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This article covers what React objects are, how to create and render objects in React, object mutation and its best practices, destructuring objects, updating objects, and the use of event handlers with objects in React.

React objects are an integral part of React, which is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Essentially, they are JavaScript objects that represent a component in a React application. React objects are used to define the structure and behavior of a component, including its user interface and interactions with the user.

React objects are created using JavaScript, which allows developers to create reusable components that can be quickly composed and customized. This makes it easy to build complex and dynamic user interfaces without having to write large amounts of code from scratch.

Additionally, React objects are highly modular, meaning that they can be quickly composed and combined to create larger components. One of the key benefits of using React objects is that they allow for efficient and fast rendering of user interfaces. React uses a virtual Document Object Model (DOM) to keep track of changes to the UI and only updates the actual DOM when necessary. This results in a more performant and responsive user interface.

What We’ll Learn in This Article

  1. What React objects are and why they’re used in React applications
  2. The key concepts of React objects, state, props, JSX, rendering, updating and event handlers
  3. How to define a React component, store data in either state or props, define the UI using JSX and render the component to a DOM element
  4. How to update a React component by changing its state or props and handle user interactions with event handlers
  5. How to reuse a React component in other parts of an application by creating an instance of the component and passing data using props

By the end of the article, users will have a solid understanding of React objects and how to use them to build dynamic user interfaces. They will also have the knowledge and skills to create and manage components in a React application.


  • A basic understanding of HTML and CSS is necessary to understand the structure and styling of a user interface.
  • JavaScript, the primary programming language used in React, requires a basic understanding of JavaScript syntax and programming concepts.
  • It is essential to understand what components are and how they are used to create complex user interfaces.
  • A basic understanding of web development concepts, such as the DOM, is necessary.

State and Props

React objects use two key concepts—state and props—to store and pass data between components. Props are used to pass data from a parent component to a child component, while state is used to store data that can change within a component. When creating a React object, you can define its initial state, and then use setState() to update its state when data changes.

The component will automatically re-render when its state changes, allowing you to easily build dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Props, on the other hand, are used to pass data from a parent component to a child component. This allows you to easily reuse components and customize their behavior based on the data passed to them.

What are Objects and How Do We Use Them?

In JavaScript, objects are data structures that can store collections of key-value pairs. Objects can hold various data types, including strings, numbers, arrays and other objects, and allow you to model complex data structures and relationships. Objects are created using the object literal syntax, {} , or using the object constructor, new Object() .

The keys in an object are called properties, and the values are referred to as the property values.

Objects can be manipulated using dot notation, . , or square bracket notation, [] , to access, add, modify or remove properties. They are a crucial aspect of JavaScript programming and are used to represent real-world entities or abstract data structures in your code.

An example of an object in JavaScript could be a person, which can be represented as:

const person = {
 name: 'John Doe',
 age: 30,
 address: {
  street: '123 Main St',
  city: 'Anytown',
  state: 'Anystate'
 greet: function() {
  console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}`);

In this example, the person object has four properties: name, age, address and greet. The address property is an object within the person object, while greet is a function, also known as a method. To access the properties and methods of an object, you use dot notation.

console.log(person.name); // Output: "John Doe"
person.greet();      // Output: "Hello, my name is John Doe"

Another example of an object in JavaScript could be a car, which can be represented as:

const car = {
 make: 'Toyota',
 model: 'Camry',
 year: 2020,
 startEngine: function() {
  console.log('Vroom! The engine is now running.');

In this example, the car object has four properties: make , model , year and startEngine . The startEngine property is a function that logs a message to the console when the engine is started.

React objects can be created using either class-based components or functional components. Here’s an example of a simple object with values in it using a functional component.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
const Person = () => {
 const [person, setPerson] = useState({
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 30,
  job: 'Developer'
 return (
   <p>Name: {person.name}</p>
   <p>Age: {person.age}</p>
   <p>Job: {person.job}</p>
export default Person;

In this example, we use the useState hook to create a person object that includes the person’s name, age and job. The useState hook returns an array with two elements, the first being the current state value, and the second being a function to update it. In this case, we use destructuring to assign person as the current state value and setPerson as the function to update it.

The return() method uses the values stored in the person object to display the person’s information in the UI. It is noticeable that the person object is created and managed using the useState hook, which is a simpler way to manage the state in functional components.

