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var xml = [];
var Question = "Foo";
xml[xml.length] = "<text><![CDATA[<p>"+Question+"<br></p>]]\></text>";
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FWIW — it's maybe related, maybe it's not: I also had some problems with the ESTK, InDesign CS5 and a ![CDATA-error.
If I ran a script on an InDesign Table object and tried to read out or to assign its contents value the ESTK always throws an error: "![CDATA"
However if I ran the script from InDesign CS5, no error was thrown. That specific error went away with the CS6 version of the ESTK.
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ESTK passes the script to Indesign (using BridgeTalk) as a xml object, with the actual javascript code embedded in a CDATA, so it seems that is he root of the problem (the "inner", script embedded CDATA tag is not escaped).
However, i just tested again the code using ESTK CC, and both original snippets seem to work just fine.
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