  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
Click or drag to resize Click or drag to resize

FileList Class

Use the Filelist if you want to search for files or folders within a specific path. You can also display several files residing in different folders, and allow the user to use drag&drop operations to manage the files. Items that are contained in the list are of type FileListItem . This applies to the Items and the SelectedItems properties.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Jam.Shell
Assembly: ShellBrowser (in ShellBrowser.dll) Version: 7.0
public class FileList : CustomFileList<FileListItem>, 

The FileList type exposes the following members.

Name Description
Public method FileList
Constructs a FileList object
Name Description
Public property ActiveImageList
Gets the ImageList that is currently used.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property AllowDrag
Use this property to turn on or off drag support with the Windows Explorer.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property AllowDrop
Use this property to turn on or off drop support with the Windows Explorer.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property AllowDropToTheBackground
If this property is set to true, the user is allowed to drop items onto the background in order to add them to the displayed list of files.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property AllowDuplicates
Whether to allow duplicates in the Filelist or not, the default is to allow them. If AllowDuplicates is set to false, insertion to the FileList may get significantly slower for large sets of files.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property AutomaticRefresh
Set this property to true if you like the component to be refreshed automatically if a Drive is added or removed. This property is directly connected to the Enabled property of an internal instance of ShellChangeNotifier .
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property AutomaticRefresh_Internal
Indicates whether automatic refresh is enabled or not.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property AutoScrollDelay
The delay in milliseconds after that the control scrolls automatically during a drag and drop operation. A value of 0 disables the auto scroll feature.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property AutoSizeColumn
Adjust the size of the given column so that it fills the remaining horizontal space.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property BackgroundContextMenu
Gets or sets the ContextMenuStrip that is displayed if no item of the listview is under the cursor if the user clicks the right mouse button. If this value is null, no ContextMenu is shown.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public property CheckBoxes
Use this property to turn on or off the checkboxes for file and folder selection. The checkboxes will only work, if a ShellControlConnector has been assigned to the ShellControlConnector property of this component. It will automatically synchronize the selection state of the items in multiple shell controls linked together with this ShellControlConnector.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property CheckBoxMode
Use this property to display checkboxes for the control.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property CheckedItems
Refer to the SelectionList property to determine which items are selected. Please do not use this property, it is currently not supported. The CheckBoxes in an ordinary ListView do not support the grayed CheckState furthermore the ListView does not support them at all in View TileView.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property CheckIfExists
If set to true, it is checked whether the files that are added to the list do exist on the filesystem.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected property CollectSelectedPaths
true if m_SelectedFiles should contain whole paths instead of files only.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property Columns
Gets the collection of all column headers that appear in the control.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ContextMenuRenderMode
Gets or sets the ToolStripRenderMode of the BackgroundContextMenu and the HeaderContextMenu.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ContextMenuStrip
The ContextMenuStrip is converted to an ordinary ContextMenu. This makes it possible to merge your ContextMenuStrip with the Default ShellContextMenu provided by the system. The "Opening" and "Closing" events of the ContextMenuStrip will be raised if the ContextMenu "Popup"/"Collapse" event occurs. For menu items only the "Click" event is available. All other events are not available. All ToolStripMenuItems are converted, and ToolStripSeparators are recognized. The ShortCut Keys defined in a ToolStripMenuItem are not converted. If you would like to have the ShortCut-Keys, leave this Property null, instead set the ContextMenu property to your menu explicitly.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property CopyMode
Copy mode allows you to control the behaviour when files or folders get dropped.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected property CreateParams
Overwriting the CreateParams property to set the WS_VISIBLE flag; bug #8960
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Protected property DesignMode
Gets a value indicating whether the design mode.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property DetectLeftClick
Local variable to detect whether the mouse is clicked or dragged
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property DetectRightClick
Local variable to detect whether the mouse is clicked or dragged
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property DraggedDataObject
During a drag and drop operation that origins in this control this member contains the IDataObject . Filled in the ItemDrag method of the control.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property DropItem
Gets or sets the item on that a current drag and drop operation would be executed.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property DroppedDataObject
During a drag and drop operation this member contains the IDataObject that is dragged over the control. Filled in DragEnter .
