Hi folks!
I have tried installing the uiautomator2 using the command : appium driver install uiautomator2, but I was facing the below error
Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 12.15.25 PM.jpg
2018×892 318 KB
Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 12.17.45 PM.jpg
1650×752 447 KB
The versions are :-
node : v14.21.0
npm : 6.14.17
appium : 2.0.0-beta.62
It would be good if anyone assist me in resolving this issue.
Thank you !
Hi, I am getting following error while installing UIAutomator 2. Can anyone tell how to resolve this?
Installing ‘uiautomator2’ using NPM install spec ‘appium-uiautomator2-driver’
Encountered an error when installing package: npm command ‘install --save-dev --omit=peer --save-exact --global-style --no-package-lock appium-uiautomator2-driver --json’ failed with code 1.
“error”: {
“code”: “ENOTFOUND”,
“summary”: “request to
failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
“detail”: “This is a problem related to network connectivity.\nIn most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network settings.\n\nIf you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the\n’proxy’ config is set properly. See: ‘npm help config’”
Npm can’t find the repository due to a lack of network connectivity. Do you have a working internet connection? If so, are you behind a proxy?