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A subset of ECMWF real-time forecast data are made available to the public free of charge. Their use is governed by the Creative Commons CC-4.0-BY licence and the ECMWF Terms of Use . This means that the data may be redistributed and used commercially, subject to appropriate attribution .

For some users, these open data can also be delivered via the ECPDS platform to a nominated FTP server, in this case they may be subject to service charges.

Additional data, including higher resolutions and more parameters, can be obtained from the ECMWF Product Requirements Catalogue or by contacting a Catalogue contact point for more information. Charges and licence conditions apply .

How to access real-time open data

For more information on accessing these products, please see user documentation or visit the ECMWF Support Portal .

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Product description

These products are a subset of the full Catalogue of ECMWF Real-time Products and are based on the medium-range ( high-resolution and ensemble ) and seasonal forecast models.

The data are released 1 hour after the real-time dissemination schedule .

Products are produced at 0.25 degrees resolution in GRIB2 format unless stated otherwise. Since July 2023, the encoding of products in GRIB2 has changed to use CCSDS compression .

Products produced at 0.4 degrees under the 'beta' folder will be retired in May 2024. We advise all users to move to the 0.25 degree resolution data.

Important: higher resolution versions of the same products are available via the Product Requirements Catalogue and are subject to the ECMWF Standard Licence Agreement.

High-resolution products :


  • For times 00z &12z: 0 to 144 by 3, 150 to 240 by 6.
  • For times 06z & 18z: 0 to 90 by 3.
  • Single and Pressure Levels (hPa): 1000, 925, 850, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50

    Parameters: as described below

    mn2t3 Minimum temperature at 2 metres in the last 3 hours - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) 228027 Single mx2t3 Maximum temperature at 2 metres in the last 3 hours - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) 228026 Single Top net long-wave (thermal) radiation Single Surface net long-wave (thermal) radiation Single Surface net short-wave (solar) radiation Single Surface net short-wave (solar) radiation downwards Single Surface net long-wave (thermal) radiation downwards Single Time-integrated northward turbulent surface stress - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Time-integrated eastward turbulent surface stress - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Depth of 20C isotherm - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single sav300 Average salinity in the upper 300m - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Eastward sea water velocity - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Northward sea water velocity - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single sithick Sea ice thickness - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Sea surface height - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Divergence Pressure Geopotential height Pressure Specific humidity Pressure Relative humidity Pressure Temperature Pressure U component of wind Pressure V component of wind Pressure Vertical velocity Pressure Vorticity (relative) Pressure mn2t3 Minimum temperature at 2 metres in the last 3 hours - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) 228027 Single mx2t3 Maximum temperature at 2 metres in the last 3 hours - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) 228026 Single Top net long-wave (thermal) radiation Single Surface net long-wave (thermal) radiation Single Surface net short-wave (solar) radiation Single Surface net short-wave (solar) radiation downwards Single Surface net long-wave (thermal) radiation downwards Single Time-integrated northward turbulent surface stress - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Time-integrated eastward turbulent surface stress - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Depth of 20C isotherm - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single sav300 Average salinity in the upper 300m  - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Eastward sea water velocity - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Northward sea water velocity - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single sithick Sea ice thickness - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Sea surface height - currently unavailable (11/03/2024) Single Divergence Pressure Geopotential height Pressure Specific humidity Pressure Relative humidity Pressure Temperature Pressure U component of wind Pressure V component of wind Pressure Vertical velocity Pressure Vorticity (relative) Pressure

    Probabilities, instantaneous weather events - atmosphere

    Steps for times 00z &12z: 12 to 360 by 12​

    Level: 850 hPa

    ptsa_gt _1stdev Probability of temperature standardized anomaly greater than 1 standard deviation Pressure ptsa_gt _1p5stdev Probability of temperature standardized anomaly greater than 1.5 standard deviation Pressure ptsa_gt _2stdev Probability of temperature standardized anomaly greater than 2 standard deviation Pressure ptsa_lt _1stdev Probability of temperature standardized anomaly less than -1 standard deviation Pressure ptsa_lt _1p5stdev Probability of temperature standardized anomaly less than -1.5 standard deviation Pressure ptsa_lt _2stdev Probability of temperature standardized anomaly less than -2 standard deviation Pressure