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property FastFolderThumbnails
In Thumbnail view, only load thumbnails that are already in the thumbnail cache for folders. Default value true will avoid potentially huge delays that are caused by live folder thumbnails reflecting the contents of the folder.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property Font
The font used to display text in the control.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property HeaderMenuStrip
Gets or sets the ContextMenuStrip that will be shown if the user rightclicks on the headerbar. Get: If it's null, we generate a list of available columns.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property HeaderRectangle
Returns the area occupied by the ListView header.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public property HideSelection
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected item in the control remains highlighted when the control loses focus.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public property InFolderColumnIndex
The column index of the column containing the parent folder of a file.
Protected property Initialized_Internal
Internal attribute is used by classes deriving from JamBaseShellListView.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property InternalColumns
Gets the columns as JamShellColumnCollection.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property IsEditing
Gets a value indicating whether this object is currently in edit-mode.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property IsInitialized
Gets a value indicating whether the component is initialized.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property IsInitializing
The value this property is true between the calls BeginInit() and EndInit() of the ISupportInitialize interface.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property Items
Gets a collection containing all items in the control.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected property ItemsDictionary
This dictionary contains LIST_ITEM entries sorted by filename, for fast access
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property Code example LargeCustomImages
Gets or sets an ImageList holding images that can be used as custom images in small viewstates.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property LargeImageList
Gets or sets a list of large images.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property NoFillOnStartup
This property is always false for FileList and DriveList.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected property NumShellColumns
The number of system columns without the columns added by the user.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property OwnerDraw
The value of the OwnerDraw property must always be true. This is why the Property is reimplemented here. The setting to false is ignored, and a debug message is shown.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected property PastedFiles
Contains the files that were pasted during a Paste operation.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ReadOnly
Prevents operations that change the file system from being executed.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property SearchOptions
The SearchOptions are used to set different options before calling the Search(String) method.
Public property SelectedFiles
This property provides access to a list of all files including their extension, which are currently selected in the ShellListView. Dependent on the user settings, the file names in the ListView may be displayed without extension, which makes it difficult to further process them when they are accessed only by the SelectedItems property. You can also use the SelectedFiles property to add files to the selection by using SelectedFiles.Add method.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property SelectedFiles_Internal
Simple getter/setter for m_SelectedFiles, for use by deriving classes.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property SelectedItems
Gets the items that are selected in the control.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property ShellBrowser
Gets or sets the shellbrowser instance.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property ShellChangeNotifier
Returns the reference to the ShellChangeNotifier that is associated with this instance.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ShellContextMenu
Indicates whether the Windows ShellContextMenu should be shown or not.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ShellControlConnector
Connects this control to a ShellControlConnector component, which allows to synchronize several shell controls.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ShellDragDrop
Activates/deactivates the internal drag drop handling of the component.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public property ShowColorCompressed
If set, compressed files and folders will be shown in that particular Color, show normally otherwise (if null).
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property ShowColorEncrypted
If set, encrypted files and folders will be shown in that particular color, show normally otherwise (if null).
