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This document introduces the Google Apps integration as noted in the
Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-01-07)
The Google Apps LTI can be configured manually by users who have permission to add and edit LTI tools.
When enabled, the Google LTI adds functionality to multiple areas in Canvas courses.
Canvas has improved its integration with Google Apps making it easier for instructors to include collaborations, content sharing, engaging course content, and assignment distribution directly within Canvas. The integration also makes it easy for students to collaborate with instructors and fellow students on individual or group assignments.
Integration Details
Google Apps is an external app (LTI) available to institutions with Google Apps for education. However, anyone with a Google account can use this integration.
The Google Apps LTI supports Google Drive in Canvas and can be enabled at the account, sub-account, or course level in a Canvas production environment. The LTI must be configured manually by users who have permission to add and edit LTI tools.
United States
: Users can generate their own key and secret to install the LTI tool through the
EduAppCenter Google app page
. Instructors in Free-for-Teacher accounts can add the LTI to individual courses.
Worldwide Regions
: Users should contact their Canvas Customer Success Manager (CSM) for region-specific configuration credentials. Google is not currently available for instructors in Free-for-Teacher accounts.
Once the Google Apps LTI is added to a production environment, the institution's beta environment will adapt the settings from the production environment on the next beta refresh, which will allow users to test the integration in beta. However, please note that the integration is still subject to all feature limitations that may exist in the
beta environment
Google Drive Web Service
This integration is not affiliated with the current Google Drive web service in Canvas. If instructors and students already have Google Drive set up as a web service, they will still have to authenticate through the LTI.
The Google Drive web service should be disabled by a Canvas admin in the Account Settings page. Retaining the web service may cause confusion for students, who would otherwise see tabs for both Google Drive and Google Doc when uploading a file submission.
Canvas Documentation
Documentation for the Google Apps LTI and related Google Drive features can be found using the
Google Drive tag in the Canvas Guides
Google Limitations
As part of the Canvas integration, some functionality is limited by Google. Users should be aware of the following limitations by Google in Canvas:
Account sharing permissions can prevent sharing outside of an institution’s domain. Google admins can change the sharing permissions to allow documents to be shared outside the institution. This feature may affect institutions with trust accounts.
Document permissions can prevent files from previewing in a course. Users should ensure that permissions are set correctly for a document before sharing it with others in Canvas.
Google authentication is only managed when adding Google as a third-party authentication service in Canvas. The LTI integration does not support single sign-on authentication.
Canvas Account-Level Features
Canvas admins can set up Google as an authentication method so users can sign into Canvas using their Google credentials. However, the LTI integration itself does not support single sign-on (SSO) authentication. After users log in to Canvas using Google, they will also have to authenticate into the Google LTI.
Canvas Course-Level Features
Course Navigation
The Google LTI adds a link to the user’s Google Drive in the Course Navigation Menu. The name of the link aligns with the name added as part of the Google LTI (most commonly Google Drive). Users can authorize the Google Apps LTI to view their Google Drive account. If authorization to Google Drive is not successful the first time, authorize the application again.
After logging in to Google Drive, users can view everything in their My Drive folder. They can also open files in a new browser window and edit files directly.
Items that are in the Shared with Me folder need to be added to the user's My Drive before those items can be viewed in Canvas.
The Google Drive link does not automatically update content added to a user’s My Drive folder. To view the most recent content, users have to refresh their Google Drive page in Canvas.
Files are displayed in alphabetical order.
Google Drive Account Changes
Users can only authenticate into one Google Drive account at a time. If users need to authenticate into Google Drive using a different account, users can open the User Settings page, remove the integration, and then authenticate again using the new Google Drive account.
: The approved integration shows that the token has a short lifespan, but Canvas gives the app a refresh token that can be used to get new tokens when necessary. Users can still use the integration even if the expiration has passed.
Cloud Assignments
Instructors can create an online embedded assignment through an external tool. With the Google Apps external tool, this assignment type creates a view of the assignment file that acts as a template for a student’s assignment submission. Accepted assignment types are Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Presentations.
Peer reviews cannot be used with External Tool assignments.
Rubrics can be added to external tool assignments, though the rubric must be added to the assignment before the assignment is set as an external tool assignment. Students can view the rubric in the assignment details page (accessed through their Grades page), and instructors can view the rubric in SpeedGrader.
When students open the assignment, Google Drive will create a copy of the file in the student’s Google Drive folder for the course for each student’s submission. Depending on how the document is configured, they may not need to log in. The students can update the document per the assignment instructions and submit it without leaving the page. If students want to view the version of their cloud document submitted for the assignment, they can view the document in the assignment details page.
Instructors view each student’s document copy in SpeedGrader for grading.
File Upload Assignments
Instructors can also continue to create regular file upload assignments. However, when instructor allows file uploads, students can view the Google Drive tab and upload files directly from Google Drive.
: When the Google Apps LTI is enabled, this feature no longer requires students to set up Google Drive as a web service. If the web service is still enabled, students will view tabs for both Google Drive and Google Docs.
Assignments in SpeedGrader
SpeedGrader displays any uploaded file type that is supported like other Canvas assignments. Some files cannot be previewed in SpeedGrader and have to be downloaded for viewing. However, SpeedGrader does support previews for native Google file types.
Users can create collaborations with documents, spreadsheets, or presentations. The creator can add individual users or groups from the course to participate in the collaboration. Collaborators can be added or removed at any time, but once a user is added to the collaboration, the user always has access to the collaboration in the user’s Google Drive folder. Collaborations require a name before they can be saved.
External Collaborations Tool Feature Option
Google Apps complements Canvas with an updated Collaborations page. The page design update is controlled by the External Collaborations Tool feature option, which can be enabled by a Canvas admin and must be enabled in the same location as the Google LTI app (course or account).
Enabling the External Collaborations Tool feature option removes the links to all existing collaborations and no longer allows users to create collaborations with the existing Google Drive option.
To implement this feature, admins should set the feature option to allow so instructors can manage any existing collaborations. Instructors who want to retain existing collaborations should not enable the External Collaborations Tool feature option at the course level.
: This feature option is not available in the beta environment.
Users can access their Google Drive folder from the Course Navigation Menu. Google Apps does not display a folder directly in a user’s Files page.
Like other uploaded files in Canvas, student submissions are copied to a student’s submissions folder in user files if the file was uploaded using the File Upload or Google Drive upload assignment options. However, cloud assignment submissions are copied into the student’s Google Drive folder.
Google Apps displays as a Modules external tool. Instructors can add links to Google Drive documents as an external tool.
Rich Content Editor
Google Apps displays a Google Drive icon in the Rich Content Editor. The icon displays everything in a user’s Google Drive account and allows users to display documents as inline links or embed them directly. Students and teachers can view the icon anywhere they can access the Rich Content Editor, such as discussions and pages (as allowed).
If the icon does not display directly in the tool bar, the icon is included in the More External Tools drop-down menu.
Canvas Mobile App Features
The following functionality relates to Google Apps in the Canvas by Instructure app and SpeedGrader app:
Canvas by Instructure
Authentication through Google is not supported in the Canvas app.
Collaborations are not supported in the Canvas app.
Google files can be viewed in a mobile device by downloading the Google Drive mobile app.
In cloud assignments, the students can view the assignment description but cannot view the cloud assignment. In the submission tab, students can view a link to access the assignment externally, though the link is not currently functional as it cannot connect the student to the student’s Google Drive account for online editing. Instructors who incorporate cloud assignments into their coursework should let students know that cloud assignment are not currently supported in the Canvas app.
File upload submission types can accept files from the Google Drive mobile app per standard functionality.
Modules can display external tools set to a Google document if students log in to their accounts.
Cloud assignment submissions do not display in the app.
For any other contrary behaviors in the production environment, users should submit a Canvas support case for assistance.
At first glance it looks pretty cool! Here are a few things I've noticed (or haven't figured out yet):
Current collaborations disappear — for me, no biggie, since the current collaborations were not great.
No Peer review/grading for Google docs. You can have students submit via Google docs ("use External Tool" setting), but if you want students to peer review the submission, the assignments must be uploaded (not using the Google "Submit" button). So, students still need to download their Google Doc and re-upload it (as PDF or whatever) for peer grading. This is not great.
The search function in "Google Drive" doesn't find all the files
The search function in "Google Doc" doesn't, er....
The Google directory is re-skinned, and looks awful
I wish they kept it looking like Google Drive...
It doesn't show Shared files unless you've added them to your Drive.
Any thoughts, concerns, solutions I've missed, workarounds?
