Titanic : Machine Learning from Disaster
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series , DataFrame
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
重点:在kaggle notebook上时,应该把
= pd .read_csv ("./kaggle/input/titanic/train.csv" )
test = pd .read_csv ("./kaggle/input/titanic/test.csv" )
allData = pd .concat ([train , test ], ignore_index = True )
# dataNum = train.shape[0]
# featureNum = train.shape[1]
train .info ()
< class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame' >
RangeIndex : 891 entries , 0 to 890
Data columns (total 12 columns ):
PassengerId 891 non - null int64
Survived 891 non - null int64
Pclass 891 non - null int64
Name 891 non - null object
Sex 891 non - null object
Age 714 non - null float64
SibSp 891 non - null int64
Parch 891 non - null int64
Ticket 891 non - null object
Fare 891 non - null float64
Cabin 204 non - null object
Embarked 889 non - null object
dtypes : float64 (2 ), int64 (5 ), object (5 )
memory usage : 83.6 + KB
# FamilySize = SibSp + Parch + 1
allData ['FamilySize' ] = allData ['SibSp' ] + allData ['Parch' ] + 1
sns .barplot (x = 'FamilySize' , y = 'Survived' , data = allData )
plt .show ()
# Embarked
sns .countplot ('Embarked' , hue = 'Survived' , data = train )
plt .show ()
# Age
sns .stripplot (x = "Survived" , y = "Age" , data = train , jitter = True )
plt .show ()
facet = sns .FacetGrid (train , hue = "Survived" ,aspect = 2 )
facet .map (sns .kdeplot ,'Age' ,shade = True )
facet .set (xlim = (0 , train ['Age' ].max ()))
facet .add_legend ()
plt .xlabel ('Age' )
plt .ylabel ('density' )
plt .show ()
# Fare
sns .stripplot (x = "Survived" , y = "Fare" , data = train , jitter = True )
plt .show ()
# Name
allData ['Title' ] = allData ['Name' ].apply (lambda x :x .split (',' )[1 ].split ('.' )[0 ].strip ())
pd .crosstab (allData ['Title' ], allData ['Sex' ])
= {'Officer' :['Capt' , 'Col' , 'Major' , 'Dr' , 'Rev' ],
'Royalty' :['Don' , 'Sir' , 'the Countess' , 'Dona' , 'Lady' ],
'Mrs' :['Mme' , 'Ms' , 'Mrs' ],
'Miss' :['Mlle' , 'Miss' ],
'Mr' :['Mr' ],
'Master' :['Master' ,'Jonkheer' ]}
for title in TitleClassification .keys ():
cnt = 0
for name in TitleClassification [title ]:
cnt += allData .groupby (['Title' ]).size ()[name ]
print (title ,':' ,cnt )
TitleClassification = {'Officer' :['Capt' , 'Col' , 'Major' , 'Dr' , 'Rev' ],
'Royalty' :['Don' , 'Sir' , 'the Countess' , 'Dona' , 'Lady' ],
'Mrs' :['Mme' , 'Ms' , 'Mrs' ],
'Miss' :['Mlle' , 'Miss' ],
'Mr' :['Mr' ],
'Master' :['Master' ,'Jonkheer' ]}
TitleMap = {}
for title in TitleClassification .keys ():
TitleMap .update (dict .fromkeys (TitleClassification [title ], title ))
allData ['Title' ] = allData ['Title' ].map (TitleMap )
sns .barplot (x = "Title" , y = "Survived" , data = allData )
plt .show ()
TicketCnt = allData .groupby (['Ticket' ]).size ()
allData ['SameTicketNum' ] = allData ['Ticket' ].apply (lambda x :TicketCnt [x ])
sns .barplot (x = 'SameTicketNum' , y = 'Survived' , data = allData )
plt .show ()
# allData['SameTicketNum']
# Pclass & Age
sns .violinplot ("Pclass" , "Age" , hue = "Survived" , data = train , split = True )
plt .show ()
# Age & Sex
sns .swarmplot (x = 'Age' , y = "Sex" , data = train , hue = 'Survived' )
plt .show ()
Sex & Pclass & Embarked 都有已经设置好的标签(int或float或string等),可以直接进行get_dummies,拆分成多维向量,增加特征维度
# Sex
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ['Sex' ], prefix = "Sex" ))
# Pclass
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ['Pclass' ], prefix = "Pclass" ))
# Embarked
allData [allData ['Embarked' ].isnull ()] # 查看缺失值
allData .groupby (by = ['Pclass' ,'Embarked' ]).Fare .mean () # Pclass=1, Embark=C, 中位数=76
allData ['Embarked' ] = allData ['Embarked' ].fillna ('C' )