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property ShowContextMenu
If set to true, the context menu will be shown if a right click event occurs.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ShowErrorMessages
If set to true the ShellList component will show a MessageBox if an error occured, otherwise the errors will only be logged to the Debug output.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ShowExtraLargeIcons
Obsolete: Use ViewState.ExtraLargeIcons instead.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ShowInfoToolTips
Whether to show the informational shell tooltips, the default is true
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ShowOverlayIcons
If set to 'false', no overlay icons will be shown, which improves the performance of the control.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property ShowShellContextMenuOnTop
If set to to 'true', the shell context menu will be shown on top of the provided popup menu. If set to 'false', the shell context menu will be shown below the provided popup menu. The value true is currently not supported. The menu items will be shown correctly, however their Click event cannot be triggered.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property Code example SmallCustomImages
Gets or sets an ImageList holding images that can be used as custom images in small viewstates.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property SmallImageList
Gets or sets a list of small images.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property SortColumn
The column according to which the listed objects are sorted. If this is set to a negative value, sorting is disabled by setting SortOrder to SortOrder.None, this is useful to insert large amounts of items, e.g. during a search.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property SortColumnShellID
Gets or sets the current sort order.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property Sorting
Gets or sets the sort order for items in the control.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ThumbnailBorderColor
Get or set the color of the frame that is drawn around the thumbnails. If this value is set to null, no frame will be shown.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ThumbnailMode
Gets or sets preferences whether to display file icons or thumbnails in the list.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property Thumbnails
Obsolete: Use ViewState.Thumbnails instead.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ThumbnailSize
Use the ThumbnailSize property to get or set the size in pixels of the thumbnail images.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property TotalFileCount
This property returns the number of files in the FileList. If the FileList contains folders the files in those particular folders are also counted.
Public property TotalFileSize
This property returns the size of all files in the FileList. If the FileList contains folders, the foldersize is determined recursively.
Public property UsedShColumnIds Obsolete.
Returns an array of the currently used ShColumnIds.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property UseSlowInfoTip
If true, the slow tooltip that contains additional information like the folder size is used. Setting this value to false increases the performance.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property UseSystemFont
Set this property to true if you want the component to utilize the default system font. It is also set to true if the UseSystemStyles property is set.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public property UseSystemStyles
Use this property to turn on or off the usage of the system specific design, i.e. enable Vista visual styles of the explorer components.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public property UseThreadPool
Whether to use the system threadpool to obtain information on listview items. If this property is false (the default value), the complete file detail information is retrieved as soon as the item is displayed the first time within the listview. Sometimes it is useful to have all file information fetched as soon as possible without loosing userinterface responsiveness. If set to true, the item information for all files in the listview is additionally fetched from the background this further enhances performance on multicore systems.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public property Version
The current version of the ShellBrowser.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected property VerticalScrollPos
Gets or sets the vertical scroll position.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property View
Overrides the ListView.View property. Use ViewState instead.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property ViewState
Gets or sets how items are displayed in the ShellListView control.
Public property VirtualListSize
Not supported.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public property VirtualMode
Not supported.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Name Description
Public method Add(String)
Adds a path to the filelist. The item is initialized unchecked and it is assumed, that it is no duplicate entry.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method Add(String, Boolean)
Adds a path to the filelist. The item is initialized with state given in checked parameter and it is assumed, that it is no duplicate entry.
Public method Add(String, Boolean, Boolean)
Adds a file or path to the list.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method AddPathToTempList
Creates a new list item and adds it to the passed temporary list.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method AddShellColumn(Int32)
Adds a shell column to the list view.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method AddShellColumn(Int32, Int32)
Adds a shell column with the given width to the list view.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method AddStrings( String )
Adds a list of paths to the filelist. The items are initialized to be unchecked. It is assumed that the paths do not contain duplicates. If you want pass a filelist that may contain duplicates, use the AddStrings(IEnumerable String , Boolean, Boolean) method.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method AddStrings( String , Boolean)
Adds a list of paths to the filelist. It is assumed that the paths do not contain duplicates. If you want pass a filelist that may contain duplicates, use the AddStrings(IEnumerable String , Boolean, Boolean) method.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method AddStrings(IEnumerable String , Boolean, Boolean)
Adds a list of paths to the filelist. It is assumed that the paths do not contain duplicates. If you want to pass a filelist that may contain duplicates, use the AddStrings(IEnumerable String , Boolean, Boolean) method.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method BaseOnDragDrop
Calls the original inherited OnDragDrop method.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method BeforeShellCommandAssigned
For use by subcontrols, that need to check the availability of the BeforeShellCommand event.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method BeginInit
Signals the object that initialization is starting.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method CheckAll
Sets the Checked state of all Items to "checked" (true).
