Hi folks!
I am trying to implement the following step in my gitlab CI pipeline and running into syntax errors: unexpected end of file
image: 676020893150.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/rust:nightly-20201001
stage: check
allow_failure: false
- install
- build
- export PATH=$PATH:.cargo/bin
if [ "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" == "/^staging\/.*/"]; then
echo "Skipping version check for staging branch"
RUST_LOG=info [run some shell command]
I don’t think using rules would work for me since I want to run different scripts based on the branch rather than decide when to run the step or not. Are there suggestions on how to fix/ other ways to do this? Thanks!
For reference, I first looked at this post: if statement - How to use if-else condition on gitlabci - Stack Overflow
Hi @johnprocter
This post might be useful to you, in terms of the syntax.
Also, you might want to use $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG
rather than ..._NAME
From your example code it’s not quite clear how you’re intending this job to be structured, but if you can it would be neater to use rules
.rules-staging: &rules-staging
- if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^staging\/[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+$/'
when: on_success
- when: never
.rules-production: &rules-production
when: on_success
- when: never
.my-ci-step: &my-ci-step
image: 676020893150.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/rust:nightly-20201001
stage: check
allow_failure: false
- install
- build
- export PATH=$PATH:.cargo/bin
- RUST_LOG=info [run some shell command]
<<: *rules-staging
<<: *my-ci-step
<<: *rules-production
<<: *my-ci-step
- RUST_LOG=info [run some shell command]
If you can’t sensibly use before_script
, then potentially you could split this job into separate stages.
To clarify:
Using “- >” removes the newline characters in your script, so your 5 lines if-fi block is passed to the shell on a single line. To force a newline when using “- >” you need to insert a blank line. Passing conditional statements and loops on a single line to the shell is fine too, but it requieres some extra semicolons etc.
“- |” on the other hand works as you would expect it.
I find “- >” handy when having to deal with very long, multi-line commands, so you don’t have to worry about the line continuation character “\”.