Reactive routes propose an alternative approach to implement HTTP endpoints where you declare and chain
This approach became very popular in the JavaScript world, with frameworks like Express.Js or Hapi.
Quarkus also offers the possibility to use reactive routes.
You can implement REST API with routes only or combine them with Jakarta REST resources and servlets.
The code presented in this guide is available in this
GitHub repository
under the
Reactive Routes were initially introduced to provide a reactive execution model for HTTP APIs on top of the
Quarkus Reactive Architecture
With the introduction of
Quarkus REST (formerly RESTEasy Reactive)
, you can now implement reactive HTTP APIs and still use Jakarta REST annotations.
Reactive Routes are still supported, especially if you want a more
approach, and something closer to the underlying reactive engine.
Before going further, let’s have a look at the HTTP layer of Quarkus.
Quarkus HTTP support is based on a non-blocking and reactive engine (Eclipse Vert.x and Netty).
All the HTTP requests your application receive are handled by
event loops
(I/O Thread) and then are routed towards the code that manages the request.
Depending on the destination, it can invoke the code managing the request on a worker thread (Servlet, Jax-RS) or use the IO Thread (reactive route).
Note that because of this, a reactive route must be non-blocking or explicitly declare its blocking nature (which would result by being called on a worker thread).
The first way to use reactive routes is to use the
To have access to this annotation, you need to add the
extension by running this command:
quarkus extension add quarkus-reactive-routes
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions='quarkus-reactive-routes'
./gradlew addExtension --extensions='quarkus-reactive-routes'
Then in a
, you can use the
annotation as follows:
package org.acme.reactive.routes;
import io.quarkus.vertx.web.Route;
import io.quarkus.vertx.web.Route.HttpMethod;
import io.quarkus.vertx.web.RoutingExchange;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
@ApplicationScoped (1)
public class MyDeclarativeRoutes {
// neither path nor regex is set - match a path derived from the method name
@Route(methods = Route.HttpMethod.GET) (2)
void hello(RoutingContext rc) { (3)
@Route(path = "/world")
String helloWorld() { (4)
return "Hello world!";
@Route(path = "/greetings", methods = Route.HttpMethod.GET)
void greetingsQueryParam(RoutingExchange ex) { (5)
ex.ok("hello " + ex.getParam("name").orElse("world")); (6)
@Route(path = "/greetings/:name", methods = Route.HttpMethod.GET) (7)
void greetingsPathParam(@Param String name, RoutingExchange ex) {
ex.ok("hello " + name);
If there is a reactive route found on a class with no scope annotation then @jakarta.inject.Singleton
is added automatically.
The @Route
annotation indicates that the method is a reactive route. Again, by default, the code contained in the method must not block.
The method gets a RoutingContext
as a parameter. From the RoutingContext
you can retrieve the HTTP request (using request()
) and write the response using response().end(…)
If the annotated method does not return void
the arguments are optional.
is a convenient wrapper of RoutingContext
which provides some useful methods.
The RoutingExchange
is used to retrieve the request query parameter name
The path defines a parameter name
which can be injected inside the method parameters using the annotation @Param
More details about using the RoutingContext
is available in the Vert.x Web documentation.
The @Route
annotation allows you to configure:
The type
- it can be normal (non-blocking), blocking (method dispatched on a worker thread), or failure to indicate that this route is called on failures
The order
- the order of the route when several routes are involved in handling the incoming request.
Must be positive for regular user routes.
The produced and consumed mime types using produces
, and consumes
@Route(methods = HttpMethod.POST, path = "/post", type = Route.HandlerType.BLOCKING)
public void blocking(RoutingContext rc) {
// ...
@Route(methods = HttpMethod.POST, path = "/post")
public void blocking(RoutingContext rc) {
// ...
When @Blocking
is used, the type
attribute of the @Route
is ignored.
@Route(path = "/first") (1)
@Route(path = "/second")
public void route(RoutingContext rc) {
// ...
You can annotate a route method with @io.smallrye.common.annotation.RunOnVirtualThread
in order to execute it on a virtual thread.
However, keep in mind that not everything can run safely on virtual threads.
You should read the Virtual thread support reference carefully and get acquainted with all the details.
You may end up with multiple routes matching a given path.
In the following example, both route matches /accounts/me
@Route(path = "/accounts/:id", methods = HttpMethod.GET)
void getAccount(RoutingContext rc) {
@Route(path = "/accounts/me", methods = HttpMethod.GET)
void getCurrentUserAccount(RoutingContext rc) {
As a consequence, the result is not the expected one as the first route is called with the path parameter id
set to me
To avoid the conflict, use the order
@Route(path = "/accounts/:id", methods = HttpMethod.GET, order = 2)
void getAccount(RoutingContext rc) {
@Route(path = "/accounts/me", methods = HttpMethod.GET, order = 1)
void getCurrentUserAccount(RoutingContext rc) {
By giving a lower order to the second route, it gets evaluated first.