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method CheckBoxHit
This method is currently a surrogate for the implementation of the checkbox functionality that will follow.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method Clear
Removes all items from the FileList
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method ClearColumns
Clears the current columns and the header context menu. Please use this method instead of ListView.Columns.Clear().
(Overrides JamBaseShellListView ClearColumns .)
Public method Compare
Compares two FileListItem objects by their ItemIdList with each other.
(Overrides JamBaseShellListView Compare(Object, Object) .)
Protected method CompleteDetails
Completes the details of an item, like image index, sub items etc.
(Overrides CustomFileList T CompleteDetails(T) .)
Protected method CreateListItem
Creates a new ListItem
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method CustomCompare
Compares the given items by the content of the subitems at the SortColumn index.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method DisplayBackgroundContextMenu
Shows the BackgroundContextMenu if it is non-null.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method DisplayContextMenu
Shows the shell context menu for the currently selected items
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method DisplayContextMenu(Point)
Shows the shell context menu for the currently selected items
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method DisplayHeaderContextMenu
Handles the HeaderRightClick event.
(Overrides JamBaseShellListView DisplayHeaderContextMenu(Object, EventArgs) .)
Protected method Dispose
Remove reference to ShellControlConnector and implicitely remove this control from the list of known controls of the ShellControlConnector
(Overrides CustomFileList T Dispose(Boolean) .)
Protected method DoAutoSizeColumn
Autosizes the column that is set in AutoSizeColumn .
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method EnableSystemStyles
Sets system specific behaviour, i.e. FullRowSelect in Vista and upwards.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public method EndInit
Signals the object that initialization is complete. After this method is called, IsInitialized is true to indicate the state of the control.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method Code example FileMatches
Override this method to implement/extend your own FileMatching mechanism.
Protected method FinalizeColumnVisibilityChange
Finalizes the column visibility change. The sort column is checked and the column order updated.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method FindContextMenuPosition
finds the position where to display the context menu based upon the currently selected items and their positions
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method FindItemIdList
Searches for the first list item with the given ItemIdList.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method FindPath
Returns the ListItem for the given path.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method FolderChanged
Gets called if the active folder should change.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method FullRefresh
This method removes not existing items if the property CheckIfExists is true.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method GetColumnHeaderCollectionType
Gets the type of the column header collection.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method GetColumnOrder
Retrieve the order in which columns appear.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public method GetFullPath(T)
Get the full path of an item.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method GetFullPath(Int32)
Get the fullpath of an item at the index specified.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method GetIndexOfShColumnId(SHCOLUMNID)
Returns the local index for the given ShellColumnID (if the column is existing and visible)
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method GetIndexOfShColumnId(SHCOLUMNID, Boolean)
Returns the local index for the given ShellColumnID.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method GetItemCollectionType
Gets the type of the item collection.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method GetListViewItemSorter
Returns the IComparer that should be used for sorting.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method GetSelectedItemCollectionType
Gets the type of the selected item collection.
(Overrides CustomFileList T GetSelectedItemCollectionType .)
Public method GetSelectedItemIdLists
Gets the items the command will be executed upon.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method GetSubItemBounds
Retrieve the bounds of a ListViewSubItem
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Protected method GetUIObject
Returns for the currently selected item a COM object that implements the requested interface.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method GoUp
Goes up one directory level.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method HideColumn
Hides the column with the passed SHCOLUMNID .
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method InitColumns
Initializes the columns by reading the column headers from the users personal folder.
(Overrides JamBaseShellListView InitColumns .)