In my own testing (in our "Test" environment), I set up the Google LTI app at the Account level. The "Google Drive" menu was added inside my sandbox course. I went to my course "Settings" >> "Navigation" tab to hide the "Google Drive" button from Student View. After I hid the "Google Drive" button and saved changes, the "Google Drive" button completely disppeared not only from the Student View but also from the Teacher view as well (I was expecting "Google Drive" to just be grayed out on the left nav bar). The reason for trying to hide "Google Drive" from the menu was because I was not sure what benefit "Google Drive" has for students from this view (though I know the benefits of the LTI in other areas of a Canvas course)...other than to authenticate into Google and see a listing of their files (though I'd welcome use cases that I'm not aware of). Shouldn't the "Google Drive" button be shown but grayed out on the course navigation if hidden?
I just added the Google LTI to our "test" environment yesterday, and I can see the Google Drive option in the RCE. I needed to click on the blue "V" arrow because I've already got several other LTI apps added to our Canvas instance. It's my understanding that only the first two LTIs that are installed/added will get put on the horizontal menu, and then all additional LTIs will get added in the drop-down menu in the order that they were added to your account/course. So in our case, YouTube and Khan Academy were added first, then Vimeo, TED Ed, etc.
My wishlist regarding this: I wish there was a way we could indicate which two LTI's we want on the toolbar for either the full account, or course. Because one of the first LTI's we installed in our account was for Math and obviously that's not the popular LTI needed for everyone. But I can't uninstall everything and go in order because that will mess up the active courses.
I'm conflicted about having that "Google Drive" link in the course nav as well. I installed the LTI at the account level, so it automatically went into all our course menus as enabled. Adding one more thing to our course menus is a BIG deal for some. Given it's limited functionality (interface, search problems and no sharing options) I question the value of having it there by default.
So I deleted the app then reinstalled it manually using the
"Paste XML" method
. I added a line to make the course navigation link disabled or hidden by default. This will allow the teacher to add it if they would like, and not get in the way of those who don't want it in their course nav.
Here's a
Google Doc
of the code example.
Also see
Changing the placement of a Edu App (prebuilt LTI)
I assigned an assignment using google docs to my students using the external tool. I made sure they were all authorized and were able to open and see the document in Canvas. This evening, one student was able to submit the assignment. I have had four others message me that after hitting submit, the wheel just keeps spinning. Looking in Speed Grader, I see only the one submission. Anyone else having issues with submissions from students?
Have you seen this in action? I have setup our Beta site with the integration trying things out but I can't sign in as a student into the Beta environment to see what happens. Does it create a true copy as opposed to editing one copy? Does the teacher still "own" the copy and can collaborate with the student or does the ownership of the copy transfer to the student? Thanks.
According to the above documentation:
When students open the assignment, Google Drive will create a copy of the file in the student’s Google Drive folder for the course for each student’s submission. Depending on how the document is configured, they may not need to log in. The students can update the document per the assignment instructions and submit it without leaving the page. Instructors view each student’s document copy in SpeedGrader for grading.
This was also my experience yesterday morning when I was trying out the Google LTI in our "test" environment. I had used two Google accounts (one to simulate a student and one to simulate an instructor), and after I made a simple template in my Google account as an instructor, I then signed in as a student, connected my other Google account, and then was able to make a copy of the instructor template file. It didn't change the instructor's template at all because the copy of it was not part of the other account. The ownership of the file created by the instructor in Google does not change/transfer to a student. It's a copy of the original.
Also, instead of signing in as a student to your "beta" account, try masquerading as the student instead. I've found that sometimes when you're in "test" and "beta", it won't let you do things signed in as an actual student...but it will if you masquerade as the student (not using the "Student View" button in a course "Settings" page).
Hope this helps.
Hi, Chris,
I added additional clarification about rubrics in the release notes. The rubric doesn't actually display on the page, but students can access it in the assignment details page (through their Grades page).
The PDF issue is resolved in the beta environment, so you're welcome to test it there and see if those errors are still related. Unfortunately if you're specifically trying to test Crocodoc, Crocodoc isn't available in the beta environment.
Hope that helps,
Hi, John,
I've added some clarifying information to the release notes regarding some of your observations. Hopefully they help explain a bit more about the functionality.
Current collaborations only disappear if you enable the new feature option, and for Google Doc, I think you may be referring to the Google Doc tab, which is part of the Google Drive web service and is not part of the LTI. Explanations between the two are mentioned in the notes. Additionally, peer reviews are not supported in any Canvas external tool.
