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I would like to install the Xillinux on my Zybo board. I have followed the instructions from doc http://xillybus.com/downloads/doc/xilly ... d_zynq.pdf .
Vivado version is 2016.4.
Project is generated successfully.
Synthesis is passed with some warnings.
When I start the implementation I got the error message,

[DRC 23-20] Rule violation (INBB-3) Black Box Instances - Cell 'xillybus_ins/system_i/vivado_system_i/xillybus_lite_0/U0' of type 'xillybus_ins/system_i/vivado_system_i/xillybus_lite_0/U0/xillybus_lite' has undefined contents and is considered a black box. The contents of this cell must be defined for opt_design to complete successfully.

Please let me know where I make a mistake.
Thank you.

This seems to be a duplicate of this thread. I've therefore locked this one. If the discussion there doesn't help, please post there instead:


It seems like you moved the project after generating it, as the poster of the other thread did. I would otherwise suggest just trying again from unzipping the demo bundle. Xillinux has been used heavily with the Vivado version you have with no issues.
