  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

You can now use composable image (BETA) to install runtimes and tools in your application container. To find out more, see the dedicated documentation page .

Python is a general purpose scripting language often used in web development. You can deploy Python apps on Platform.sh using a server or a project such as uWSGI .

Supported versions Anchor to this heading

You can select the major and minor version.

Patch versions are applied periodically for bug fixes and the like. When you deploy your app, you always get the latest available patches.

Grid and Dedicated Gen 3 Dedicated Gen 2

Deprecated versions Anchor to this heading

The following versions are deprecated . They’re available, but they aren’t receiving security updates from upstream and aren’t guaranteed to work. They’ll be removed in the future, so migrate to one of the supported versions .

* This version doesn’t receive any updates at all. You are strongly recommended to upgrade to a supported version.

Usage example Anchor to this heading

Run your own server Anchor to this heading

You can define any server to handle requests. Once you have it configured, add the following configuration to get it running on Platform.sh:

  • Specify one of the supported versions :
  •     web:
            # Start your app with the configuration you define
            # You can replace the file location with your location
                start: python server.py

    You can choose from many web servers such as Daphne, Gunicorn, Hypercorn, and Uvicorn. See more about running Python web servers .

    Use uWSGI Anchor to this heading

    You can also use uWSGI to manage your server. Follow these steps to get your server started.

  • Specify one of the supported versions :
  • upstream : # Send requests to the app server through a unix socket # Its location is defined in the SOCKET environment variable socket_family : "unix" # Start your app with the configuration you define # You can replace the file location with your location commands : start : "uwsgi --ini conf/uwsgi.ini" locations : # The folder from which to serve static assets "/" : root : "public" passthru : true expires : 1h
    # Unix socket to use to talk with the web server
    # Uses the variable defined in the configuration in step 2
    socket = $(SOCKET)
    protocol = http
    # the entry point to your app
    wsgi-file = app.py

    Replace app.py with whatever your file is.

    Install the requirements for your app.

    # You can name the function differently and pass the new name as a flag
    # start: "uwsgi --ini conf/uwsgi.ini --callable <NAME>"
    def application(env, start_response):
        start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
        return [b"Hello world from Platform.sh"]

    Package management Anchor to this heading

    Your app container comes with pip pre-installed. For more about managing packages with pip, Pipenv, and Poetry, see how to manage dependencies .

    To add global dependencies (packages available as commands), add them to the dependencies in your app configuration :

    Connect to services Anchor to this heading

    The following examples show how to access various services with Python. For more information on configuring a given service, see the page for that service.

