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You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here .

Class: Aws::ACMPCA::Types::CertificateAuthorityConfiguration Note:

When passing CertificateAuthorityConfiguration as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

key_algorithm: " RSA_2048 " , # required, accepts RSA_2048, RSA_4096, EC_prime256v1, EC_secp384r1 signing_algorithm: " SHA256WITHECDSA " , # required, accepts SHA256WITHECDSA, SHA384WITHECDSA, SHA512WITHECDSA, SHA256WITHRSA, SHA384WITHRSA, SHA512WITHRSA subject: { # required country: " CountryCodeString " , organization: " String64 " , organizational_unit: " String64 " , distinguished_name_qualifier: " ASN1PrintableString64 " , state: " String128 " , common_name: " String64 " , serial_number: " ASN1PrintableString64 " , locality: " String128 " , title: " String64 " , surname: " String40 " , given_name: " String16 " , initials: " String5 " , pseudonym: " String128 " , generation_qualifier: " String3 " ,

Contains configuration information for your private certificate authority (CA). This includes information about the class of public key algorithm and the key pair that your private CA creates when it issues a certificate. It also includes the signature algorithm that it uses when issuing certificates, and its X.500 distinguished name. You must specify this information when you call the CreateCertificateAuthority action.

Returned by:

Type of the public key algorithm and size, in bits, of the key pair that your CA creates when it issues a certificate. When you create a subordinate CA, you must use a key algorithm supported by the parent CA.

Possible values:

  • RSA_2048
  • RSA_4096
  • EC_prime256v1
  • EC_secp384r1

Name of the algorithm your private CA uses to sign certificate requests.

This parameter should not be confused with the SigningAlgorithm parameter used to sign certificates when they are issued.

Possible values: