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JSON functions and operators #

The SQL standard describes functions and operators to process JSON data. They allow you to access JSON data according to its structure, generate JSON data, and store it persistently in SQL tables.

Importantly, the SQL standard imposes that there is no dedicated data type to represent JSON data in SQL. Instead, JSON data is represented as character or binary strings. Although Trino supports JSON type, it is not used or produced by the following functions.

Trino supports three functions for querying JSON data: json_exists , json_query , and json_value . Each of them is based on the same mechanism of exploring and processing JSON input using JSON path.

Trino also supports two functions for generating JSON data – json_array , and json_object .

JSON path language #

The JSON path language is a special language, used exclusively by certain SQL operators to specify the query to perform on the JSON input. Although JSON path expressions are embedded in SQL queries, their syntax significantly differs from SQL. The semantics of predicates, operators, etc. in JSON path expressions generally follow the semantics of SQL. The JSON path language is case-sensitive for keywords and identifiers.

JSON path syntax and semantics #

JSON path expressions are recursive structures. Although the name “path” suggests a linear sequence of operations going step by step deeper into the JSON structure, a JSON path expression is in fact a tree. It can access the input JSON item multiple times, in multiple ways, and combine the results. Moreover, the result of a JSON path expression is not a single item, but an ordered sequence of items. Each of the sub-expressions takes one or more input sequences, and returns a sequence as the result.

In the lax mode, most path operations first unnest all JSON arrays in the input sequence. Any divergence from this rule is mentioned in the following listing. Path modes are explained in JSON path modes .

The JSON path language features are divided into: literals, variables, arithmetic binary expressions, arithmetic unary expressions, and a group of operators collectively known as accessors.

literals #

  • numeric literals

    They include exact and approximate numbers, and are interpreted as if they were SQL values.

    -1, 1.2e3, NaN
  • string literals

    They are enclosed in double quotes.

    "Some text"
  • boolean literals

  • true, false
  • null literal

    It has the semantics of the JSON null, not of SQL null. See Comparison rules.

  • current item variable

    It is used inside the filter expression to refer to the currently processed item from the input sequence.

  • last subscript variable

    It refers to the last index of the innermost enclosing array. Array indexes in JSON path expressions are zero-based.

    arithmetic binary expressions#

    The JSON path language supports five arithmetic binary operators:

    <path1> + <path2>
    <path1> - <path2>
    <path1> * <path2>
    <path1> / <path2>
    <path1> % <path2>

    Both operands, <path1> and <path2>, are evaluated to sequences of items. For arithmetic binary operators, each input sequence must contain a single numeric item. The arithmetic operation is performed according to SQL semantics, and it returns a sequence containing a single element with the result.

    The operators follow the same precedence rules as in SQL arithmetic operations, and parentheses can be used for grouping.

    arithmetic unary expressions#

    + <path>
    - <path>

    The operand <path> is evaluated to a sequence of items. Every item must be a numeric value. The unary plus or minus is applied to every item in the sequence, following SQL semantics, and the results form the returned sequence.

    member accessor#

    The member accessor returns the value of the member with the specified key for each JSON object in the input sequence.


    The condition when a JSON object does not have such a member is called a structural error. In the lax mode, it is suppressed, and the faulty object is excluded from the result.

    Let <path> return a sequence of three JSON objects:

    {"customer" : 100, "region" : "AFRICA"},
    {"region" : "ASIA"},
    {"customer" : 300, "region" : "AFRICA", "comment" : null}

    the expression <path>.customer succeeds in the first and the third object, but the second object lacks the required member. In strict mode, path evaluation fails. In lax mode, the second object is silently skipped, and the resulting sequence is 100, 300.

    All items in the input sequence must be JSON objects.

    Trino does not support JSON objects with duplicate keys.

    wildcard member accessor#

    Returns values from all key-value pairs for each JSON object in the input sequence. All the partial results are concatenated into the returned sequence.


    Let <path> return a sequence of three JSON objects:

    {"customer" : 100, "region" : "AFRICA"},
    {"region" : "ASIA"},
    {"customer" : 300, "region" : "AFRICA", "comment" : null}

    The results is:

    100, "AFRICA", "ASIA", 300, "AFRICA", null

    All items in the input sequence must be JSON objects.