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ['Embarked' ], prefix = "Embarked" ))
无可用标签 --> 设计标签 --> One-Hot
FamilySize & Name & Ticket需要对整体数据统一处理,再进行标记
# FamilySize
def FamilyLabel (s ):
if (s == 4 ):
return 4
elif (s == 2 or s == 3 ):
return 3
elif (s == 1 or s == 7 ):
return 2
elif (s == 5 or s == 6 ):
return 1
elif (s < 1 or s > 7 ):
return 0
allData ['FamilyLabel' ] = allData ['FamilySize' ].apply (FamilyLabel )
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ['FamilyLabel' ], prefix = "Fam" ))
# Name
TitleLabelMap = {'Mr' :1.0 ,
'Mrs' :5.0 ,
'Miss' :4.5 ,
'Master' :2.5 ,
'Royalty' :3.5 ,
'Officer' :2.0 }
def TitleLabel (s ):
return TitleLabelMap [s ]
# allData['TitleLabel'] = allData['Title'].apply(TitleLabel)
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ['Title' ], prefix = "Title" ))
# Ticket
def TicketLabel (s ):
if (s == 3 or s == 4 ):
return 3
elif (s == 2 or s == 8 ):
return 2
elif (s == 1 or s == 5 or s == 6 or s == 7 ):
return 1
elif (s < 1 or s > 8 ):
return 0
allData ['TicketLabel' ] = allData ['SameTicketNum' ].apply (TicketLabel )
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ['TicketLabel' ], prefix = "TicNum" ))
# Age
allData ['Child' ] = allData ['Age' ].apply (lambda x :1 if x <= 10 else 0 ) # 儿童标签
allData ['Age' ] = (allData ['Age' ]- allData ['Age' ].mean ())/ allData ['Age' ].std () # 标准化
allData ['Age' ].fillna (value = 0 , inplace = True ) # 填充缺失值
# Fare
allData ['Fare' ] = allData ['Fare' ].fillna (25 ) # 填充缺失值
allData [allData ['Survived' ].notnull ()]['Fare' ] = allData [allData ['Survived' ].notnull ()]['Fare' ].apply (lambda x :300.0 if x > 500 else x )
allData ['Fare' ] = allData ['Fare' ].apply (lambda x :(x - allData ['Fare' ].mean ())/ allData ['Fare' ].std ())
# 清除无用特征
allData .drop (['Cabin' , 'PassengerId' , 'Ticket' , 'Name' , 'Title' , 'Sex' , 'SibSp' , 'Parch' , 'FamilySize' , 'Embarked' , 'Pclass' , 'Title' , 'FamilyLabel' , 'SameTicketNum' , 'TicketLabel' ], axis = 1 , inplace = True )
# 重新分割数据集
train_data = allData [allData ['Survived' ].notnull ()]
test_data = allData [allData ['Survived' ].isnull ()]
test_data = test_data .reset_index (drop = True )
xTrain = train_data .drop (['Survived' ], axis = 1 )
yTrain = train_data ['Survived' ]
xTest = test_data .drop ( ['Survived' ], axis = 1 )
# 特征间相关性分析
Correlation = pd .DataFrame (allData [allData .columns .to_list ()])
colormap = plt .cm .viridis
plt .figure (figsize = (24 ,22 ))
sns .heatmap (Correlation .astype (float ).corr (), linewidths = 0.1 , vmax = 1.0 , cmap = colormap , linecolor = 'white' , annot = True , square = True )
plt .show ()
from sklearn .pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn .ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn .model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn .feature_selection import SelectKBest
pipe = Pipeline ([('select' , SelectKBest (k = 10 )),
('classify' , RandomForestClassifier (random_state = 10 , max_features = 'sqrt' ))])
param_test = {'classify__n_estimators' :list (range (20 ,100 ,5 )),
'classify__max_depth' :list (range (3 ,10 ,1 ))}
gsearch = GridSearchCV (estimator = pipe , param_grid = param_test , scoring = 'roc_auc' , cv = 10 )
gsearch .fit (xTrain , yTrain )
print (gsearch .best_params_ , gsearch .best_score_ )
{'classify__max_depth' : 6 , 'classify__n_estimators' : 70 } 0.8790924679681529
rfc = RandomForestClassifier (n_estimators = 70 , max_depth = 6 , random_state = 10 , max_features = 'sqrt' )
rfc .fit (xTrain , yTrain )
predictions = rfc .predict (xTest )
output = pd .DataFrame ({'PassengerId' :test ['PassengerId' ], 'Survived' :predictions .astype ('int64' )})
