UCL伦敦大学学院可持续资源:经济、政策与转型专业 MSc Sustainable Resources:Economics,Policy and Transition
面对全球环境挑战,社会、企业和政策制定者都需要重新思考我们如何可持续地利用我们的自然资源。 UCL 的可持续资源:经济学、政策和转型理学硕士研究循环经济、资源效率和可持续资源管理。 学生具备推动变革并成为未来可持续发展领导者的技能和知识。您将研究可持续性的重要方面,例如资源效率、可再生能源以及不可再生燃料、社会转型(特别是在全球南方)、国际关系和国际政治经济以及生态创新。
Compulsory modules
Future Resource Pathways and Visions
MSc Sustainable Resources Dissertation Project
Introduction to Sustainable Resources: Challenges and Principles
Introduction to Resource Economics and Policy
Policies for Sustainable Resources
Tools for Assessing Sustainable Resource Use
Optional modules
UK Energy and Environment Policy and Law
Energy, People and Behaviour
Industrial Symbiosis
International Commodity Trade
Metrics, Modelling and Visualisation of the Resource Nexus
Resource Governance and the Global South
Eco-Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Environmental and Social Sustainability risk management in natural resource projects
Environmental Life-Cycle Governance
Data Analytics in the Smart Built Environment
Social Value and New Energy Business Models
Life Cycle Assessment
Earth Resources and Sustainability