Protected method InvalidateSortColumns
For internal use: invalidates the current sort column.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method Code example InvokeCommandOnSelected
Invokes the given command on the selected items. See ShellCommand class for a list of possible commands.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method InvokeCommandOnSelectedReadOnly
Guarding/helper method for InvokeCommandOnSelected(ShellCommand) suppressing exceptions when executing commands that don't work in readonly mode.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method IsColumnVisible(Int32)
Returns whether the given column id is currently visible or not.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method IsColumnVisible(SHCOLUMNID)
Returns whether the given SHColumnId is currently visible or not.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method IsColumnVisibleByDefault
Determines whether the column with the specified shellcolumnId is a column shown by default.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method IsCustomColumn
Checks whether the given column index is a custom or shell column
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method IsEmpty
Checks if the list is empty.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method IsItemInList
Checks whether an item with the given filename can be found in the list.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method ItemOfPidl
Returns the ListItem for the given ItemIdList
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method LogError(String)
Error method that displays an error messagebox if the property ShowErrorMessages is set. The message is always written to the debug output stream
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method LogError(String, Exception)
Error method that displays an error messagebox if the property ShowErrorMessages is set. The message is always written to the debug output stream
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnAddItem
Raises the AddItem event.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method OnAfterInvokeCommand
Is called after the command has been called.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnAfterLabelEdit
Override the OnAfterLabelEdit event, to rename files or folders in the file system, when the have been renamed in the ShellListView .
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method OnBeforeInvokeCommand
Is called before the command is called.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnBeforeLabelEdit
Override the OnBeforeLabelEdit event, to prepare renaming a file or folder in the ShellListView .
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnBeforeShellColumnChanged
Calls the BeforeShellColumnChanged event if it is assigned.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnBeforeShellDrop
Calls the BeforeShellDrop event if it is assigned.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnCheckStateChanged
Fires an event if the CheckState of an item has changed.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnColumnClick
Sort the column, which is clicked.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnColumnWidthChanged
Tracks column widths. Raises the System.Windows.Forms.ListView.ColumnWidthChanged event.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnColumnWidthChanging
Prevents changes at designtime. Raises the ColumnWidthChanging event.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnCreateColumns
Fires an event after the columns have been created
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnCreateControl
Raises the CreateControl method.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnDoubleClick
Overrides the OnDoubleClick eventhandler to invoke the default command on the selected item.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnDragDrop
This member overrides OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs)
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnDragEnter
This member overrides OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs)
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnDragLeave
This member overrides OnDragLeave(EventArgs)
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnDragOver
This member overrides OnDragOver(DragEventArgs)
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnDrawColumnHeader (Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnDrawItem (Overrides CustomFileList T OnDrawItem(DrawListViewItemEventArgs) .)
Protected method OnFileMatches
Fires an event that a file matches the default search criteria if the user registers to the SearchFileMatches event the user can further decide whether the file should match.
Protected method OnHandleCreated
Handles the OnHandleCreated event and e.g. initializes the image list
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnHandleDestroyed
Tracks the handle destruction.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnHeaderContextMenuClick
Eventhandler for a HeaderContextMenuClick.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnHeaderRightClick
Raises the HeaderRightClick-Event
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Protected method OnItemChecked
Calls raising of the OnItemCheckedEvent.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnItemDrag
This member overrides OnItemDrag(ItemDragEventArgs)
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnItemListChanged
Executes the item list changed action.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnItemShowToolTip
This method is extended to show tool tip texts of the particular shell objects.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnKeyDown
Overrides the OnKeyDown eventhandler.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnLoadItem
Calls the LoadItem event with the passed parameters.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnMouseDown
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseDown event.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnMouseEnter
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseEnter event.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnMouseLeave
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseLeave event.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method OnMouseUp
Overrides the OnMouseUp event, to handle e.g. double clicks and right clicks on files or folders and the selection of files or folders, when the CheckBoxes are switched on.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnNotifyMessage
This method is called if a notification event is performed on the message pump WndProc(Message )
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Protected method OnOperation(ShellOperation, PathCollection, String, Exception)
Fires an event if an operation was performed on the JamBaseShellListView .
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnOperation(ShellOperation, StringCollection, String, Exception)
Helper function for OnOperation(ShellOperation, PathCollection, String, Exception) to avoid type conversion.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnResize
Raises the OnResize event.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method OnSearchCompleted
Fires an event if the Search has completed.
