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旅途中的小笼包 · 哈尔滨工程大学有保研资格吗_大学生必备网 5 月前 |
This looks like MS SQL. Have you applied all the patches? You could be getting hit by the Slammer virus every few weeks.
Check here for more information: http://www.microsoft.com/security/slammer.asp
At a minimum, make certain you have this patch applied to the server:
All slammer takes to clear out is a reboot... but it will be infected again a few days or weeks later if it isn't patched...
Also,FYI :we are using it for fail over and disaster recovery - Our product normally runs 100% on the same node.
my dumb question , is there anything like increasing the number of pipes?
please advice
(Anyone else want to jump on that one before tomorrow for an assist?)
In any event, I suspect if the system is working correctly for weeks at a time, without problems, and they SQL Server isn't patched, that you are getting infected every few weeks by the Slammer virus. You can look here: http://isc.sans.org at the volume of port 1434 traffic to see that Slammer and it's ilk are still alive and well on the net. :-( )
The number of pipes is fluid based on available resources.
let me get back with you on those, is there anyother information i need to ask for?
Appreciate your help!
They can check the patch level by running Query Analyzer and entering "SELECT @@VERSION"
Which will return a line which starts with: "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.818 (Intel X86) [...]"
Per http://www.tacktech.com/display.cfm?ttid=60
8.00.818 is the current version. If they are running a version before 8.00.760, you have reason to be concerned.
Answers :
All SQL Servers have been updated with the SLAMMR virus fix.
SP3 has been installed for sometime now.
The problem has only happened twice this year and we weren't
monitoring the CPU.
We don't run SQL Servers here on port 1433. The SQL Servers are all named
instances clustered via Veritas software. Which is the reason we had to use
the Named Pipe name in the connection string of the exporter. The Net Bios
name or the ip address will not work connecting to this SQL database, at
least we haven't been able to get it to work since moving off MS Cluster to