Access Objects in React

In React, you can access object properties in a few different ways, including:

  1. Dot notation: You can use dot notation to access object properties. For example, if you have an object named person with a property name , you can access the name using person.name .
const person = {
 name: 'John Doe',
 age: 30,
 job: 'Developer'
console.log(person.name); // Output: 'John Doe'
  1. Bracket notation: You can also access object properties using bracket notation. It is useful when you access properties whose names are stored in variables, like so: object['property'] .
const person = {
 name: 'John Doe',
 age: 30,
 job: 'Developer'
const property = 'name';
console.log(person[property]); // Output: 'John Doe'

Object Mutation

In JavaScript, objects are mutable, meaning their properties can be changed after they are created. There are several ways to mutate objects, including:

  1. Direct assignment: You can directly assign a new value to an object property, like so: object.property = newValue .
const person = {
 name: 'John Doe',
 age: 30,
 job: 'Developer'
person.age = 31;
console.log(person.age); // Output: 31
  1. Object.assign() : You can use the Object.assign() method to merge one or more objects into a new object. The first argument is the target object, and the rest of the arguments are the source objects.
const person = {
 name: 'John Doe',
 age: 30,
 job: 'Developer'
const updatedPerson = Object.assign({}, person, { age: 31 });
console.log(updatedPerson.age); // Output: 31
  1. Spread Operator: You can use the spread operator ( ... ) to create a new object with the properties of an existing object. This is often used in conjunction with Object.assign() or Object.create() .
const person = {
 name: 'John Doe',
 age: 30,
 job: 'Developer'
const updatedPerson = { ...person, age: 31 };
console.log(updatedPerson.age); // Output: 31

It is important to keep in mind that mutating objects directly can have unintended consequences, especially in complex applications. To avoid these problems, you should consider using immutability techniques, such as using Object.assign() or the spread operator to create new objects instead of changing existing ones.

In React, you should be careful when mutating objects because React uses an optimized render process that relies on immutability. If you mutate an object directly, React may not re-render your component even though the data has changed. To avoid this, you should use the setState() method to update your state objects.

Here’s an example of using setState() to update an object in React:

const Person = () => {
 const [person, setPerson] = useState({
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 30,
  job: 'Developer'
 const handleAgeChange = () => {
   age: person.age + 1
 return (
   <p>Name: {person.name}</p>
   <p>Age: {person.age}</p>
   <p>Job: {person.job}</p>
   <button onClick={handleAgeChange}>Increase Age</button>

In this code, the handleAgeChange function is used to increase the age property of the person object by one. To update the object, a new object is created using the spread operator ( ...person ) to preserve the original values, and then the age property is updated. Finally, the new object is passed to setPerson() to trigger a re-render of the component.

Destructuring Objects

Destructuring is a powerful feature in JavaScript that allows you to extract properties from an object and assign them to individual variables. This can make the code more readable and easier to understand, especially when working with complex objects in React. Here is an example of destructuring an object in React:

const person = {
 name: 'John Doe',
 age: 30,
 job: 'Developer'
const { name, age, job } = person;
console.log(name); // Output: John Doe
console.log(age); // Output: 30
console.log(job); // Output: Developer

In this example, we have an object called person with three properties: name , age and job . By using destructuring, we can extract these properties and assign them to individual variables.

In React, you can also use destructuring in functional components to extract properties from props or state. For example:

import React from 'react';
const Person = ({ name, age, job }) => (
  <p>Name: {name}</p>
  <p>Age: {age}</p>
  <p>Job: {job}</p>
export default Person;

In this example, we are using destructuring to extract the properties name , age and job from the props object and use them directly in our component. This makes our code more readable and easier to understand.

Rendering Components From Objects

Rendering components from objects in React involves mapping over an array of objects and rendering a component for each object. This is a common pattern when working with dynamic data in React. You can dynamically render components based on the data in an object. You can loop over the properties in an object and render a component for each item. Here’s an example of rendering components from an object in React:

import React from 'react';
const people = [
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 30,
  job: 'Developer'
  name: 'Jane Doe',
  age: 25,
  job: 'Designer'
  name: 'Jim Smith',
  age: 35,
  job: 'Engineer'
const PeopleList = () => (
  {people.map(person => (
   <Person key={person.name} name={person.name} age={person.age} job={person.job} />
const Person = ({ name, age, job }) => (
  <p>Name: {name}</p>
  <p>Age: {age}</p>
  <p>Job: {job}</p>
export default PeopleList;

In this example, we have an array of objects called people which represents a list of people. We use the map method to iterate over the people array and render a Person component for each object. Each Person component receives its own person object as props and displays the information specific to that person.

It is important to note that we are using a unique key for each component to help React keep track of the components and improve performance. Providing a unique key for each component in a list is considered a best practice.

Updating Objects

Updating JavaScript objects is an important aspect of working with data in JavaScript. An object can be updated by directly modifying its properties or by using various methods provided by the JavaScript language. Here is an example of how to update an object in JavaScript:

const person = {
 name: 'John Doe',
 age: 30,
 job: 'Developer'
person.age = person.age + 1;
// Output: { name: 'John Doe', age: 31, job: 'Developer' }

In this example, we are updating the age property of the person object by directly assigning a new value to it.