output .to_csv ('my_submission.csv' , index = False )
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import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series , DataFrame
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# %% [markdown]
# # Features
# Variable | Definition | Key
# :-:|:-:|:-:
# survival | Survival | 0 = No, 1 = Yes
# pclass | Ticket class(客舱等级) | 1 = 1st, 2 = 2nd, 3 = 3rd
# sex | Sex
# Age | Age in years
# sibsp | # of siblings / spouses aboard the Titanic(旁系亲属)
# parch | # of parents / children aboard the Titanic(直系亲属)
# ticket | Ticket number
# fare | Passenger fare
# cabin | Cabin number(客舱编号)
# embarked | Port of Embarkation(上船的港口编号) | C = Cherbourg, Q = Queenstown, S = Southampton
train = pd .read_csv ("./kaggle/input/titanic/train.csv" )
test = pd .read_csv ("./kaggle/input/titanic/test.csv" )
allData = pd .concat ([train , test ], ignore_index = True )
# dataNum = train.shape[0]
# featureNum = train.shape[1]
train .head ()
# Sex
sns .countplot ("Sex" , hue = "Survived" , data = train )
plt .show ()
# Pclass
sns .barplot (x = "Pclass" , y = "Survived" , data = train )
plt .show ()
# Pclass & Age
sns .violinplot ("Pclass" , "Age" , hue = "Survived" , data = train , split = True )
plt .show ()
# FamilySize = SibSp + Parch + 1
allData ["FamilySize" ] = allData ["SibSp" ] + allData ["Parch" ] + 1
sns .barplot (x = "FamilySize" , y = "Survived" , data = allData )
plt .show ()
# Embarked
sns .countplot ("Embarked" , hue = "Survived" , data = train )
plt .show ()
# Age
sns .stripplot (x = "Survived" , y = "Age" , data = train , jitter = True )
plt .show ()
facet = sns .FacetGrid (train , hue = "Survived" , aspect = 2 )
facet .map (sns .kdeplot , "Age" , shade = True )
facet .set (xlim = (0 , train ["Age" ].max ()))
facet .add_legend ()
plt .xlabel ("Age" )
plt .ylabel ("density" )
plt .show ()
# Age & Sex
sns .swarmplot (x = "Age" , y = "Sex" , data = train , hue = "Survived" )
plt .show ()
# Fare
sns .stripplot (x = "Survived" , y = "Fare" , data = train , jitter = True )
plt .show ()
# Name
# allData['Title'] = allData['Name'].str.extract('([A-Za-z]+)\.', expand=False) # str.extract不知道在干嘛
allData ["Title" ] = allData ["Name" ].apply (
lambda x : x .split ("," )[1 ].split ("." )[0 ].strip ()
# pd.crosstab(allData['Title'], allData['Sex'])
TitleClassification = {
"Officer" : ["Capt" , "Col" , "Major" , "Dr" , "Rev" ],
"Royalty" : ["Don" , "Sir" , "the Countess" , "Dona" , "Lady" ],
"Mrs" : ["Mme" , "Ms" , "Mrs" ],
"Miss" : ["Mlle" , "Miss" ],
"Mr" : ["Mr" ],
"Master" : ["Master" , "Jonkheer" ],
TitleMap = {}
for title in TitleClassification .keys ():
TitleMap .update (dict .fromkeys (TitleClassification [title ], title ))
# cnt = 0
for name in TitleClassification[title]:
cnt += allData.groupby(['Title']).size()[name]
# print (title,':',cnt)
allData ["Title" ] = allData ["Title" ].map (TitleMap )
sns .barplot (x = "Title" , y = "Survived" , data = allData )
plt .show ()
# Ticket
TicketCnt = allData .groupby (["Ticket" ]).size ()
allData ["SameTicketNum" ] = allData ["Ticket" ].apply (lambda x : TicketCnt [x ])
sns .barplot (x = "SameTicketNum" , y = "Survived" , data = allData )
plt .show ()
# allData['SameTicketNum']
# %% [markdown]
# # 数据清洗
# - Sex & Pclass & Embarked --> Ont-Hot
# - Age & Fare --> Standardize
# - FamilySize & Name & Ticket --> ints --> One-Hot
# Sex
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ["Sex" ], prefix = "Sex" ))
# Pclass
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ["Pclass"
], prefix = "Pclass" ))
# Embarked
allData [allData ["Embarked" ].isnull ()] # 查看缺失值
allData .groupby (by = ["Pclass" , "Embarked" ]).Fare .mean () # Pclass=1, Embark=C, 中位数=76