    The order of values returned from a single JSON object is arbitrary. The sub-sequences from all JSON objects are concatenated in the same order in which the JSON objects appear in the input sequence.

    descendant member accessor#

    Returns the values associated with the specified key in all JSON objects on all levels of nesting in the input sequence.


    The order of returned values is that of preorder depth first search. First, the enclosing object is visited, and then all child nodes are visited.

    This method does not perform array unwrapping in the lax mode. The results are the same in the lax and strict modes. The method traverses into JSON arrays and JSON objects. Non-structural JSON items are skipped.

    Let <path> be a sequence containing a JSON object:

    "id" : 1, "notes" : [{"type" : 1, "comment" : "foo"}, {"type" : 2, "comment" : null}], "comment" : ["bar", "baz"]
    <path>..comment --> ["bar", "baz"], "foo", null

    array accessor#

    Returns the elements at the specified indexes for each JSON array in the input sequence. Indexes are zero-based.

    <path>[ <subscripts> ]

    The <subscripts> list contains one or more subscripts. Each subscript specifies a single index or a range (ends inclusive):

    <path>[<path1>, <path2> to <path3>, <path4>,...]

    In lax mode, any non-array items resulting from the evaluation of the input sequence are wrapped into single-element arrays. Note that this is an exception to the rule of automatic array wrapping.

    Each array in the input sequence is processed in the following way:

  • The variable last is set to the last index of the array.

  • All subscript indexes are computed in order of declaration. For a singleton subscript <path1>, the result must be a singleton numeric item. For a range subscript <path2> to <path3>, two numeric items are expected.

  • The specified array elements are added in order to the output sequence.

  • Let <path> return a sequence of three JSON arrays:

    [0, 1, 2], ["a", "b", "c", "d"], [null, null]

    The following expression returns a sequence containing the last element from every array:

    <path>[last] --> 2, "d", null

    The following expression returns the third and fourth element from every array:

    <path>[2 to 3] --> 2, "c", "d"

    Note that the first array does not have the fourth element, and the last array does not have the third or fourth element. Accessing non-existent elements is a structural error. In strict mode, it causes the path expression to fail. In lax mode, such errors are suppressed, and only the existing elements are returned.

    Another example of a structural error is an improper range specification such as 5 to 3.

    Note that the subscripts may overlap, and they do not need to follow the element order. The order in the returned sequence follows the subscripts:

    <path>[1, 0, 0] --> 1, 0, 0, "b", "a", "a", null, null, null

    wildcard array accessor#

    Returns all elements of each JSON array in the input sequence.


    In lax mode, any non-array items resulting from the evaluation of the input sequence are wrapped into single-element arrays. Note that this is an exception to the rule of automatic array wrapping.

    The output order follows the order of the original JSON arrays. Also, the order of elements within the arrays is preserved.

    Let <path> return a sequence of three JSON arrays:

    [0, 1, 2], ["a", "b", "c", "d"], [null, null]
    <path>[*] --> 0, 1, 2, "a", "b", "c", "d", null, null


    Retrieves the items from the input sequence which satisfy the predicate.

    <path>?( <predicate> )

    JSON path predicates are syntactically similar to boolean expressions in SQL. However, the semantics are different in many aspects:

  • They operate on sequences of items.

  • They have their own error handling (they never fail).

  • They behave different depending on the lax or strict mode.

  • The predicate evaluates to true, false, or unknown. Note that some predicate expressions involve nested JSON path expression. When evaluating the nested path, the variable @ refers to the currently examined item from the input sequence.

    The following predicate expressions are supported:

  • Conjunction

  • <predicate1> && <predicate2>
  • Disjunction

  • <predicate1> || <predicate2>
  • Negation

  • ! <predicate>
  • exists predicate

  • exists( <path> )

    Returns true if the nested path evaluates to a non-empty sequence, and false when the nested path evaluates to an empty sequence. If the path evaluation throws an error, returns unknown.

  • starts with predicate

  • <path> starts with "Some text"
    <path> starts with $variable

    The nested <path> must evaluate to a sequence of textual items, and the other operand must evaluate to a single textual item. If evaluating of either operand throws an error, the result is unknown. All items from the sequence are checked for starting with the right operand. The result is true if a match is found, otherwise false. However, if any of the comparisons throws an error, the result in the strict mode is unknown. The result in the lax mode depends on whether the match or the error was found first.

