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This information is only relevant if you're installing Confluence manually on a Windows server. If you're using the installer, you don't need to do this.

In most cases you should set the JRE_HOME environment variable, but if it is not set, Confluence will use JAVA_HOME.

If you didn't change the path during installation, it'll be something like

C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\ or

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-\

You can also type where java at the command prompt.

  • Do one of the following:
    Windows 7 – Right click My Computer and select Properties > Advanced
    Windows 8 – Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings
    Windows 10 – Search for Environment Variables then select Edit the system environment variables
  • Click the Environment Variables button.
  • Under System Variables , click New .
  • In the Variable Name field, enter either:
    • JAVA_HOME if you installed the JDK (Java Development Kit)
    • JRE_HOME if you installed the JRE (Java Runtime Environment)
  • In the Variable Value field, enter your JDK or JRE installation path.

  • Click OK and Apply Changes as prompted
  • You'll need to close and re-open any command windows that were open before you made these changes, as there's no way to reload environment variables from an active command prompt. If the changes don't take effect after reopening the command window, restart Windows.

    Set the JAVA_HOME variable via the command line

    If you would prefer to set the JAVA_HOME (or JRE_HOME) variable via the command line:

    1. Open Command Prompt (make sure you Run as administrator so you're able to add a system environment variable).
    2. Set the value of the environment variable to your JDK (or JRE) installation path as follows: