I’ve been using a great Max for Live emulation of Plaits and have been thinking it would be great to send it through a Rolandy SH-101 sounding filter, is The Drop the only filter plugin that does this emulation? Do TAL-Bassline-101 or Lush 2 allow external signal inputs? Someone should do a Max for Live emulation of Ripples…
The Roland filter in this (and some others is typically a cascaded four pole OTA based filter. If you can find something that specifically says it emulates this type of filter, it should get close.
Other ones like this are the SSM2040 like in the early Prophet 5s, and the CEM in the later P5 and I think the Roland MKS-80s. (Can’t remember the CEM number off the top of my head. (More of an SSM/SSI guy myself
Anyway, not sure that helps, but might point you toward something close.
I did a few quick searches, and didn’t see anything that looked specific to this (aside from things like Prophet 5 approximations which would actually be FAIRLY close). However, it would be cool to find something that aims squarely at the Rolands. They are implemented very slightly differently than some others. (FET buffering etc. that it sounds like you’re familiar with) I’m not 100% sure, but I think the combination of the OTA and FET setup results in that slightly unstable sound at high resonance that I loved on the Junos. I used to design quite a few patches on mine around that specifically. That little wavering quality. Curious if software (or even things like the boutiques) capture that element correctly. (never really looked into it)
It could be interesting to see more filter-only emulations out there, ones that go into a lot of detail to capture these things. The Drop is fantastic but I see some cool potential behind potentially making these nuances programmable, so that people can model their own filters to have specific characteristics based on accessible plain-English parameters.