Combining FastAPI and Django can leverage the strengths of both frameworks: FastAPI's high performance for building APIs and Django's powerful ORM and admin interface. In this guide, we'll outline how to integrate FastAPI into a Django project to build high-performance APIs.
In this article, we will combine the strengths of both Django and FastAPI to create a simple web application. Specifically, we will build a web page that displays "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks" in green color using Django as the primary framework and integrating FastAPI to handle specific API endpoints.
Building APIs using FastAPI with Django
Step 1: Install Django and FastAPI
First, we need to install Django and FastAPI along with Uvicorn, an ASGI server used to run FastAPI applications.
pip install django fastapi uvicorn
Step 2: Create a Django Project
Start by creating a new Django project.
django-admin startproject myproject cd myproject
Step 3: Create a Django App
Next, create a new Django app within the project.
python startapp myapp
Step 4: Configure Django Settings
In myproject/, add myapp to the INSTALLED_APPS list.
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'myapp', ]
File Structure
Building the Web Page
Step 5: Create a Django View
In myapp/, create a view that renders an HTML page with the desired message.
Create an HTML template in myapp/templates/home.html to display the message.
<!DOCTYPE html><title>Welcome</title><style>.welcome{color:green;</style></head><h1class="welcome">Welcome to GeeksforGeeks</h1></body></html>
Integrating FastAPI
Step 8: Create FastAPI Endpoints
Create a new file myapp/ and define some FastAPI endpoints.
fromfastapiimportFastAPIapp=FastAPI()@app.get("/api/hello")defread_root():return{"message":"Hello from FastAPI"}
Step 9: Run FastAPI with Uvicorn
Run the FastAPI application using Uvicorn.
uvicorn myapp.fastapi:app --reload
Running the Django Server
Finally, run the Django development server.
python runserver
In this article, we combined Django and FastAPI to build a simple web application. We created a Django web page that displays "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks" in green color and integrated FastAPI to handle API endpoints. This combination leverages Django's robust web development features and FastAPI's modern API capabilities, providing a flexible and efficient solution for building web applications.
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