Protected method OnSearchProgressChanged
Fires an event if the Search has completed.
Protected method OnShowOptionChanged
Calls the ShowOptionChanged event if it is assigned.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method PrepareMultiObjects Obsolete.
Prepares the selected items in the list for being used with the m_ShellBrowser, an instance of ShellBrowser .
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method PrepareMultiObjects(ShellBrowser)
Prepares the selected items in the list for being used with the m_ShellBrowser, an instance of ShellBrowser .
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method PreserveSystemStyle
This method preserves the Windows Vista light blue selection line if UseSystemStyles is on. The Setting is lost if e.g. a column is clicked to sort things.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public method Refresh(RefreshLevel)
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method Refresh(RefreshLevel, ItemIdList)
This method indicates that the control should perform a refresh of its contents.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method Remove(T)
Removes an item from the list.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method Remove(String)
Removes an item from the list.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method RemoveItemFromList
Removes the list element from the list
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method Reset
Resets the SpecialFolder of the internal ShellBrowser. This is especially needed for Column or subitem initialization.
(Overrides CustomFileList T Reset .)
Public method ResetColumns
Resets the columns to the initial state.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method ResetItemDetails
Resets all items so the next time their CompleteDetails method is called, the information is retrieved again.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method ResetItems
Resets the items and their subitems.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method RestoreItemSelection
Restores the selection and checkstate of the item.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method RestoreState
Counterpart of SaveState . Restores properties and contents of the ListView.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method ReturnItemInList
Returns the item that is associated to the filename given as a parameter. Uses the SortedDictionary that is maintained within the FileList to determine whether the p_FileName is contained as a key if the AllowDuplicates property is set to true. Otherwise it iterates through the list of items in O(n) to find the first entry.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method SaveCheckedItems
Saves the checked items.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method SaveColumnSettings
Saves the column settings.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method SaveSelection
Saves the current selection and checked items to a temporary List.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method SaveState
Saves the column properties of the current view, so that it can be restored later.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method ScaleControl
Scales a control's location, size, padding and margin.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method Search(String)
Searches the path given in the parameter for patterns defined in the SearchOptions property.
Public method Search( String )
Searches the paths given in the parameter for patterns defined in the SearchOptions property.
Public method Search(String, Boolean)
Searches the path given in the parameter for patterns defined in the SearchOptions property.
Public method Search( String , Boolean)
Searches the paths given in the parameter for patterns defined in the SearchOptions property.
Public method Search( String , Boolean, Boolean)
Searches the paths given in the parameter for patterns defined in the SearchOptions property.
Public method SearchCancel
Call this method to cancel a pending search.
Public method SelectAll
Use SelectAll to select all items in a ShellFileList.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method SelectAllItemsInternal
Selects all items.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method SelectedFileChange
Gets called if the selected file should change.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method SelectPidl(ItemIdList)
Selects the ListItem that corresponds to the given ItemIdList.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method SelectPidl(ItemIdList, Boolean)
Selects the ListItem that corresponds to the given ItemIdList.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method SetColumnBitmap
Set the sort icon among the current sort order in the passed column.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Protected method SetColumnOrder
Sets the order in which columns appear.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public method SetColumnVisibility(Int32, Boolean)
Sets the visibility of a column.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method SetColumnVisibility(SHCOLUMNID, Boolean)
Sets the visibility of a column.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method SetFont
Sets the font without adjusting other properties.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Protected method SetSortOrder(SHCOLUMNID)
Sets and applies the SortColumn in ascending.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method SetSortOrder(SHCOLUMNID, SortOrder)
Sets and applies the sortrder.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method ShowColumn
Shows the column with the passed ShellColumnId.
(Overrides JamBaseShellListView ShowColumn(SHCOLUMNID) .)