    def usage_example (): # Create a new Config object to ease reading the Platform.sh environment variables. # You can alternatively use os.environ yourself. config = Config () # Get the credentials to connect to the Elasticsearch service. credentials = config . credentials ( 'elasticsearch' ) try : # The Elasticsearch library lets you connect to multiple hosts. # On Platform.sh Standard there is only a single host so just register that. hosts = { "scheme" : credentials [ 'scheme' ], "host" : credentials [ 'host' ], "port" : credentials [ 'port' ] # Create an Elasticsearch client object. client = elasticsearch . Elasticsearch ([ hosts ]) # Index a few documents es_index = 'my_index' es_type = 'People' params = { "index" : es_index , "type" : es_type , "body" : { "name" : '' } names = [ 'Ada Lovelace' , 'Alonzo Church' , 'Barbara Liskov' ] ids = {} for name in names : params [ 'body' ][ 'name' ] = name ids [ name ] = client . index ( index = params [ "index" ], doc_type = params [ "type" ], body = params [ 'body' ]) # Force just-added items to be indexed. client . indices . refresh ( index = es_index ) # Search for documents. result = client . search ( index = es_index , body = { 'query' : { 'match' : { 'name' : 'Barbara Liskov' table = '''<table> <thead> <tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th></tr> </thead> <tbody>''' if result [ 'hits' ][ 'hits' ]: for record in result [ 'hits' ][ 'hits' ]: table += '''<tr><td> {0} </td><td> {1} </td><tr> \n ''' . format ( record [ '_id' ], record [ '_source' ][ 'name' ]) table += '''</tbody> \n </table> \n ''' # Delete documents. params = { "index" : es_index , "type" : es_type , for name in names : client . delete ( index = params [ 'index' ], doc_type = params [ 'type' ], id = ids [ name ][ '_id' ]) return table except Exception as e : return e
    from json import dumps
    from json import loads
    from kafka import KafkaConsumer, KafkaProducer
    from platformshconfig import Config
    def usage_example():
        # Create a new Config object to ease reading the Platform.sh environment variables.
        # You can alternatively use os.environ yourself.
        config = Config()
        # Get the credentials to connect to the Kafka service.
        credentials = config.credentials('kafka')
            kafka_server = '{}:{}'.format(credentials['host'], credentials['port'])
            # Producer
            producer = KafkaProducer(
                value_serializer=lambda x: dumps(x).encode('utf-8')
            for e in range(10):
                data = {'number' : e}
                producer.send('numtest', value=data)
            # Consumer
            consumer = KafkaConsumer(
            output = ''
            # For demonstration purposes so it doesn't block.
            for e in range(10):
                message = next(consumer)
                output += str(loads(message.value.decode('UTF-8'))["number"]) + ', '
            # What a real implementation would do instead.
            # for message in consumer:
            #     output += loads(message.value.decode('UTF-8'))["number"]
            return output
        except Exception as e:
            return e
    def usage_example():
        # Create a new Config object to ease reading the Platform.sh environment variables.
        # You can alternatively use os.environ yourself.
        config = Config()
        # Get the credentials to connect to the Memcached service.
        credentials = config.credentials('memcached')
            # Try connecting to Memached server.
            memcached = pymemcache.Client((credentials['host'], credentials['port']))
            memcached.set('Memcached::OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL', True)
            key = "Deploy_day"
            value = "Friday"
            # Set a value.
            memcached.set(key, value)
            # Read it back.
            test = memcached.get(key)
            return 'Found value <strong>{0}</strong> for key <strong>{1}</strong>.'.format(test.decode("utf-8"), key)
        except Exception as e:
            return e
    def usage_example():
        # Create a new Config object to ease reading the Platform.sh environment variables.
        # You can alternatively use os.environ yourself.
        config = Config()
        # The 'database' relationship is generally the name of primary SQL database of an application.
        # It could be anything, though, as in the case here here where it's called "mongodb".
        credentials = config.credentials('mongodb')
            formatted = config.formatted_credentials('mongodb', 'pymongo')
            server = '{0}://{1}:{2}@{3}'.format(
            client = MongoClient(server)
            collection = client.main.starwars
            post = {
                "name": "Rey",
                "occupation": "Jedi"
            post_id = collection.insert_one(post).inserted_id
            document = collection.find_one(
                {"_id": post_id}
            # Clean up after ourselves.
            return 'Found {0} ({1})<br />'.format(document['name'], document['occupation'])
        except Exception as e:
            return e
    def usage_example():
        # Create a new Config object to ease reading the Platform.sh environment variables.
        # You can alternatively use os.environ yourself.
        config = Config()
        # The 'database' relationship is generally the name of primary SQL database of an application.
        # That's not required, but much of our default automation code assumes it.'
        credentials = config.credentials('database')
            # Connect to the database using PDO. If using some other abstraction layer you would inject the values
            # from `database` into whatever your abstraction layer asks for.
            conn = pymysql.connect(host=credentials['host'],
            sql = '''
                    CREATE TABLE People (
                    name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
                    city VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL
            cur = conn.cursor()
            sql = '''
                    INSERT INTO People (name, city) VALUES
                    ('Neil Armstrong', 'Moon'),
                    ('Buzz Aldrin', 'Glen Ridge'),
                    ('Sally Ride', 'La Jolla');
            # Show table.
            sql = '''SELECT * FROM People'''
            result = cur.fetchall()
            table = '''<table>
            if result:
                for record in result:
                    table += '''<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><tr>\n'''.format(record[1], record[2])
                table += '''</tbody>\n</table>\n'''
            # Drop table
            sql = '''DROP TABLE People'''
            # Close communication with the database
            return table
        except Exception as e:
            return e
    def usage_example():
        # Create a new Config object to ease reading the Platform.sh environment variables.
        # You can alternatively use os.environ yourself.
        config = Config()
        # The 'database' relationship is generally the name of primary SQL database of an application.
        # That's not required, but much of our default automation code assumes it.' \
        database = config.credentials('postgresql')
            # Connect to the database.
            conn_params = {
                'host': database['host'],
                'port': database['port'],
                'dbname': database['path'],
                'user': database['username'],
                'password': database['password']
            conn = psycopg2.connect(**conn_params)
            # Open a cursor to perform database operations.
            cur = conn.cursor()
            cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS People")
            # Creating a table.
            sql = '''
                    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS People (
                    id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
                    name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
                    city VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL
            # Insert data.
            sql = '''
                    INSERT INTO People (name, city) VALUES
                    ('Neil Armstrong', 'Moon'),
                    ('Buzz Aldrin', 'Glen Ridge'),
                    ('Sally Ride', 'La Jolla');
            # Show table.
            sql = '''SELECT * FROM People'''
            result = cur.fetchall()
            table = '''<table>
            if result:
                for record in result:
                    table += '''<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><tr>\n'''.format(record[1], record[2])
                table += '''</tbody>\n</table>\n'''
            # Drop table
            sql = "DROP TABLE People"
            # Close communication with the database
            return table
        except Exception as e:
            return e
    def usage_example():
        # Create a new Config object to ease reading the Platform.sh environment variables.
        # You can alternatively use os.environ yourself.
        config = Config()
        # Get the credentials to connect to the RabbitMQ service.
        credentials = config.credentials('rabbitmq')
            # Connect to the RabbitMQ server
            creds = pika.PlainCredentials(credentials['username'], credentials['password'])
            parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(credentials['host'], credentials['port'], credentials=creds)
            connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
            channel = connection.channel()
            # Check to make sure that the recipient queue exists
            # Try sending a message over the channel
            # Receive the message
            def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
                print(" [x] Received {}".format(body))
            # Tell RabbitMQ that this particular function should receive messages from our 'hello' queue
            # This blocks on waiting for an item from the queue, so comment it out in this demo script.
            # print(' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C')
            # channel.start_consuming()
            return " [x] Sent 'Friday!'<br/>"
        except Exception as e:
            return e
    def usage_example():
        # Create a new config object to ease reading the Platform.sh environment variables.
        # You can alternatively use os.environ yourself.
        config = Config()
        # Get the credentials to connect to the Redis service.
        credentials = config.credentials('redis')
            redis = Redis(credentials['host'], credentials['port'])
            key = "Deploy day"
            value = "Friday"
            # Set a value
            redis.set(key, value)
            # Read it back
            test = redis.get(key)
            return 'Found value <strong>{0}</strong> for key <strong>{1}</strong>.'.format(test.decode("utf-8"), key)
        except Exception as e:
            return e
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
    import json
    from platformshconfig import Config
    def usage_example():
        # Create a new Config object to ease reading the Platform.sh environment variables.
        # You can alternatively use os.environ yourself.
        config = Config()
            # Get the pysolr-formatted connection string.
            formatted_url = config.formatted_credentials('solr', 'pysolr')
            # Create a new Solr Client using config variables
            client = pysolr.Solr(formatted_url)
            # Add a document
            message = ''
            doc_1 = {
                "id": 123,
                "name": "Valentina Tereshkova"
            result0 = client.add([doc_1], commit=True)
            message += 'Adding one document. Status (0 is success): {} <br />'.format(json.loads(result0)['responseHeader']['status'])
            # Select one document
            query = client.search('*:*')
            message += '\nSelecting documents (1 expected): {} <br />'.format(str(query.hits))
            # Delete one document
            result1 = client.delete(doc_1['id'])
            message += '\nDeleting one document. Status (0 is success): {}'.format(et.fromstring(result1)[0][0].text)
            return message
        except Exception as e:
            return e