Hope that helps,
Hi, Chris,
It depends on the type and purpose for the Course Navigation link. Links that are still visible for instructors are links that usually directly relate to course content. In this case, the link is designed for individual use, so it's configured to be disabled and not display in Course Navigation for any user if hidden. So the link is functioning as designed. But it looks like you figured out a nice compromise.
Hi, everyone,
Thanks for all your questions and comments. I've updated the notes to explain some features in more detail to help with clarifying the current features of the Google Apps LTI. The biggest changes are the following:
Added information about how to remove an approved integration from your User Settings page if you need to switch a Google Drive account (
the previous behavior has been resolved in the production environment
Added information about how to view the LTI in your beta environment
Added a link to the Google Apps LTI documentation
We've also deployed a fix for cloud assignments in SpeedGrader in beta, which enables them to work with Crocodoc again. However, Crocodoc is not available in the beta environment for testing.
Several of you have noted how you would like to see additional features in this integration. The Google Apps LTI implemented key components across several Canvas areas; although there are always additional features that could always be added, our product team creates initial solutions that meet the core needs of our customers. As like any other Canvas feature, additional changes are based on feedback and product use. The feature idea process is part of our
Canvas Feature Ideas
As for noted contrary behaviors, we recommend submitting cases to our Canvas support team (if not already reported). Although others do appreciate notice of inconsistencies here, Support cases are what help get behaviors reviewed and corrected. Additionally, support cases capture your course and account information and credentials, which are much more helpful in troubleshooting.
Thank you!
I would really like to see rubrics visible on the cloud assignment itself in the future, perhaps as a "view rubric" button at the bottom of the embedded Google Drive assignment page. Also, allowing users to add and edit a rubric from the assignment settings page seems like it would make sense. Right now, I'm afraid rubrics in cloud assignments are going to confuse a lot of users (and students especially).
Hi, Robert,
The Google Apps cloud assignments are created using an external tool, and currently external tools do not support rubrics directly. So any external tool created as an assignment mimics the same behavior. Adjustment to that overall functionality of external tools and rubrics would have to be addressed by our product and engineering teams.
I noticed that note about the current collaborations. What, exactly, does that mean? If all existing collaborations are going to be deleted by us enabling the LTI, that's a big disincentive to setting up the integration. The note was under: External Collaborations Tool Feature Option
Can you provide any clarification?
I've tried setting this up in both my test instance and real instance, and I'm running into a problem. I've added the app configuration just fine through the admin settings, but when I go into a course and try to authorize it, I keep getting this message: "Authorization failed. Please click 'Authorize' to try again." Any ideas on how to fix this?
This brings up a good point. If students or staff have a similar issue, can Canvas support assist? Are there some recommended fixes we can have our people try? I assume the first step would be to login to their Google account outside of Canvas to ensure the login is correct. After that, however, call Canvas support?
Hi, Ben,
I've seen discussions about this and Canvas support is trying to find the source of the problem. First try and see if you can log in using an incognito window; if you can, the credentials may be misconfigured. If not, let our support team know so they can continue to investigate.
After adding the Google Apps, I started to test to make sure all would go well. The problem I'm running into is if a student is trying to connect to a collaboration with a google doc, they try to login with one of there google accounts and it doesn't work, their connection is broken. They don't get an option to re-authenticate it just fails. They can never connect to that document. logging out and logging back into Canvas doesn't help. There is no way to repair it, or back out. Are others running into this same issue? Any suggestions?
I've sense removed Google Apps until we can get this under control.
Hi, Tara,
It means that existing collaborations can no longer be accessed through Canvas. However, once a collaboration is shared with a user, the collaboration can always be accessed through Google Drive. So users could still access the collaborations in their Google Drive; they just wouldn't be able to get there through Canvas anymore. So if you're in the middle of a course that is actively using a collaboration, you probably wouldn't want to enable that feature option until you are finished with the course, or at least until you are ready to discontinue access to any previous collaborations directly through Canvas.
Hope that helps!
has launched a series of presentations on the new Google Apps LTI, and you'll find the complete lineup of events
. (And we'll promote each individual event in this space as its date approaches.) RSVP “yes” to an event if you will be there--and if you’re interested, but your schedule doesn’t allow you to attend in real time, RSVP "no" or "maybe" to receive all event updates. Your RSVP ensures that you will receive a notification should the event be cancelled or changed.
Hi, Ben,
It may be a conflict such as being logged into another Google app. Incognito windows don't have any existing login data so it shows that the configuration is working. So perhaps in your non-incognito window, compare your active logins in Google and see if one conflicts with another.
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