  • is unknown predicate

  • ( <predicate> ) is unknown

    Returns true if the nested predicate evaluates to unknown, and false otherwise.

  • Comparisons

  • <path1> == <path2>
    <path1> <> <path2>
    <path1> != <path2>
    <path1> < <path2>
    <path1> > <path2>
    <path1> <= <path2>
    <path1> >= <path2>

    Both operands of a comparison evaluate to sequences of items. If either evaluation throws an error, the result is unknown. Items from the left and right sequence are then compared pairwise. Similarly to the starts with predicate, the result is true if any of the comparisons returns true, otherwise false. However, if any of the comparisons throws an error, for example because the compared types are not compatible, the result in the strict mode is unknown. The result in the lax mode depends on whether the true comparison or the error was found first.

    Comparison rules#

    Null values in the context of comparison behave different than SQL null:

  • null == null –> true

  • null != null, null < null, … –> false

  • null compared to a scalar value –> false

  • null compared to a JSON array or a JSON object –> false

  • When comparing two scalar values, true or false is returned if the comparison is successfully performed. The semantics of the comparison is the same as in SQL. In case of an error, e.g. comparing text and number, unknown is returned.

    Comparing a scalar value with a JSON array or a JSON object, and comparing JSON arrays/objects is an error, so unknown is returned.

    Examples of filter#

    Let <path> return a sequence of three JSON objects:

    {"customer" : 100, "region" : "AFRICA"},
    {"region" : "ASIA"},
    {"customer" : 300, "region" : "AFRICA", "comment" : null}
    <path>?(@.region != "ASIA") --> {"customer" : 100, "region" : "AFRICA"},
                                    {"customer" : 300, "region" : "AFRICA", "comment" : null}
    <path>?(!exists(@.customer)) --> {"region" : "ASIA"}

    The following accessors are collectively referred to as item methods.


    Converts numeric or text values into double values.


    Let <path> return a sequence -1, 23e4, "5.6":

    <path>.double() --> -1e0, 23e4, 5.6e0

    ceiling(), floor(), and abs()#

    Gets the ceiling, the floor or the absolute value for every numeric item in the sequence. The semantics of the operations is the same as in SQL.

    Let <path> return a sequence -1.5, -1, 1.3:

    <path>.ceiling() --> -1.0, -1, 2.0
    <path>.floor() --> -2.0, -1, 1.0
    <path>.abs() --> 1.5, 1, 1.3


    Returns a collection of JSON objects including one object per every member of the original object for every JSON object in the sequence.


    The returned objects have three members:

  • “name”, which is the original key,

  • “value”, which is the original bound value,

  • “id”, which is the unique number, specific to an input object.

  • Let <path> be a sequence of three JSON objects:

    {"customer" : 100, "region" : "AFRICA"},
    {"region" : "ASIA"},
    {"customer" : 300, "region" : "AFRICA", "comment" : null}
    <path>.keyvalue() --> {"name" : "customer", "value" : 100, "id" : 0},
                          {"name" : "region", "value" : "AFRICA", "id" : 0},
                          {"name" : "region", "value" : "ASIA", "id" : 1},
                          {"name" : "customer", "value" : 300, "id" : 2},
                          {"name" : "region", "value" : "AFRICA", "id" : 2},
                          {"name" : "comment", "value" : null, "id" : 2}

    It is required that all items in the input sequence are JSON objects.

    The order of the returned values follows the order of the original JSON objects. However, within objects, the order of returned entries is arbitrary.


    Returns a textual value containing the type name for every item in the sequence.


    This method does not perform array unwrapping in the lax mode.

    The returned values are:

  • "null" for JSON null,

  • "number" for a numeric item,

  • "string" for a textual item,

  • "boolean" for a boolean item,

  • "date" for an item of type date,

  • "time without time zone" for an item of type time,

  • "time with time zone" for an item of type time with time zone,

  • "timestamp without time zone" for an item of type timestamp,

  • "timestamp with time zone" for an item of type timestamp with time zone,

  • "array" for JSON array,

  • "object" for JSON object,

  • size()#

    Returns a numeric value containing the size for every JSON array in the sequence.


    This method does not perform array unwrapping in the lax mode. Instead, all non-array items are wrapped in singleton JSON arrays, so their size is 1.