If the request path matches, it is invoked, otherwise the other routes are evaluated.
This annotation can be used to configure some defaults for reactive routes declared on a class.
@RouteBase(path = "simple", produces = "text/plain") (1) (2)
public class SimpleRoutes {
@Route(path = "ping") // the final path is /simple/ping
void ping(RoutingContext rc) {
The path
value is used as a prefix for any route method declared on the class where Route#path()
is used.
The value of produces()
is used for content-based routing for all routes where Route#produces()
is empty.
A route method must be a non-private non-static method of a CDI bean.
If the annotated method returns void
then it has to accept at least one argument - see the supported types below.
If the annotated method does not return void
then the arguments are optional.
Methods that return void
must end the response or the HTTP request to this route will never end.
Some methods of RoutingExchange
do it for you, others not and you must call the end()
method of the response by yourself, please refer to its JavaDoc for more information.
@Route(produces = "application/json")
Person createPerson(@Body Person person, @Param("id") Optional<String> primaryKey) {
return person;
A failure handler can declare a single method parameter whose type extends Throwable
The type of the parameter is used to match the result of RoutingContext#failure()
Failure Handler Example
@Route(type = HandlerType.FAILURE)
void unsupported(UnsupportedOperationException e, HttpServerResponse response) {
In a reactive route, you can return a Uni
@Route(path = "/hello")
Uni<String> hello() {
return Uni.createFrom().item("Hello world!");
@Route(path = "/person")
Uni<Person> getPerson() {
return Uni.createFrom().item(() -> new Person("neo", 12345));
Returning Unis
is convenient when using a reactive client:
@Route(path = "/mail")
Uni<Void> sendEmail() {
return mailer.send(...);
The item produced by the returned Uni
can be:
Be aware, the processing must be non-blocking as reactive routes are invoked on the IO Thread.
Otherwise, set the type
attribute of the @Route
annotation to Route.HandlerType.BLOCKING
, or use the @io.smallrye.common.annotation.Blocking
The method can return:
@Route(path = "/hello")
Multi<String> hellos() {
return Multi.createFrom().items("hello", "world", "!"); (1)
A Multi<Buffer>
- the buffers are written one by one (one per chunk) without any processing.
A Multi<Object>
- the items are encoded to JSON written one by one in the response.
You can return a Multi
to produce a JSON Array, where every item is an item from this array.
The response is written item by item to the client.
To do that set the produces
attribute to "application/json"
(or ReactiveRoutes.APPLICATION_JSON
@Route(path = "/people", produces = ReactiveRoutes.APPLICATION_JSON)
Multi<Person> people() {
return Multi.createFrom().items(
new Person("superman", 1),
new Person("batman", 2),
new Person("spiderman", 3));
The previous snippet produces:
{"name":"superman", "id": 1} // chunk 1
,{"name":"batman", "id": 2} // chunk 2
,{"name":"spiderman", "id": 3} // chunk 3
The produces
attribute is an array.
When you pass a single value you can omit the "{" and "}".
Note that "application/json"
must be the first value in the array.
Only Multi<String>
, Multi<Object>
and Multi<Void>
can be written into the JSON Array.
Using a Multi<Void>
produces an empty array.
You cannot use Multi<Buffer>
If you need to use Buffer
, transform the content into a JSON or String representation first.
You can return a Multi
to produce an event source (stream of server sent events).
To enable this feature, set the produces
attribute to "text/event-stream"
(or ReactiveRoutes.EVENT_STREAM
), such as in:
@Route(path = "/people", produces = ReactiveRoutes.EVENT_STREAM)
Multi<Person> people() {
return Multi.createFrom().items(
new Person("superman", 1),
new Person("batman", 2),
new Person("spiderman", 3));
This method would produce:
data: {"name":"superman", "id": 1}
id: 0
data: {"name":"batman", "id": 2}
id: 1
data: {"name":"spiderman", "id": 3}
id: 2
The produces
attribute is an array.
When you pass a single value you can omit the "{" and "}".
Note that "text/event-stream"
must be the first value in the array.
class PersonEvent implements ReactiveRoutes.ServerSentEvent<Person> {
public String name;
public int id;
public PersonEvent(String name, int id) { = name; = id;
public Person data() {
return new Person(name, id); // Will be JSON encoded
public long id() {
return id;
public String event() {
return "person";
Using a Multi<PersonEvent>
would produce:
event: person
data: {"name":"superman", "id": 1}
id: 1
event: person
data: {"name":"batman", "id": 2}
id: 2
event: person
data: {"name":"spiderman", "id": 3}
id: 3
You can return a Multi
to produce a newline delimited stream of JSON values.
To enable this feature, set the produces
attribute of the @Route
annotation to "application/x-ndjson"
(or ReactiveRoutes.ND_JSON
@Route(path = "/people", produces = ReactiveRoutes.ND_JSON)
Multi<Person> people() {
return ReactiveRoutes.asJsonStream(Multi.createFrom().items(
new Person("superman", 1),
new Person("batman", 2),
new Person("spiderman", 3)
This method would produce:
{"name":"superman", "id": 1}
{"name":"batman", "id": 2}
{"name":"spiderman", "id": 3}
The produces
attribute is an array. When you pass a single value you can omit the "{" and "}".
