Ansible can take data produced by an external script (or
command executed on a network device) and use it in subsequent tasks in an Ansible playbook – an ideal solution if you need to collect device data to generate a report, verify device state (example:
are BGP neighbors up
) or check device state before configuring it (example:
is another customer configured on this interface?
Ansible can use
structured data
in JSON or YAML format directly. There are Ansible plug-ins that can process data returned in XML format. But what if the networking device cannot do anything else but return text printout in tabular or free-form format (I’m looking at you, Cisco IOS)?
Try to Get the Structured Data First
Before starting to build a kludge that would turn a
command printout into something that Ansible could use explore all other options:
Your device might have REST API that returns the data you need in JSON or XML format (example: late Cisco IOS XE, Junos, Arista EOS);
Your device might support NETCONF and return the required data in XML format (Junos, Nexus OS, late IOS XE, few show commands in Cisco IOS);
commands executed on the device could display the data in JSON or XML format (Nexus OS, Junos, Arista EOS).
It might be that other people already solved the problem:
tons of getters
(routines that return data from the device in structured format) that can be called with
Ansible module.
is an extensible multi-vendor framework that uses TextFSM to parse printouts returned by
commands. It might be easier to extend NTC-Ansible than to try to hack your way around within Ansible.
If none of these solutions work for you, it might be easier to write an Ansible module (in Python) or even an external script (if you’re a Perl aficionado) than to do heavy lifting within an Ansible playbook.
Parse Show Printouts with Ansible Filters
Ansible 2.4 includes built-in parsing filters. You can use Python regular expressions with
filter or TextFSM specification with
Ansible 2.5 added an
XML parsing filter
that use XPath expressions to extract data from XML documents returned by devices that cannot produce JSON output (example: Nexus OS) and don’t have Ansible network modules (like junos_command) that would do automatic XML parsing.
Worst Case: Use a Hack
If you can’t get the structured data from your device, can’t use NAPALM or NTC-Ansible and don’t have any programming skills (or can’t find someone who would write a short Python or Perl program for you), try to use the hack described in the rest of this article.
Generate a Printout on the Network Device
You have to generate a printout on your network device that has one line for every object you’re interested in, and no extra headers/footers.
For example, to get a list of IP-enabled interfaces on Cisco IOS you could use
show ip interface brief
, but that printout includes extraneous information, including a header line and interfaces without IP addresses.
rtr#show ip interface brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
FastEthernet0 unassigned YES NVRAM up down
FastEthernet1 unassigned YES NVRAM up up
Vlan1 YES NVRAM up up
Dialer3 unassigned YES NVRAM up up
Dialer2 YES IPCP up up
To display only the interfaces with IP addresses configured, use an
filter that matches a sequence of digits (IP address) followed by one or more whitespaces followed by YES (interface is OK):
rtr#show ip interface brief | inc [0-9]+[ ]+YES
Vlan1 YES NVRAM up up
Dialer2 YES IPCP up up
Matching on a combination of digits and dots (IP address) is not good enough – that would also match subinterface names like FastEthernet0.1
After figuring out what show command and filter you need to use to get the desired printout execute the show command from an Ansible playbook and store the printouts in an Ansible variable with the register parameter.
- hosts: all
name: Check DHCP pools configured on the device
- name: "Get interface list"
username: "{{ansible_user}}"
password: "{{ansible_ssh_password}}"
host: "{{inventory_hostname}}"
- "show ip interface brief | inc \\.[0-9]+[ ]+YES"
register: printout
If you’re not familiar with Ansible playbook format or Ansible networking modules watch the Ansible for Networking Engineers webinar.
Finally, we need to parse the one-line-per-object printout to extract the information we’re looking for (interface names). We’ll use the Ansible regular expression Jinja2 filters to remove extraneous text or to extract the bits you need.
Using Regular Expression Filters
Ansible 2.2 added regex_findall and regex_search Jinja2 filters. The regex_findall returns a list of all matched regular expressions whereas regex_search takes additional arguments that allow you to specify which match groups you want to get (see Python Regular Expression Syntax for more details).