    Configuration reader Anchor to this heading

    While you can read the environment directly from your app, you might want to use the platformshconfig library It decodes service credentials, the correct port, and other information for you.

    Sanitizing data Anchor to this heading

    By default, data is inherited automatically by each child environment from its parent. If you need to sanitize data in preview environments for compliance, see how to sanitize databases.

    Frameworks Anchor to this heading

    All major Python web frameworks can be deployed on Platform.sh. See dedicated guides for deploying and working with them:

  • Django
  • Project templates Anchor to this heading

    The following list shows templates available for Python apps.

    A template is a starting point for building your project. It should help you get a project ready for production.

    Django 3

    This template deploys the Django 3 application framework on Platform.sh, using the gunicorn application runner. It also includes a PostgreSQL database connection pre-configured.

    Django is a Python-based web application framework with a built-in ORM.

    Django 4

    This template builds Django 4 on Platform.sh, using the gunicorn application runner.

    Django is a Python-based web application framework with a built-in ORM.


    This template demonstrates building the FastAPI framework for Platform.sh. It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server for data storage and Redis for caching. The application starts as a bare Python process with no separate runner. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

    FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.


    This template demonstrates building the Flask framework for Platform.sh. It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server for data storage and Redis for caching. The application starts as a bare Python process with no separate runner. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

    Flask is a lightweight web microframework for Python.


    This template builds Pyramid on Platform.sh. It includes a minimalist application skeleton that demonstrates how to connect to a MariaDB server for data storage and Redis for caching. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs.

    Pyramid is a web framework written in Python.


    This template builds the Wagtail CMS on Platform.sh, using the gunicorn application runner. It includes a PostgreSQL database that is configured automatically, and a basic demonstration app that shows how to use it. It is intended for you to use as a starting point and modify for your own needs. You will need to run the command line installation process by logging into the project over SSH after the first deploy.

    Wagtail is a web CMS built using the Django framework for Python.