Note that "application/x-ndjson"
must be the first value in the array.
@Route(path = "/people", produces = ReactiveRoutes.ND_JSON)
Multi<Person> people() {
return ReactiveRoutes.asJsonStream(Multi.createFrom().items(
You can combine reactive routes and Bean Validation.
First, don’t forget to add the quarkus-hibernate-validator
extension to your project.
Then, you can add constraints to your route parameter (annotated with @Param
or @Body
@Route(produces = "application/json")
Person createPerson(@Body @Valid Person person, @NonNull @Param("id") String primaryKey) {
// ...
If the parameters do not pass the tests, it returns an HTTP 400 response.
If the request accepts JSON payload, the response follows the Problem format.
When returning an object or a Uni
, you can also use the @Valid
@Valid Uni<Person> createPerson(@Body @Valid Person person, @NonNull @Param("id") String primaryKey) {
// ...
If the item produced by the route does not pass the validation, it returns an HTTP 500 response.
If the request accepts JSON payload, the response follows the Problem format.
Note that only @Valid
is supported on the return type.
The returned class can use any constraint.
In the case of Uni
, it checks the item produced asynchronously.
You can also register your route directly on the HTTP routing layer by registering routes directly on the Router
To retrieve the Router
instance at startup:
public void init(@Observes Router router) {
router.get("/my-route").handler(rc -> rc.response().end("Hello from my route"));
Check the Vert.x Web documentation to know more about the route registration, options, and available handlers.
public void init(@Observes io.vertx.mutiny.ext.web.Router router) {
router.get("/my-route").handler(rc -> rc.response().endAndForget("Hello from my route"));
You can also register filters that would intercept incoming HTTP requests.
Note that these filters are also applied for servlets, Jakarta REST resources, and reactive routes.
For example, the following code snippet registers a filter adding an HTTP header:
package org.acme.reactive.routes;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
public class MyFilters {
@RouteFilter(100) (1)
void myFilter(RoutingContext rc) {
rc.response().putHeader("X-Header", "intercepting the request");; (2)
The RouteFilter#value()
defines the priority used to sort the filters - filters with higher priority are called first.
The filter is likely required to call the next()
method to continue the chain.
The body of an HTTP response is not compressed by default.
You can enable the HTTP compression support by means of quarkus.http.enable-compression=true
If compression support is enabled then the response body is compressed if:
You can add support for OpenAPI and Swagger UI by using the quarkus-smallrye-openapi
Add the extension by running this command:
quarkus extension add quarkus-smallrye-openapi
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions='quarkus-smallrye-openapi'
./gradlew addExtension --extensions='quarkus-smallrye-openapi'
This is enough to generate a basic OpenAPI schema document from your Vert.x Routes:
curl http://localhost:8080/q/openapi
You will see the generated OpenAPI schema document:
openapi: 3.0.3
title: Generated API
version: "1.0"
description: No Content
description: No Content
description: OK
type: string
Also see the OpenAPI Guide.
You can use MicroProfile OpenAPI to better document your schema,
for instance, adding header info, or specifying the return type on void
methods might be useful:
@OpenAPIDefinition( (1)
info = @Info(
title="Greeting API",
version = "1.0.1",
contact = @Contact(
name = "Greeting API Support",
url = "",
email = "[email protected]"),
license = @License(
name = "Apache 2.0",
url = ""))
public class MyDeclarativeRoutes {
// neither path nor regex is set - match a path derived from the method name
@Route(methods = Route.HttpMethod.GET)
description="Say hello",
content=@Content(mediaType="application/json", schema=@Schema(type=SchemaType.STRING))) (2)
void hello(RoutingContext rc) {
@Route(path = "/world")
String helloWorld() {
return "Hello world!";
@Route(path = "/greetings", methods = HttpMethod.GET)
content=@Content(mediaType="application/json", schema=@Schema(type=SchemaType.STRING)))
void greetings(RoutingExchange ex) {
ex.ok("hello " + ex.getParam("name").orElse("world"));
name: Greeting API Support
email: [email protected]
name: Apache 2.0
version: 1.0.1
description: Greeting
type: string
description: Say hello
type: string
description: OK
type: string
Swagger UI is included by default when running in dev
or test
mode, and can optionally be added to prod
For more information, see the Swagger UI guide.
Navigate to localhost:8080/q/swagger-ui/ and observe the Swagger UI screen:
Streaming JSON Array items
Event Stream and Server-Sent Event support
Json Stream in NDJSON format
Using Bean Validation
Using the Vert.x Web Router
Intercepting HTTP requests
HTTP Compression
Adding OpenAPI and Swagger UI
Adding MicroProfile OpenAPI Annotations
Using Swagger UI
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