You can use the regex filters in Jinja2 templates or in map filter. For example, to extract interface names from show ip interface brief printout, use this Jinja2 expression:
- set_fact:
intf: |
{{printout.stdout_lines[0] |
map('regex_findall','^([A-Za-z]+[0-9./]+)') |
map('join') | list }}
Sounds complex? Let’s figure out what the above expression is doing:
printout is the variable that contains Cisco IOS command printouts (registered by the ios_command module);
printout.stdout_lines is a list of printouts lines, one per executed command;
**printout.stdout_lines[0]**is the list of lines of the first executed command (show ip interfaces in our example);
map filter passes each element of the input list through a specified filter (regex_findall) using additional parameters (regular expression);
regex_findall filter matches a string passed to it with a regular expression and returns a list of matches;
map combined with regex_findall thus returns a list of lists – one list of matches per input line;
join filter merges a list into a string. join used in a map merges every element of a list. In our example a list of lists is merged into a list of strings;
map doesn’t really return a list but a generator (code that can return a list). The list filter transforms a generator returned by map into a list.
End result: intf fact (variable) contains a list of interface names. I hope it’s obvious why you should use something else (like ios_facts or NAPALM) to get the list of interface names.
Here’s another example using regex_search to extract DHCP pool names from show ip dhcp pool printout:
- set_fact:
pool: |
{{printout.stdout_lines[1] |
map('regex_search','Pool\\s+(?P<id>.+)\\s+:','\\g<id>') |
map('join') | list }}
The only difference between regex_findall and regex_search are the extra arguments that you can specify in regex_search after the regular expression. These arguments specify which parts of the matched regular expression you want to get in the output list (in our example, we wanted to get named group id).
For a complete example, explore the DHCP-Pools directory in my Ansible examples repository.
Get Rid of Useless Parts of the Printout
Sometimes it’s easiest to remove the extraneous parts of the printout by replacing them with an empty string.
For example, this is how you would extract the interface names from the printout by replacing everything after the first whitespace with an empty string:
- set_fact:
intf: |
{{printout.stdout_lines[0] |
map('regex_replace','\\s+.*','') |
list }}
printout is the variable in which we stored the output of the show command(s) with the register parameter.
**printout.stdout_lines[0]**contains the printout from the first show command (ios_command module can execute multiple show commands at once).
**printout.stdout_lines[0]**is really a list containing one line of printout in each element.
map is a Jinja2 filter that executes the same operation (another Jinja2 filter) on every element of the list – our map filter will execute regex_replace on every line of the show command printout.
regex_replace is a Jinja2 filter that replaces whatever its first argument matches with its second argument. In our case the first argument matches a whitespace followed by anything (double backslash has to be used due to YAML encoding rules) and replaces that with an empty string.
map filter returns a generator which is useless for our purposes. List filter converts a generator into a list.
End result: the intf variable contains a list of interface names.
The regex_replace filter allows you to grab something matched with a regular expression and use that in the replacement string. For example, this is how you would extract the interface IP addresses from the same printout:
- set_fact:
addr: |
{{printout.stdout_lines[0] |
map('regex_replace','.*\\s+(?P<ip>[0-9.]+)\\s+.*','\\g<ip>') |
list }}
The regular expression matches anything (beginning of line) followed whitespace followed by any sequence of digits and dots followed by another whitespace followed by anything (till the end of the line). It’s important that your regular expression matches the whole line.
The sequence of digits and dots is stored in a regular expression group (yes, you will have to read the Python Regular Expressions page to understand what’s going on).
The whole string (one line of the printout) is replaced by the value of group ip – the IP address we extracted with the regular expression.
Got this far? Congratulations. Why don’t you take an extra step and register for the network automation online course?
Also, you’ve seen how complex regular expressions can get. Try to use any other method before resorting to this particular Swiss Army Chainsaw.
Creating Ansible Inventory from Vagrant SSH Configuration
Collect SSH Keys with an Ansible Playbook
Use FOR-IF Construct in Jinja2 Loops
Using NAPALM with Ansible
Optimizing Environment Setup in Ansible Playbooks
Parsing Text Printouts within Ansible Playbooks
Running Ansible in a Vagrant-Controlled Virtual Machine
Sample Ansible-Based Network Automation Solutions
Transforming XML Data in Ansible
Useful Network Automation Tools
The author
The opinions expressed in individual articles, blog posts, videos or webinars are
entirely the author’s opinions.