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Describe the bug

Variables from .env* files are accessible only during development/build but not already in vite.config.js .

Im not sure if this behaviour was omitted on purpose because it doesn't align with vite's design or it was simply forgotten, but when I was using vue-cli I got used to having the env variables available already in vue.config.js. I find it super convenient to be able to setup the vue/vite configuration parameters based on the values provided by the .env* files (instead of checking the mode and conditionally setting the parameters to the same values which are already in my .env* files.

My current workaround is to use dotenv-flow package to imitate the same behaviour as in vue cli and put this on top of my vite.config.js: require('dotenv-flow').config() .


  • create .env with some variable: e.g. VITE_BASE_URL=/example/
  • put console.log(process.env.VITE_BASE_URL) or console.log(import.meta.env.VITE_BASE_URL) somewhere in your vite.config.js
  • its undefined
  • System Info

  • vite version: 2.0.0-beta.65
  • Operating System: Windows 10 64bit
  • Node version: v12.20.1
  • Package manager (npm/yarn/pnpm) and version: npm 6.14.10
  • There's a chicken-egg problem here: Vite expects to resolve .env files from project root, but project root can be made different by the config file.

    So if we resolve .env before resolving the config file, we can only resolve it from CWD, which would then break the case where the user puts .env files in a nested root specified via config.

    This also applies to postcss file, on v1.x I was able to use variables from .env files, but seems like from v2.x those are not being injected until a later point.

    Let me know if you need a repository with reproduction 👍

    we use a simple trick to do this in our project

    export default ({ mode }) => {
        require('dotenv').config({ path: `./.env.${mode}` });
        // now you can access config with process.env.{configName}
        return defineConfig({
            /* ... */

    For my use case I wanted to set the base property conditionally. I thought I could do this via env variables in vite.config.ts and ran into the same problem.

    @pionxzh I may be wrong but should that be simply:

    export default defineConfig(({mode}) => {
      require('dotenv').config({ path: `./.env.${mode}` });
      return {
        /* ... */

    The type definitions for defineConfig show that it accepts either the config object or a function that returns the config object:

    export declare function defineConfig(config: UserConfigExport): UserConfigExport;
    export declare type UserConfigExport = UserConfig | UserConfigFn;
    export declare type UserConfigFn = (env: ConfigEnv) => UserConfig;
    export declare interface ConfigEnv {
        command: 'build' | 'serve';
        mode: string;

    For my use case I wanted to set the base property conditionally. I thought I could do this via env variables in vite.config.ts and ran into the same problem.

    @pionxzh I may be wrong but should that be simply:

    export default defineConfig(({mode}) => {
      require('dotenv').config({ path: `./.env.${mode}` });
      return {
        /* ... */

    Ye, I think this way should be better, I didn't notice that defineConfig provide a function interface.
    Thanks for the information 👍

    found another trick in an older issue (#1096 (comment)), that is also nice and seems to cover .env.*.local files too:

    import { loadEnv } from 'vite'
    export default ({ mode }) => {
      Object.assign(process.env, loadEnv(mode, process.cwd()))
      Shinigami92, HomyeeKing, sattellite, spx443812507, flx-sta, hunterliu1003, rikusen0335, sadeghbarati, cosformula, sknightq, and 19 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
      Mehdi-Hp, ianberdin, jamesthomsondev, mktcode, nickpreston24, Reckonyd, and jmyrland reacted with heart emoji
        All reactions

    Thanks for the code of @jmheretik. I'm using this in postcss.config.js.
    I want to change the URL of the CSS background in postcss.config.js. However, the URL prefix is set in .env file. And postcss.config.js can't get variables from import.env(vite export)

    module.export = ctx => {
      const {loadEnv} = require('vite')
      const {MY_VARIABLE} = loadEnv(ctx.env, process.cwd)
      return {

    if the .env files are not in the root folder, the following workaround worked for me.

    const envDir = path.resolve(__dirname, "environment");
    // see: https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/1930#issuecomment-783747858
    const loadEnvVariables = (mode: string): void => {
        Object.assign(process.env, loadEnv(mode, envDir, ""));
        console.debug("process.env contains: \n" + JSON.stringify(process.env, undefined, 2));
    // https://vitejs.dev/config/
    export default defineConfig((init) => {
        return {

    Compared to the other answers, I had to provide an empty string to the 3rd parameter of loadEnv. I am not sure why,

    This did not work for me:
    Object.assign(process.env, loadEnv(mode, process.cwd()))

    But this did:
    Object.assign(process.env, loadEnv(mode, process.cwd(), ''))

    yannxaver, xiezht, ivandata, leereamsnyder, Aliemeka, and GabrielS0uza reacted with thumbs up emoji ivandata, Aliemeka, and GabrielS0uza reacted with heart emoji yannxaver, ivandata, Aliemeka, and GabrielS0uza reacted with rocket emoji All reactions
    Proxying based on .env.development does not really work.
    There are some workarounds:
    - <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66389043/how-can-i-use-vite-env-variables-in-vite-config-js>
    - <vitejs/vite#1930>
    Not sure if it is worth it ...

    This work for me:

    export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => {
      const env = loadEnv(mode, process.cwd())
      const processEnvValues = {
        'process.env': Object.entries(env).reduce(
          (prev, [key, val]) => {
            return {
              [key]: val,
      return {
        plugins: [react()],
        define: processEnvValues
          suggest vite directly support use env variabls in vite.config.ts,Because vue2 can, please consider the old projects of vue2 users
    Proxying based on .env.development does not really work.
    There are some workarounds:
    - <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66389043/how-can-i-use-vite-env-variables-in-vite-config-js>
    - <vitejs/vite#1930>
    Not sure if it is worth it ...

    Another workaround: Just use dotenv and then put the following at the top of your vite config/sveltekit config:

    import 'dotenv/config';