Another way to update an object is by using the Object.assign() method. This method creates a new object that is a combination of two or more objects. Here’s an example:

const person = {
 name: 'John Doe',
 age: 30,
 job: 'Developer'
const updatedPerson = Object.assign({}, person, { age: person.age + 1 });
// Output: { name: 'John Doe', age: 30, job: 'Developer' }
// Output: { name: 'John Doe', age: 31, job: 'Developer' }

In this example, the Object.assign() method creates a new object by combining the properties of the original person object and an object with an updated age property. The original person object remains unchanged. These are just a few of the ways to update an object in JavaScript. The important thing to remember is that objects are passed by reference, so directly modifying an object will change its original value. If you want to update an object without changing its original value, you should create a new object with the updated values.

Updating React objects involves changing the values of the properties in an object and re-rendering the component to reflect these changes.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
const Person = () => {
 const [person, setPerson] = useState({
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 30,
  job: 'Developer'
 const handleClick = () => {
   age: person.age + 1
 return (
   <p>Name: {person.name}</p>
   <p>Age: {person.age}</p>
   <p>Job: {person.job}</p>
   <button onClick={handleClick}>Increment Age</button>
export default Person;

In this example, we are using the useState hook to store a person object in state. When the handleClick function is called, we use the setPerson function to update the person object. The new person object is created using the spread operator ... to spread the properties of the original person object, and then we modify the age property to increase its value by 1.

This is an elementary example, but it demonstrates the basic process of updating an object in React. You can update any property of an object in state by calling the set function and passing a new object with the updated values.

Duplicating Objects

Duplicating an object in JavaScript is important when you need to create a new object that is similar to an existing one, but not a reference to it. In other words, you want to create a completely new and independent object that contains the same properties and values as the original one. There are different ways to duplicate an object in JavaScript, and the most commonly used methods are:

  1. Object.assign() : This method creates a new object and assigns the properties of one or more source objects to it. The syntax is as follows:
const original = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 };
const copy = Object.assign({}, original);
  1. Spread operator: The spread operator is a newer way to duplicate objects in JavaScript and it is written with three dots ( ... ). The syntax is as follows:
const original = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 };
const copy = { ...original };
  1. JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) : This method creates a deep copy of an object by converting it to JSON string and then parsing it back to an object.
const original = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30, job: 'Developer' };
const copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originalObject));

It is important to note that the JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) method only works with objects that have a simple data structure. It may not work with complex data structures or objects with circular references.

Duplicating a React object is similar to duplicating a JavaScript object. However, when duplicating a React object, it’s important to keep in mind that React uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to update the UI efficiently. It’s important to note that when duplicating a React object, you should not modify the original object directly. Instead, you should use setState() or useState() to make updates to the object and trigger a re-render of the UI.

Best Practices for Working with React Objects

When working with React objects, it’s important to follow some best practices to ensure your application is efficient, maintainable and scalable. Below are some of the best practices for using React objects in React applications:

  1. Use State only for values that change: React State should only be used for values that change within the component. For values that don’t change, it’s better to define them as component properties (props) instead.
  2. Minimize State updates: Updating the State is an expensive operation and should be minimized. Try to group state updates together and use setState with a callback function whenever possible.
  3. Use immutable data structures: To avoid unexpected side effects, it’s best to keep React objects immutable. Instead of mutating an object, create a new object with the updated values. You can use libraries such as Immutable.js or seamless-immutable to achieve this.
  4. Keep objects small: Large objects can lead to slow render times and decreased performance. Keeping objects small and organized can help improve the overall performance of your application.
  5. Use key for list rendering: When rendering lists in React, it’s best to use the “key” prop to identify each item. This helps React identify which items have changed and reduces the amount of DOM manipulation required.
  6. Avoid using the index as a key: It’s tempting to use an array index as a key when rendering a list, but this is not recommended as it can lead to unexpected behavior. Instead, use a unique identifier for each item in the list.
  7. Use the spread operator for copying objects: When duplicating objects, use the spread operator instead of Object.assign() . The spread operator is more concise and readable, and it avoids unexpected side effects.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your React objects are well-structured, maintainable and performant, leading to a better overall experience for your users.


In conclusion, React objects are a powerful tool for managing and organizing data within React applications. With the ability to store and manipulate data, React objects play a critical role in building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

Understanding how to create, render, update and manipulate objects is essential for building effective React applications. By following best practices and utilizing available tools such as the useState hook and the spread operator, developers can ensure that their React objects are managed efficiently and effectively.

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