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Github action builds failing on Windows editor and template

i have been attempting to build the spine runtimes for the godot editor and templates for the past few months, ever since godot 4.3 came out. i have tried deleting my old fork and making a new one from the official spine github. it builds everything fine on godot 4.2 and previous versions, but only the windows build seems to be broken on godot 4.3 builds. i have done EVERYTHING i can to try building locally, but i just can't. i heavily prefer having my exported projects encrypted with a PCK key, and this so far has been the best way for me to do it.


  • make a fork from the official spine-runtimes github
  • in spine-godot-v4.yml in the /workflows directory, add this line at the bottom of the env: section
    SCRIPT_AES256_ENCRYPTION_KEY: ${{ secrets.PCK_KEY }}
  • in your repository settings, go to Secrets and Variables, then Actions and create a new repository secret called PCK_KEY. you can test with a real 256-bit AES key if you want, or just some random value
  • once the changes are committed and pushed, wait for github actions to complete
  • check if windows builds for godot 4.3 were succesful

Runtime information

i'm currently using the latest spine runtime version 4.2

(if images aren't working)
4.3 windows editor log:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.42.34433\include\mutex(37): error C3861: '_Mtx_init_in_situ': identifier not found
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.42.34433\include\mutex(536): error C3861: '_Cnd_init_in_situ': identifier not found
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.42.34433\include\condition_variable(56): error C3861: '_Cnd_init_in_situ': identifier not found
scons: *** [thirdparty\thorvg\src\loaders\svg\tvgSvgLoader.windows.editor.x86_64.obj] Error 2
scons: building terminated because of errors.
[Time elapsed: 00:07:56.21]
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

4.3 template log:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.42.34433\include\mutex(37): error C3861: '_Mtx_init_in_situ': identifier not found
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.42.34433\include\mutex(536): error C3861: '_Cnd_init_in_situ': identifier not found
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.42.34433\include\condition_variable(56): error C3861: '_Cnd_init_in_situ': identifier not found
scons: *** [thirdparty\thorvg\src\loaders\svg\tvgSvgLoader.windows.template_release.x86_64.obj] Error 2
scons: building terminated because of errors.
[Time elapsed: 00:06:48.48]
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.


Seems to be an issue in thorvg. Does building Godot 4.3 from the Godot repository work on your machine? We are not modifying thorvg or anything else in any way in the copy of the upstream Godot source tree. Our GitHub Action also compiles as it should on GitHub's Windows build servers. Hard to tell what's going on. My guess is that something in your Visual Studio setup is incorrect.

Try building vanilla Godot and post the full log output.


i accidentally built Godot 4.4 from the latest commit on the master branch from the Godot repo (woops) however it did successfully build. i also tried to run the spine Github Action again, and got the same errors and results for only windows builds.

here's my vanilla Godot scons build logs:


(i tbh just copied that from the console, i have no idea where else to get the logs as no file was generated)


We are now getting the same error on GitHub Actions. I have no idea why. I can compile everything on a local Windows machine just fine as well. It looks like a similar issue with mutex.h happened on GH Actions and Windows runners earlier this year: