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Array Literal

在查询中,Clickhouse还支持使用 [xxx, xxx, ...] 方式创建Array字面量,而且不需要传递具体数据类型,可以自动检测,Presto支持使用语法 Array[xxx, xxx, ....] ,同样不需要传递数据类型,但是需要注意元素类型必须相同

// Clickhouse
SELECT array(1, 2) AS x, toTypeName(x)
│ [1,2] │ Array(UInt8)   │
// Clickhouse
SELECT [1, 2] AS x, toTypeName(x)
│ [1,2] │ Array(UInt8)│
// Presto
SELECT numbers, animals, n, a
    (ARRAY[2, 5], ARRAY['dog', 'cat', 'bird']),
    (ARRAY[7, 8, 9], ARRAY['cow', 'pig'])
) AS x (numbers, animals)
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(numbers, animals) AS t (n, a);

Doris需要支持Array Literal,可以先只支持其中一种即可。支持ARRAY(xx, xxx, xxx)方式创建Array Literal方式创建数组

  • 需要检查元素类型是否一致
  • SELECT语法


  • Clickhouse、Presto,druid:展示Array数据结构,包括数据,select时没有打平数据
  • // QUERY:
    SELECT * FROM arrays_test
    // RESULT:
    │ Hello   │ [1,2]   │
    │ World   │ [3,4,5] │
    │ Goodbye │ []      │
  • Impala:不能展示Array数据结构,只能打平Array数据。Impala在select时需要指定ITEM或者POS,所以展示出来并没有相应的Array结构,而是将Array的数据打平成多行展示
  • // DDL
    CREATE TABLE complex_array (country STRING, city ARRAY <STRING>) STORED AS PARQUET;
    // QUERY
    SELECT country, city.item FROM complex_array, complex_array.city;
    // RESULT
    | country | item        |
    | Canada  | Toronto     |
    | France  | Paris       |
    | France  | Nice        |
    | France  | Marseilles  |
    | France  | Cannes      |
    | Greece  | Athens      |
    | Greece  | Piraeus     |


    逻辑运算符(or, and, not)

  • Clickhouse,Presto不能直接使用array列进行逻辑运算,都是通过使用Array相关的函数做逻辑判断
  • Druid定义了一系列规则,支持直接在Array列上直接处理逻辑子句
  • Impala需要在查询时指明是item或pos,也支持用item和pos计算,等同于单值列
  • 相比较与单独定义逻辑子句规则,实现不同的算子扩展性会更好一点,所以这里Doris以第一种方式支持。



  • Clickhouse需要使用Array Join语法打平Array数据,也支持使用ArrayMap函数打平数据
  • Presto中需要使用UNNEST函数打平Array数据
  • Impala由于在查询时已经打平数据,支持直接join
  • Druid没有明确表示支持join array
  • 暂时不支持

    Group By

  • Clickhouse不支持array列Group By
  • Druid支持array列group by,先将数据打平再做聚合
  • impala支持,操作等同于单值列
  • presto未明确是否支持Array列
  • presto未明确是否支持Array列
  • Clickhouse支持多种数据导入格式,CSV/TSV的Array导入格式规则:[xxx,xxx,...]
  • Impala不支持直接导入复杂类型,可以用hive已经生成的ORC/Parquet数据
  • Druid支持格式较多,可以自己在spec中定义listDelimiter(默认为ctrl+A)
  • 对于CSV,TSV上可以参考Clickhouse的导入格式,支持规则为[xxx${listDelimiter}xxx${listDelimiter}xxx], listDelimiter默认为,



  • 数据列:按照具体类型序列化
  • Doris String:

  • offset列:存储String的offset,读取时需要读取前一个String的offset,计算size
  • 数据列:string做字典压缩
  • 1: required string column_name 2: required Types.TColumnType column_type 3: optional Types.TAggregationType aggregation_type 4: optional bool is_key 5: optional bool is_allow_null 6: optional string default_value 7: optional bool is_bloom_filter_column // for nested type // array name: value 8: optional list<TColumn> children_column //新增字段 enum TPrimitiveType { INVALID_TYPE, // ...... OBJECT, ARRAY// 新增类型
  • 内存结构,由于Column新增了children Column,需要修改序列化的功能
  • 注意考虑元数据的前后兼容性!

    public class Column implements Writable {
        private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(Column.class);
        private static final String COLUMN_ARRAY_CHILDREN = "item";
        @SerializedName(value = "name")
        private String name;
        @SerializedName(value = "type")
        private Type type;
    	// 新增字段
        @SerializedName(value = "name")
        private List<Column> children;
    	// .....    