Public method SmartRefresh
This method is left empty in the CustomFileList T and FileList classes.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public method Code example Sort
Sorts the items of the list view. Uses a custom sort order if an IComparer is assigned to property ListViewItemSorter . If no custom sortorder is supplied the default sorting handles sorting by columns and is only useful in Details . In this case SortColumn must be non-negative.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public method UnCheckAll
Sets the Checked state of all Items to "unchecked" (false).
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Protected method UpdateColumnBitmaps
Updates the sort icon in the column of the ShellListView .
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected method UpdateSubitemsAfterColumnGetsVisible
Updates the subitems after a column gets visible.
(Overrides JamBaseShellListView UpdateSubitemsAfterColumnGetsVisible(SHCOLUMNID, Int32) .)
Protected method WndProc (Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Name Description
Public event Code example AddItem
This event is fired if a file is to be added to the listview. It is possible to change details of the item or to prevent adding the file by setting the CanAdd flag in the AddItemEventArgs to false.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public event BeforeInvokeCommandOnSelected
Assign this event to be able to control the behaviour of the control when the user double-clicks on an item to start the default action
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public event BeforeShellColumnChanged
This event is fired when a column is selected/deselected from the context menu of the list header.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public event Code example BeforeShellCommand
This event is fired when a shell command is to be executed, ie. via the context menu It is possible to permit the execution of the shell command by modifying the BeforeShellCommandEventArgs
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public event BeforeShellDrop
This event is fired before a ListView that inherits from JamBaseShellListView executes a shell drop.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public event CheckStateChanged
This event is fired when the state of a checkbox was changed by the user or if it was changed internally via checkstate synchronization of other controls.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public event ClearItems
This event occurs if the FileList is cleared by calling the clear() method.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public event Code example CreatedColumns
This event is fired after the columns were created.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public event HeaderRightClick
The event is triggered when the user right clicks on the column headers.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public event Initialized
This event is fired after the initialization of the component.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public event ItemChecked
Occurs when the checked state of an item was changed by the user.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public event ItemListChanged
This event occurs if the FileList changed, ie. an item was removed, added or the list is cleared.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public event ItemShowToolTip
This event occurs if the user moved the mouse over a listview item so a tooltip can appear, this event also occurs if no ToolTipText is set, it can be added dynamically.
(Inherited from SystemListView .)
Public event LoadItem
This event is called, when the data for an item is loaded.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public event OperationPerformed
This event is fired after a JamBaseShellListView executed a shell operation like copying.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public event RemoveItem
This event is issued if a file is removed from the listview.
(Inherited from CustomFileList T .)
Public event SearchCompleted
This event is fired when a search operation is complete, has been cancelled, or an exception has been thrown.
Public event SearchExceptionOccurred
This event is fired everytime an exception occurs when a single item is processed during the search process. It is possible to handle or ignore the exception and mark this in the SearchExceptionEventArgs If e.g. the exception is permanent and is left unhandled the search will cancel, a SearchCompleted event will immediately follow which passes the Exception in the event args again, so it can be finally handled.
Public event SearchFileMatches
Register to this event if you want to further investigate the files the component examines. In the FileMatchEventArgs you have access to the Filename and can explicitly specify whether the file matches, e.g. after you performed a pattern match within the data of the file.
Public event SearchProgressChanged
This event is fired everytime the progress of the searcher changes, that is when new items are filled to the FileList.
Public event ShowOptionChanged
This event is fired after a display option, like e.g. the ViewState changed.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Public event SizeOrCountRefreshed
This event occurs if the FileList.TotalFileCount or FileList.TotalFileSize were refreshed.
Public event Code example ThumbnailUpdated
This event is fired for each item in Thumbnail view. It can be used to update the thumbnail.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Name Description
Protected field m_InitialSortColumnIndex
Zero-based index of the initial sort column. -2 means: Default value not overriden or already applied
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected field m_SortColumnIndex
The current sort order as index of column.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected field m_SortColumnShellIndex
The shell index of the sort column. Default is 0 - the name column.
(Inherited from JamBaseShellListView .)
Protected field m_SortOrder