  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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How to Scroll to an Element in React

Scrolling to an element or location on a page can help improve a user’s experience by directing them immediately to their area of interest, whether that’s deep in the page or simply back to the top of a page.

To help with this, we can use native browser APIs right inside of React that allow us to programmatically jump and smooth scroll for our visitor.

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Browser APIs Available for Scrolling

Browsers largely support a few different methods of scrolling to different parts of the page using native APIs.

The ones we’ll cover include:

<button onClick={() => {
  const element = document.getElementById('my-section');
    behavior: 'smooth'
  Jump to My Section

This can be particularly handy if you’re propagating events to a parent element or if the data is loading dynamically making it challenging to add a ref to every instance.

Part 2: Scrolling to the Top of the Page with scroll & scrollTo

Scrolling to the top of the page isn’t necessarily an element, but it’s a location on the page that’s typically marked by an element.

Historically, one way of providing a “Jump to Top” link was to use an anchor link and a fragment, which works well, but requires a little extra markup.

That works according to spec :

<button onClick={() => {
  const element = document.getElementById('my-section');
  if ( !element ) return;
    top: element.offsetTop - 20,
    behavior: 'smooth'
  Jump to My Section

Removing 20 gives us a nice little bit of padding before the element so the header isn’t completely hugging the top of the page.