  • JOIN/GROUP BY/ORDER BY/DISTINCT子句 暂时不支持 Array列,需要在相关SQL子句的analyze方法中是否支持array列
  • 暂时不支持 Array列直接使用逻辑运算符 和 算术运算符,算子需要检查Array列
  • 支持展示Array数据结构:

    // QUERY:
    SELECT * FROM arrays_test
    // RESULT:
    │ Hello   │ [1,2]   │
    │ World   │ [3,4,5] │
    │ Goodbye │ []      │


  • Tuple中数据结构:
  • Strut collection {
    	// 数组⻓度
    	size_t length; 
    	// null bitmap
    	uint8_t* null_bitmap_data;
    	// 元素数据AnyVal数据
    	void* data 
  • 参考impala,嵌套类型的数据可以统一为一种数据结构,这里在Tuple转换为Val时不做具体类型的数据转换。在进行具体算子计算时,再根据子类型转换数据类型。为了方便数据处理(可能需要递归),这里增加一个iterator模板,用于方便转化嵌套类型数据。
  • // BE CollectionVal
    struct CollectionVal : AnyVal {
        size_t len;
        uint8_t* null_bitmap;
        void* data;
        CollectionValIterator iterater(TypeDescriptor type) {
            return CollectionValIterator(type, this);
    class CollectionValIterator {
        CollectionValIterator(TypeDescriptor type, CollectionVal* data) {
            type_size = any_val_size(type);
            data = data;
        bool seek(int n) {
            offset = n;
        bool next() {
            if (offset < data.len) {
                offset ++;
                return true;
            return false;
        // 返回子元素指针    
        void* data() {
            return data + type_size * offset;
    	// 按照特定类型读取数据
        template <typename T>
        void read(T* dst);
        size_t offset;
        size_t type_size;
        CollectionVal data;



    struct TypeDescriptor {
        PrimitiveType type;
    	// ......
    	// 深度优先的type list
        /// Empty for scalar types
        std::vector<TypeDescriptor> children;
        /// Only set if type == TYPE_STRUCT. The field name of each child.
        std::vector<std::string> field_names;
        // ......
    // TTypeNode -> TypeDescription转换
    TypeDescriptor::TypeDescriptor(const std::vector<TTypeNode>& types, int* idx) : 
            len(-1), precision(-1), scale(-1) {
        DCHECK_GE(*idx, 0);
        DCHECK_LT(*idx, types.size());
        const TTypeNode& node = types[*idx];
        switch (node.type) {
        case TTypeNodeType::SCALAR: {
    		// ......
        case TTypeNodeType::ARRAY:
            DCHECK_LT(*idx, types.size() - 1);
            type = TYPE_ARRAY;
            children.push_back(TypeDescriptor(types, idx));
    	// ......

    Array Literal


    SELECT array(1, 2) AS x;
    SELECT array("1", "2") AS x;


    public class ArrayLiteral extends LiteralExpr {
        private List<LiteralExpr> value;
        public ArrayLiteral(List<LiteralExpr> data) {

    E cup/jflex做语法解析时传递字符串创建比较复杂,这里通过在FE上内置一个array()的算子实现。


    public class FEFunctions {
    	// ....
        @FEFunction(name = "array", argTypes = {"LIST"}, returnType = "ARRAY")
        public static LiteralExpr array(List<LiteralExpr> list) {
    		// 检查元素类型
            return new ArrayLiteral(list);


    class Literal : public Expr {
    	// ....
        ExprValue _value;
        std::vector<Literal> _collection_value; //新增
    Literal::Literal(const TExprNode& node) :
            Expr(node) {
        switch (_type.type) {
            case TYPE_BOOLEAN:
    			// ......
            case TYPE_TINYINT:
    			// ......
            case TYPE_ARRAY: {
                DCHECK_EQ(node.node_type, TExprNodeType::ARRAY_LITERAL;
                for (int i = 0; i < this->children().size(); ++i) {
                // DCHECK(false) << "Invalid type: " << TypeToString(_type.type);

    由于不支持其他子句,主要涉及修改的Expr: SlotRef,Literal,ScalarFnCall(算子),result_writer

  • SlotRef:直接读取tuple数据转为CollectionVal,不做特殊处理。
  • // SlotRef
    CollectionVal SlotRef::get_collection_val(ExprContext *context, TupleRow * row) {
        Tuple* t = row->get_tuple(_tuple_idx);
        if (t == NULL || t->is_null(_null_indicator_offset)) {
            return CollectionVal::null();
        return CollectionVal(t->get_slot(_slot_offset));
  • ScalarFnCall:当前算子的框架下参数的Type不是树形结构,需要增加children list,用于支持树形的Type结构。具体算子待实现。
  • 	// udf.h
        struct TypeDesc {
            Type type;
            std::vector<TypeDesc> children; // 新增字段
            /// Only valid if type == TYPE_DECIMAL
            int precision;
            int scale;
            /// Only valid if type == TYPE_FIXED_BUFFER || type == TYPE_VARCHAR
            int len;


