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Can use Cmake's visual studio generator "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" from both the commandline and gui to create a solution (.sln). I can then open either solution in VS15 Community and finish building the executable. Opening either VS .sln in CB 17.12, and adding the appropriate information, I am also able to build the executable with CB.  All the executable(s) run on my 64-bit platform.

But, I am having no luck using the generator for CB ("CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles").  While it completes from the commandline, opening the .cbp project in CB gives me garbage that references VS. The gui never gets out of the starting blocks.

Is anyone able to use Cmake to successfully generate makefiles and/or CB project file(s) in Windows.  If so, can you provide a reference to documentation the covers the process? Neither CB's forums or wiki do an adequate job in my opinion.

NMake is the make utility for Windows. Cmake-gui never makes a makefile.

So, you not using an CMake that I have used in the past which made makefiles for CB.

Note: I think you are likely very wrong in your opinion; and, not worth my time to try to help.
Partly because I think you need an CMake expert to help you; And, because I see no Code::Blocks problem that I can help you solve.

Tim S.
Found a pdf document on Cmake's github site that covers using cmake, ctest and cpack.

Invoking all commands from the correct command prompt window solved all my issues.  The Cmake icon installed by the installer was apparently for a 32-bit machine, not the 64-bit machine I'm using it on.