    It is required that all items in the input sequence are JSON arrays.

    Let <path> return a sequence of three JSON arrays:

    [0, 1, 2], ["a", "b", "c", "d"], [null, null]
    <path>.size() --> 3, 4, 2


    The SQL standard describes the datetime() JSON path item method and the like_regex() JSON path predicate. Trino does not support them.

    JSON path modes#

    The JSON path expression can be evaluated in two modes: strict and lax. In the strict mode, it is required that the input JSON data strictly fits the schema required by the path expression. In the lax mode, the input JSON data can diverge from the expected schema.

    The following table shows the differences between the two modes.

    Performing an operation which requires a non-array on an array, e.g.:

    $.key requires a JSON object

    $.floor() requires a numeric value


    The array is automatically unnested, and the operation is performed on each array element.

    Performing an operation which requires an array on an non-array, e.g.:

    $[0], $[*], $.size()


    The non-array item is automatically wrapped in a singleton array, and the operation is performed on the array.

    A structural error: accessing a non-existent element of an array or a non-existent member of a JSON object, e.g.:

    $[-1] (array index out of bounds)

    $.key, where the input JSON object does not have a member key


    The error is suppressed, and the operation results in an empty sequence.

    Examples of the lax mode behavior#

    Let <path> return a sequence of three items, a JSON array, a JSON object, and a scalar numeric value:

    [1, "a", null], {"key1" : 1.0, "key2" : true}, -2e3

    The following example shows the wildcard array accessor in the lax mode. The JSON array returns all its elements, while the JSON object and the number are wrapped in singleton arrays and then unnested, so effectively they appear unchanged in the output sequence:

    <path>[*] --> 1, "a", null, {"key1" : 1.0, "key2" : true}, -2e3

    When calling the size() method, the JSON object and the number are also wrapped in singleton arrays:

    <path>.size() --> 3, 1, 1

    In some cases, the lax mode cannot prevent failure. In the following example, even though the JSON array is unwrapped prior to calling the floor() method, the item "a" causes type mismatch.

    <path>.floor() --> ERROR


    The json_exists function determines whether a JSON value satisfies a JSON path specification.

        json_input [ FORMAT JSON [ ENCODING { UTF8 | UTF16 | UTF32 } ] ],
        [ PASSING json_argument [, ...] ]

    The json_path is evaluated using the json_input as the context variable ($), and the passed arguments as the named variables ($variable_name). The returned value is true if the path returns a non-empty sequence, and false if the path returns an empty sequence. If an error occurs, the returned value depends on the ON ERROR clause. The default value returned ON ERROR is FALSE. The ON ERROR clause is applied for the following kinds of errors:

  • Input conversion errors, such as malformed JSON

  • JSON path evaluation errors, e.g. division by zero

  • json_input is a character string or a binary string. It should contain a single JSON item. For a binary string, you can specify encoding.

    json_path is a string literal, containing the path mode specification, and the path expression, following the syntax rules described in JSON path syntax and semantics.

    'strict ($.price + $.tax)?(@ > 99.9)'
    'lax $[0 to 1].floor()?(@ > 10)'

    In the PASSING clause you can pass arbitrary expressions to be used by the path expression.

    PASSING orders.totalprice AS O_PRICE,
            orders.tax % 10 AS O_TAX

    The passed parameters can be referenced in the path expression by named variables, prefixed with $.

    'lax $?(@.price > $O_PRICE || @.tax > $O_TAX)'

    Additionally to SQL values, you can pass JSON values, specifying the format and optional encoding:

    PASSING orders.json_desc FORMAT JSON AS o_desc,
            orders.binary_record FORMAT JSON ENCODING UTF16 AS o_rec

    Note that the JSON path language is case-sensitive, while the unquoted SQL identifiers are upper-cased. Therefore, it is recommended to use quoted identifiers in the PASSING clause:

    'lax $.$KeyName' PASSING nation.name AS KeyName --> ERROR; no passed value found
    'lax $.$KeyName' PASSING nation.name AS "KeyName" --> correct


    Let customers be a table containing two columns: id:bigint, description:varchar.


