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Lithium-ion battery's remaining useful life (RUL) is an important indicator of battery health management. Therefore, in this paper, using battery capacity as an indicator of health status, including modal decomposition and machine learning algorithms, a CEEMDAN-RF-SED-LSTM method was proposed to predict lithium battery RUL. First, adaptive white-noise full-ensemble empirical-mode decomposition (CEEMDAN) was used to decompose the battery capacity data. Then, to avoid the influence of the noise in the fluctuation component on the prediction ability of the model and not completely discard the characteristic information in the fluctuation component, this paper used the Random Forest algorithm to obtain important values for each fluctuation component, after which sexual ranking and numerical values were used as weights for each component's ability to explain the original data. Subsequently, the weight value and prediction result obtained by the neural network model constructed by different fluctuation components were weighted and reconstructed, resulting in the RUL prediction of the lithium-ion battery. Next, this research compared the prediction accuracy of the single model and the combined model, followed by the addition of the combined model prediction accuracy of RF, to improve the performance of the five neural networks further, after which the Simple Encoder-Decoder (SED) mechanism was introduced for the two networks with better performance, LSTM and GRU, to better learn the global temporal features and long-range dependencies of sequence data. We finally tested the method's performance using the NASA dataset as the research object. The experimental results showed that although the CEEMDAN-RF-SED-LSTM model performed well in battery RUL prediction, the prediction results had lower errors than the single model.

Key words: Li-ion battery, life prediction, adaptive white noise full ensemble empirical mode decomposition, random forest, neural network


电池编号 神经网络模型 模型方法 运行时间/s MAE RMSE MAPE RE
B0005 LSTM LSTM 18.77 0.058592 0.070959 0.043809 0.040650
CEEMDAN-LSTM 70.65 0.043490 0.057525 0.026992 0.026260
CEEMDAN-RF-LSTM 74.93 0.040182 0.053559 0.024962 0.024390
RNN RNN 38.07 0.280588 0.360674 0.180698 0.335772
CEEMDAN-RNN 87.56 0.245580 0.332067 0.169977 0.390244
CEEMDAN-RF-RNN 91.95 0.071269 0.087691 0.047033 0.195122
GRU GRU 17.84 0.060329 0.072215 0.044820 0.073171
CEEMDAN-GRU 61.86 0.045586 0.060776 0.028049 0.028130
CEEMDAN-RF-GRU 66.39 0.041444 0.055729 0.025512 0.024390
CNN CNN 13.09 0.068268 0.081806 0.039025 0.440650
CEEMDAN-CNN 47.96 0.062904 0.073718 0.040348 0.304553
CEEMDAN-RF-CNN 52.11 0.062832 0.073593 0.040437 0.280813
MLP MLP 13.02 0.070968 0.081720 0.047639 0.325203
CEEMDAN-MLP 45.63 0.068850 0.080262 0.045182 0.329496
CEEMDAN-RF-MLP 49.97 0.068734 0.080241 0.044737 0.305152


电池编号 神经网络模型 模型方法 运行时间/s MAE RMSE MAPE RE
B0006 LSTM LSTM 20.72 0.054751 0.069080 0.037688 0.068037
CEEMDAN-LSTM 64.83 0.044735 0.058687 0.028165 0.056075
CEEMDAN-RF-LSTM 69.37 0.039161 0.049791 0.024893 0.054112
RNN RNN 38.66 0.207933 0.325623 0.177686 0.439252
CEEMDAN-RNN 87.25 0.249714 0.345865 0.180759 0.355140
CEEMDAN-RF-RNN 91.36 0.086660 0.110239 0.061186 0.196262
GRU GRU 17.84 0.064288 0.082282 0.044646 0.046729
CEEMDAN-GRU 58.64 0.042328 0.052737 0.027216 0.065421
CEEMDAN-RF-GRU 62.91 0.041394 0.051566 0.026716 0.065421
CNN CNN 13.19 0.083262 0.095125 0.054467 0.233645
CEEMDAN-CNN 47.86 0.046205 0.062880 0.030333 0.029597
CEEMDAN-RF-CNN 51.37 0.041894 0.054645 0.027848 0.028037
MLP MLP 13.06 0.085937 0.096994 0.064232 0.088037
CEEMDAN-MLP 39.78 0.051744 0.066709 0.034459 0.084112
CEEMDAN-RF-MLP 44.08 0.048342 0.063234 0.032276 0.037383


电池编号 模型方法 MAE RMSE MAPE RE
B0005 CEEMDAN-RF-SED-LSTM 0.025569 0.031899 0.016515 0.018130
CEEMDAN-RF-SED-GRU 0.037491 0.044218 0.024056 0.089431
B0006 CEEMDAN-RF-SED-LSTM 0.032727 0.039157 0.021635 0.056075
CEEMDAN-RF-SED-GRU 0.041408 0.049697 0.028029 0.093458
B0007 CEEMDAN-RF-SED-LSTM 0.021852 0.026331 0.013319 0.059524
CEEMDAN-RF-SED-GRU 0.028275 0.036218 0.017499 0.061905
B0018 CEEMDAN-RF-SED-LSTM 0.025835 0.031901 0.016380 0.094737
CEEMDAN-RF-SED-GRU 0.030818 0.040062 0.019301 0.081053
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