use Laravel \ Nova \ Fields \ Image ; use App \ Models \ Location as Model ; use Mostafaznv \ NovaMapField \ DTOs \ Capture ; use Mostafaznv \ NovaMapField \ Fields \ MapPointField ; class Location extends Resource public static string $ model = Model ::class; public function fields ( Request $ request ): array return [ ID :: make ()-> sortable (), MapPointField :: make (trans( 'Location' ), 'location' ) -> capture ( Capture :: make ( 'location_screenshot' , 600 , 600 ) -> disk ( 'location' ) -> maxZoom ( 9 ) -> padding ([ 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ]) -> nearest ( true ) -> prunable ( true ) Image :: make (trans( 'Location Screenshot' ), 'location_screenshot' ) -> disk ( 'location' ) -> prunable () -> exceptOnForms (),


    Activating this feature is as straightforward as calling the static make function of Capture . Nevertheless, for those seeking to tailor the behavior of this functionality, alternative methods are available for customization.

    Using Spatial Columns over Application

    This package uses Laravel Eloquent Spatial under the hood. to use columns and querying them over the application, please read Laravel Eloquent Spatial documentation


    Transform Polygons

    To transform polygons, You should press Alt (Option ) button and drag that polygon everywhere you want.

    Select Polygons

    To select polygons (and modify them), You can press Alt (Option ) button and then click on the polygon. By pressing the Alt (Option ) key, drawing mode will be disabled, and you can select every polygon you want.

    Complete Example

    namespace App \ Nova \ Resources ; use App \ Nova \ Resource ; use Illuminate \ Http \ Request ; use Laravel \ Nova \ Fields \ ID ; use Laravel \ Nova \ Fields \ Text ; use App \ Models \ Location as Model ; use Mostafaznv \ NovaMapField \ DTOs \ Capture ; use Mostafaznv \ NovaMapField \ DTOs \ PointValue ; use Mostafaznv \ NovaMapField \ Enums \ MapSearchBoxType ; use Mostafaznv \ NovaMapField \ Enums \ MapSearchProvider ; use Mostafaznv \ NovaMapField \ Fields \ MapPointField ; class Location extends Resource public static string $ model = Model ::class; public function fields ( Request $ request ): array return [ ID :: make ()-> sortable (), Text :: make ( 'Title' ) -> sortable () -> rules ( 'required' , 'max:255' ), MapPointField :: make (trans( 'Location' ), 'location' ) -> templateUrl ( 'https://{a-c}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' ) -> projection ( 'EPSG:3857' ) -> srid ( 3857 ) -> defaultLatitude ( 35.6978527 ) -> defaultLongitude ( 51.4037269 ) -> zoom ( 14 ) -> withoutZoomControl () -> withoutZoomSlider () -> withoutUndoControl () -> withFullScreenControl () -> mapHeight ( 360 ) -> hideDetailButton ( false ) -> markerIcon ( 3 ) -> searchProvider ( MapSearchProvider :: OSM ) -> searchProviderApiKey ( 'api-key' ) -> withAutocompleteSearch () -> searchAutocompleteMinLength ( 4 ) -> searchAutocompleteTimeout ( 500 ) -> searchLanguage ( 'fa-IR' ) -> searchPlaceholder ( 'Placeholder ...' ) -> searchBoxType ( MapSearchBoxType :: BUTTON ) -> searchResultLimit ( 3 ) -> searchResultKeepOpen ( true ) -> withTransformation () -> transformScale () -> transformRotate () -> transformStretch () -> required () -> requiredOnCreate () -> requiredOnUpdate () -> stacked () -> capture ( Capture :: make ( 'location_screenshot' , 600 , 600 ) -> disk ( 'location' ) -> maxZoom ( 9 ) -> padding ([ 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ]) -> nearest ( true ) -> prunable ( true ) -> default ( PointValue :: make ( 51.5887845 , 4.7760237 )


    From 3.* to 4.*

  • Support for matanyadaev/laravel-eloquent-spatial versions 2 and 3 has been dropped. The package now exclusively supports version 4 and higher.
  • The HasSpatialColumns trait has been removed from the package. Instead, use the HasSpatial trait from the laravel-eloquent-spatial package.
  • Both MapSearchBoxType and MapSearchProvider custom enums have been refactored and are now located in the Mostafaznv\NovaMapField\Enums namespace, utilizing PHP 8.1 enums. This update affects:
  • The searchBoxType and searchProvider methods across all map field types (MapPointField, MapPolygonField, MapMultiPolygonField)
  • The configuration file properties search.box-type and search.provider .
  • I am on an open-source journey 🚀, and I wish I could solely focus on my development path without worrying about my financial situation. However, as life is not perfect, I have to consider other factors.

    Therefore, if you decide to use my packages, please kindly consider making a donation. Any amount, no matter how small, goes a long way and is greatly appreciated. 🍺


    This software is released under The MIT License (MIT) .