    ‘{“comment” : “nice”, “children” : [10, 13, 16]}’

    ‘{“comment” : “problematic”, “children” : [8, 11]}’

    ‘{“comment” : “knows best”, “children” : [2]}’

    The following query checks which customers have children above the age of 10:

                      'lax $.children[*]?(@ > 10)'
                     ) AS children_above_ten
    FROM customers

    In the following query, the path mode is strict. We check the third child for each customer. This should cause a structural error for the customers who do not have three or more children. This error is handled according to the ON ERROR clause.

                      'strict $.children[2]?(@ > 10)'
                      UNKNOWN ON ERROR
                     ) AS child_3_above_ten
    FROM customers

    The json_query function extracts a JSON value from a JSON value.

        json_input [ FORMAT JSON [ ENCODING { UTF8 | UTF16 | UTF32 } ] ],
        [ PASSING json_argument [, ...] ]
        [ RETURNING type [ FORMAT JSON [ ENCODING { UTF8 | UTF16 | UTF32 } ] ] ]

    The constant string json_path is evaluated using the json_input as the context variable ($), and the passed arguments as the named variables ($variable_name).

    The returned value is a JSON item returned by the path. By default, it is represented as a character string (varchar). In the RETURNING clause, you can specify other character string type or varbinary. With varbinary, you can also specify the desired encoding.

    json_input is a character string or a binary string. It should contain a single JSON item. For a binary string, you can specify encoding.

    json_path is a string literal, containing the path mode specification, and the path expression, following the syntax rules described in JSON path syntax and semantics.

    'strict $.keyvalue()?(@.name == $cust_id)'
    'lax $[5 to last]'

    In the PASSING clause you can pass arbitrary expressions to be used by the path expression.

    PASSING orders.custkey AS CUST_ID

    The passed parameters can be referenced in the path expression by named variables, prefixed with $.

    'strict $.keyvalue()?(@.value == $CUST_ID)'

    Additionally to SQL values, you can pass JSON values, specifying the format and optional encoding:

    PASSING orders.json_desc FORMAT JSON AS o_desc,
            orders.binary_record FORMAT JSON ENCODING UTF16 AS o_rec

    Note that the JSON path language is case-sensitive, while the unquoted SQL identifiers are upper-cased. Therefore, it is recommended to use quoted identifiers in the PASSING clause:

    'lax $.$KeyName' PASSING nation.name AS KeyName --> ERROR; no passed value found
    'lax $.$KeyName' PASSING nation.name AS "KeyName" --> correct

    The ARRAY WRAPPER clause lets you modify the output by wrapping the results in a JSON array. WITHOUT ARRAY WRAPPER is the default option. WITH CONDITIONAL ARRAY WRAPPER wraps every result which is not a singleton JSON array or JSON object. WITH UNCONDITIONAL ARRAY WRAPPER wraps every result.

    The QUOTES clause lets you modify the result for a scalar string by removing the double quotes being part of the JSON string representation.


    Let customers be a table containing two columns: id:bigint, description:varchar.


    ‘{“comment” : “nice”, “children” : [10, 13, 16]}’

    ‘{“comment” : “problematic”, “children” : [8, 11]}’

    ‘{“comment” : “knows best”, “children” : [2]}’

    The following query gets the children array for each customer:

                     'lax $.children'
                    ) AS children
    FROM customers

    The following query gets the collection of children for each customer. Note that the json_query function can only output a single JSON item. If you don’t use array wrapper, you get an error for every customer with multiple children. The error is handled according to the ON ERROR clause.

                     'lax $.children[*]'
                     WITHOUT ARRAY WRAPPER
                     NULL ON ERROR
                    ) AS children
    FROM customers

    The following query gets all children above the age of 12 for each customer, wrapped in a JSON array. The second and the third customer don’t have children of this age. Such case is handled according to the ON EMPTY clause. The default value returned ON EMPTY is NULL. In the following example, EMPTY ARRAY ON EMPTY is specified.

                     'strict $.children[*]?(@ > 12)'
                     WITH ARRAY WRAPPER
                     EMPTY ARRAY ON EMPTY
                    ) AS children
    FROM customers

    The following query shows the result of the QUOTES clause. Note that KEEP QUOTES is the default.

          json_query(description, 'strict $.comment' KEEP QUOTES) AS quoted_comment,
          json_query(description, 'strict $.comment' OMIT QUOTES) AS unquoted_comment
    FROM customers

    If an error occurs, the returned value depends on the
