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  • rosparam
    • diamondback: Only showing information from the released package extracted on Unknown. No API documentation available. Please see this page for information on how to submit your repository to our index.

    • electric: Documentation generated on March 02, 2013 at 01:23 PM

    • fuerte: Documentation generated on December 28, 2013 at 05:36 PM

    • groovy: Documentation generated on October 06, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    • hydro: Documentation generated on August 28, 2015 at 12:33 PM ( doc job ).

    • indigo: Documentation generated on June 07, 2019 at 04:56 AM ( doc job ).

    • jade: Documentation generated on March 07, 2017 at 11:33 AM ( doc job ).

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    • lunar: Documentation generated on February 03, 2019 at 11:23 AM ( doc job ).

    • melodic: Documentation generated on March 01, 2022 at 07:25 AM ( doc job ).

    • noetic: Documentation generated on September 14, 2024 at 10:54 AM ( doc job ).

    ros_comm : cpp_common | message_filters | perf_roscpp | rosbag | rosbagmigration | rosconsole | roscore_migration_rules | roscpp | roscpp_serialization | roscpp_traits | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosrecord | rosservice | rostest | rostime | rostopic | roswtf | std_msgs | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

    Package Summary

    rosparam contains the rosparam command-line tool for getting and setting ROS Parameters on the Parameter Server using YAML-encoded files. It also contains an experimental library for using YAML with the Parameter Server. This library is intended for internal use only. rosparam can be invoked within a roslaunch file.

    ros_comm : cpp_common | message_filters | perf_roscpp | rosbag | rosbagmigration | rosconsole | roscore_migration_rules | roscpp | roscpp_serialization | roscpp_traits | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostime | rostopic | roswtf | std_msgs | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

    Package Summary

    rosparam contains the rosparam command-line tool for getting and setting ROS Parameters on the Parameter Server using YAML-encoded files. It also contains an experimental library for using YAML with the Parameter Server. This library is intended for internal use only. rosparam can be invoked within a roslaunch file.

    ros_comm : message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

    Package Summary

    ros_comm : message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

    Package Summary

    ros_comm : message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

    Package Summary

    ros_comm : message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

    Package Summary

    ros_comm : message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

    Package Summary

    ros_comm : message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

    Package Summary

    ros_comm : message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

    Package Summary

    ros_comm : message_filters | ros | rosbag | rosconsole | roscpp | rosgraph | rosgraph_msgs | roslaunch | roslisp | rosmaster | rosmsg | rosnode | rosout | rosparam | rospy | rosservice | rostest | rostopic | roswtf | std_srvs | topic_tools | xmlrpcpp

    Package Summary

    YAML Format

    YAML is a lightweight markup language that supports all parameter types. For more on YAML, see the YAML 1.2 spec . For tips on entering YAML in at the command-line, please see the YAML command line guide.

    rosparam uses a 1-to-1 correspondence between Parameter Server types and YAML types. For example:

    string: 'foo'
    integer: 1234
    float: 1234.5
    boolean: true
    list: [1.0, mixed list]
    dictionary: {a: b, c: d}

    YAML dictionaries can occur as the argument to the load and set commands of rosparam . Dictionaries in this context are interpreted differently from namespace dictionaries that are set as the value of a parameter (e.g. from a C++ or Python node). Instead of replacing a parameter namespace, dictionaries in rosparam are unpacked into individual parameters to be set on the Parameter Server. Thus, rosparam dictionaries can be thought of as adding new values to a parameter namespace.

    There are also special converters for angle radian/degree representations. Any Python-legal mathematical expression can be used with the radian value, with pi used to represent pi.

    angle1: rad(2*pi)
    angle2: deg(180)


    angle1: !degrees 181.0
    angle2: !radians 3.14169

    In either case, the angle value is converted to radians (float).

    roslaunch API

    The <rosparam> tag enables the use of the rosparam tool for loading and dumping parameters encoded in YAML files. The <rosparam> tag can be put inside of a <node> tag, in which case the parameter is treated like a private name .

    rosparam command-line tool

    The rosparam tool enables command-line setting and getting of parameters as well as loading and dumping Parameter Server state to a file. The currently supported commands are:

    rosparam set    set parameter
    rosparam get    get parameter
    rosparam load   load parameters from file
    rosparam dump   dump parameters to file
    rosparam delete delete parameter
    rosparam list   list parameter names

    Command-line arguments to rosparam obey the ROS_NAMESPACE environment variable (see Environment Variables ). Parameter names that are not globally specified are resolved with respect to ROS_NAMESPACE .

    NOTE: get and dump are essentially the same command, as are set and load , with the only difference being whether or not a file is used.

    rosparam list

    • list

      • list all parameter names.

        $ rosparam list

      list <namespace>

      • list all parameters in a particular namespace.

        $ rosparam list /namespace

    rosparam get

    • get <parameter-name>

      • Get a parameter value.

        $ rosparam get parameter_name


      • Pretty-print output. WARNING: this is not YAML-safe .


      • Show verbose output.

    rosparam set

    • set <parameter-name> [parameter-value]

      • Set a parameter to a value. parameter-value is required unless --textfile or --binfile are specified.

        $ rosparam set parameter_name value

        NOTE: if parameter value is a dictionary, this will add to the currently set values.

      • Examples :

        • Setting a list with one as a string, integer, and float:

          $ rosparam set /foo "['1', 1, 1.0]"

          Setting an entire namespace of parameters using a YAML dictionary:

          $ rosparam set /gains "p: 1.0
          i: 1.0
          d: 1.0"


      • Show verbose output.

      -t <text_file>, --textfile <text_file> New in Diamondback

      • Set parameter to contents of text file.

      -b <binary_file>, --binfile <binary_file> New in Diamondback

      • Set parameter to contents of binary file. Parameter Server will store value as an XML-RPC Binary type (Base 64 encoded).

    rosparam delete

    • delete <parameter-name>

      • Delete a parameter value.

        $ rosparam delete parameter_name 


      • Show verbose output.

    rosparam dump

    • dump <file>

      • Dump the YAML-formatted contents of the Parameter Server to a file.

        $ rosparam dump dump.yaml

      dump <file> <namespace>

      • Dump only the the parameters in the specified namespace.

        $ rosparam dump dump.yaml /namespace


      • Verbose output. e.g.:

        $ rosparam dump -v gains.yaml /gains
        dumping namespace [/gains] to file [gains.yaml]

    rosparam load

    • load <yaml-file> [namespace]

      • Load parameters from a YAML file into the specified [namespace] (defaults to / ). NOTE: this will add to the currently set values.

        $ rosparam load dump.yaml


      • Show verbose output.


    rosparam is a stable command-line tool within the ROS core toolchain. No major feature development is currently scheduled for this tool.

    See Also

    Wiki: rosparam (last edited 2014-06-29 15:37:55 by AshutoshNirala )