  • result_write:result_write需要重构add_one_row方法,将具体类型数据的添加抽象出来,以便于嵌套结构递归调用。
  • // result_write
    Status ResultWriter::add_one_row(TupleRow* row) {
        int num_columns = _output_expr_ctxs.size();
        int buf_ret = 0;
        for (int i = 0; 0 == buf_ret && i < num_columns; ++i) {
            void* item = _output_expr_ctxs[i]->get_value(row);
            if (NULL == item) {
                buf_ret = _row_buffer->push_null();
            add_value(_output_expr_ctxs[i]->root()->type().type, item);
        if (0 != buf_ret) {
            return Status::InternalError("pack mysql buffer failed.");
        return Status::OK();
    int ResultWriter::add_value(TypeDescriptor type, void* item) {
        int buf_ret = 0;
        if (NULL == item) {
            buf_ret = _row_buffer->push_null();
        switch (type) {
            case TYPE_BOOLEAN:
            case TYPE_TINYINT:
                buf_ret = _row_buffer->push_tinyint(*static_cast<int8_t*>(item));
            // .......
            case TYPE_ARRAY: {
                _row_buffer->push_string("[", 1);
                CollectionValIter iter = ((CollectionVal) item).iterator();
                while (iter.next()) {
                    add_value(type.children[0], iter.data());
                    _row_buffer->push_string(",", 1);
                _row_buffer->push_string("]", 1);
    	// .......
  • 对于CSV,TSV,支持规则为[xxx${listDelimiter}xxx${listDelimiter}xxx], listDelimiter默认为,
  • 对于ORCfile,Parquet已经自带支持嵌套类型
  • #2885

    Main include: * FE SQL syntax (Create table) support array type column, like 'name Array<int> not null' * FE SQL syntax support ArrayLiteral, like 'select array(1, 2, 3, 4)' * FE update meta: Columns meta support array type, include meta serialized and deserialized, and add flags in FEMetaVersions for compatibility * FE support ArrayLiteral: Mainly support array related function, and the array constucted function support sub-element type auto-cast. * BE update result buffer, support dynamic mode for output variable length data type. * BE support ArrayLiteral and array(*) functions.
    Main include: * FE SQL syntax (Create table) support array type column, like 'name Array<int> not null' * FE SQL syntax support ArrayLiteral, like 'select array(1, 2, 3, 4)' * FE update meta: Columns meta support array type, include meta serialized and deserialized, and add flags in FEMetaVersions for compatibility * FE support ArrayLiteral: Mainly support array related function, and the array constucted function support sub-element type auto-cast. * BE update result buffer, support dynamic mode for output variable length data type. * BE support ArrayLiteral and array(*) functions. And other todo: * BE meta udpate * BE transfer data from storage to tuple * BE support array type related function(hash, equal.....) * BE support array type data import * other....(many related code, such as print value, value copy...)
    Main include: * FE SQL syntax (Create table) support array type column, like 'name Array<int> not null' * FE SQL syntax support ArrayLiteral, like 'select array(1, 2, 3, 4)' * FE update meta: Columns meta support array type, include meta serialized and deserialized, and add flags in FEMetaVersions for compatibility * FE support ArrayLiteral: Mainly support array related function, and the array constucted function support sub-element type auto-cast. * BE update result buffer, support dynamic mode for output variable length data type. * BE support ArrayLiteral and array(*) functions. And other todo: * BE meta udpate * BE transfer data from storage to tuple * BE support array type related function(hash, equal.....) * BE support array type data import * other....(many related code, such as print value, value copy...)
    Main include: * FE SQL syntax (Create table) support array type column, like 'name Array<int> not null' * FE SQL syntax support ArrayLiteral, like 'select array(1, 2, 3, 4)' * FE update meta: Columns meta support array type, include meta serialized and deserialized, and add flags in FEMetaVersions for compatibility * FE support ArrayLiteral: Mainly support array related function, and the array constucted function support sub-element type auto-cast. * BE update result buffer, support dynamic mode for output variable length data type. * BE support ArrayLiteral and array(*) functions. And other todo: * BE meta udpate * BE transfer data from storage to tuple * BE support array type related function(hash, equal.....) * BE support array type data import * other....(many related code, such as print value, value copy...)
    ArrayType will cause some sub-query to failed. The reason is that
    the ArrayType will used in subquery, and the ArrayType mean mutli-rows
    but not a scalar-value in subquery's context.
    [array][be] Support array type 1/4. add array to tablet_meta, add array expr/function, mysql buffer #4643 [array][be] Support array type 3/4. Be exec scan array, insert array and sink array type. #4650