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Plots in plottable

Plottable is a python library for plotting nice table outputs . You can custom style, colors, add images and even more with a light python syntax!
In this post, we'll see how add plots such as progress bar , star review , donut progress , percent bar with plottable . For an introduction to plottable, see Introduction to plottable and for an advanced feature check How to add an image in plottable .


First, you need to install plottable with the following command: pip install plottable

We'll also need the following libraries:

  • pandas for creating a dataframe with our data
  • matplotlib for customizing the table and display it
  • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import pandas as pd
    from plottable import Table, ColumnDefinition
    from plottable.formatters import decimal_to_percent
    from plottable.plots import bar, percentile_bars, percentile_stars, progress_donut


    Since most of the time, when we want to display a beautiful table, it comes from a pandas dataframe , we'll create a (simple) pandas df and use it as the starting point we want to make nice.

    We set the same values in each column to show the various possible plots and how they render within the same value.

    data = {'Score': [82, 68, 17, 39, 91],
            'Value': [82, 68, 17, 39, 91],
            'Metric': [82, 68, 17, 39, 91],
            'KPI': [82, 68, 17, 39, 91]}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    # put everything in percentage
    df = df/100


    In the column definition argument, we specify plot_fn=percentile_bars for percentile bars .

    We also have to add "is_pct": True in the plot_kw argument ( kw stands for keyword ). This means that our values are in percentage .

    For more visibility, we center the text with textprops={"ha": "center"} when creating the Table() .

    # Init a figure 
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)
    # Create the Table() object
    tab = Table(df,
                textprops={"ha": "center"},
                                                     plot_kw={"is_pct": True})]
    # Display the output

    Start review

    In the column definition argument, we specify plot_fn=percentile_stars for a start review .

    We also have to add "is_pct": True in the plot_kw argument ( kw stands for keyword ). This means that our values are in percentage .

    For more visibility, we center the text with textprops={"ha": "center"} when creating the Table() .

    # Init a figure 
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
    # Create the Table() object
    tab = Table(df, cell_kw={"linewidth": 0,  "edgecolor": "k"},
                textprops={"ha": "center"},
                                                     plot_kw={"is_pct": True})]
    # Display the output

    Donut progress

    In the column definition argument, we specify plot_fn=progress_donut for a donut progress .

    We also have to add "is_pct": True in the plot_kw argument ( kw stands for keyword ). This means that our values are in percentage .

    For more visibility, we center the text with "ha": "center" and "formatter": "{:.0%}" ( percentage formatting ) in the plot_kw argument when creating the Table() .

    # Init a figure 
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
    # Create the Table() object
    tab = Table(df, 
                textprops={"ha": "center"},
                                                     plot_kw={"is_pct": True,
                                                              "formatter": "{:.0%}"})])
    # Display the output

    Progress bar

    In the column definition argument, we specify plot_fn=progress_donut for a donut progress .

    We also have to add "is_pct": True in the plot_kw argument ( kw stands for keyword ). This means that our values are in percentage .

    For more visibility, we:

  • center the text with "ha": "center"
  • define a cmap with matplotlib: in our case it will be the viridis one
  • add edges around bars with "plot_bg_bar": True
  • reduce edge width with "lw": 0.5 (default is 1)
  • # Define a colormap from matplotlib
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis')
    # Init a figure 
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
    # Create the Table() object
    tab = Table(df,
                textprops={"ha": "center"},
                                                     plot_kw={"cmap": cmap,
                                                              "plot_bg_bar": True,
                                                              "lw": 0.5})]
    # Display the output

    All in once

    Let's add all the column definitions we've created before to see what each col looks like:

    # Define a colormap from matplotlib
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis')
    # Init a figure 
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
    col_defs = [ColumnDefinition("Metric", plot_fn=progress_donut, plot_kw={"is_pct": True,
                                                                            "formatter": "{:.0%}"}),
                   ColumnDefinition("Value", plot_fn=percentile_stars, plot_kw={"is_pct": True}
                   ColumnDefinition("Score", plot_fn=percentile_bars, plot_kw={"is_pct": True}),
                   ColumnDefinition("KPI", plot_fn=bar, plot_kw={"cmap":cmap,
                                                                 "plot_bg_bar": True,
                                                                 "lw": 0.5})
    # Create the Table() object
    tab = Table(df, cell_kw={"linewidth": 0,  "edgecolor": "k"},
                textprops={"ha": "center"},
    # Display the output

    Going further

    This post explains the how add plots like progress bar, star review, donut progress, percent bar with the plottable library.

    You might be interested in:

  • Introduction to plottable
  • How to add an image in plottable