allData ["Embarked" ] = allData ["Embarked" ].fillna ("C" )
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ["Embarked" ], prefix = "Embarked" ))
# Age
allData ["Child" ] = allData ["Age" ].apply (lambda x : 1 if x <= 10 else 0 ) # 儿童标签
allData ["Age" ] = (allData ["Age" ] - allData ["Age" ].mean ()) / allData ["Age" ].std () # 标准化
allData ["Age" ].fillna (value = 0 , inplace = True ) # 填充缺失值
# Fare
allData ["Fare" ] = allData ["Fare" ].fillna (25 ) # 填充缺失值
allData [allData ["Survived" ].notnull ()]["Fare" ] = allData [allData ["Survived" ].notnull ()][
].apply (lambda x : 300.0 if x > 500 else x )
allData ["Fare" ] = allData ["Fare" ].apply (
lambda x : (x - allData ["Fare" ].mean ()) / allData ["Fare" ].std ()
# FamilySize
def FamilyLabel (s ):
if s == 4 :
return 4
elif s == 2 or s == 3 :
return 3
elif s == 1 or s == 7 :
return 2
elif s == 5 or s == 6 :
return 1
elif s < 1 or s > 7 :
return 0
allData ["FamilyLabel" ] = allData ["FamilySize" ].apply (FamilyLabel )
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ["FamilyLabel" ], prefix = "Fam" ))
# Name
TitleLabelMap = {
"Mr" : 1.0 ,
"Mrs" : 5.0 ,
"Miss" : 4.5 ,
"Master" : 2.5 ,
"Royalty" : 3.5 ,
"Officer" : 2.0 ,
def TitleLabel (s ):
return TitleLabelMap [s ]
# allData['TitleLabel'] = allData['Title'].apply(TitleLabel)
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ["Title" ], prefix = "Title" ))
# Ticket
def TicketLabel (s ):
if s == 3 or s == 4 :
return 3
elif s == 2 or s == 8 :
return 2
elif s == 1 or s == 5 or s == 6 or s == 7 :
return 1
elif s < 1 or s > 8 :
return 0
allData ["TicketLabel" ] = allData ["SameTicketNum" ].apply (TicketLabel )
allData = allData .join (pd .get_dummies (allData ["TicketLabel" ], prefix = "TicNum" ))
# 清除无用特征
allData .drop (
"Cabin" ,
"PassengerId" ,
"Ticket" ,
"Name" ,
"Title" ,
"Sex" ,
"SibSp" ,
"Parch" ,
"FamilySize" ,
"Embarked" ,
"Pclass" ,
"Title" ,
"FamilyLabel" ,
"SameTicketNum" ,
"TicketLabel" ,
axis = 1 ,
inplace = True ,
# 重新分割数据集
train_data = allData [allData ["Survived" ].notnull ()]
test_data = allData [allData ["Survived" ].isnull ()]
test_data = test_data .reset_index (drop = True )
xTrain = train_data .drop (["Survived" ], axis = 1 )
yTrain = train_data ["Survived" ]
xTest = test_data .drop (["Survived" ], axis = 1 )
# allData.columns.to_list()
# 特征间相关性分析
Correlation = pd .DataFrame (allData [allData .columns .to_list ()])
colormap = plt .cm .viridis
plt .figure (figsize = (24 , 22 ))
sns .heatmap (
Correlation .astype (float ).corr (),
linewidths = 0.1 ,
vmax = 1.0 ,
cmap = colormap ,
linecolor = "white" ,
annot = True ,
square = True ,
plt .show ()
# %% [markdown]
# # 网格筛选随机森林参数
# - n_estimator
# - max_depth
from sklearn .pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn .ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn .model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn .feature_selection import SelectKBest
pipe = Pipeline (
("select" , SelectKBest (k = 10 )),
("classify" , RandomForestClassifier (random_state = 10 , max_features = "sqrt" )),
param_test = {
"classify__n_estimators" : list (range (20 , 100 , 5 )),
"classify__max_depth" : list (range (3 , 10 , 1 )),
gsearch = GridSearchCV (estimator = pipe , param_grid = param_test , scoring = "roc_auc" , cv = 10 )
gsearch .fit (xTrain , yTrain )
print (gsearch .best_params_ , gsearch .best_score_ )
rfc = RandomForestClassifier (
n_estimators = 70 , max_depth = 6 , random_state = 10 , max_features = "sqrt"
rfc .fit (xTrain , yTrain )
predictions = rfc .predict (xTest )
output = pd .DataFrame (
{"PassengerId" : test ["PassengerId" ], "Survived" : predictions .astype ("int64" )}
output .to_csv ("my_submission.csv" , index = False )