How to translate slugs with Nuxt.js and Storyblok
Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.
In this article I explain how to use a translated slug with nuxt. I also show you a really simple real life example with Storyblok .
Use cases
You can use Storyblok for basically everything! Use it for e-commerce, a personal website, blog, etc. As you may know, these days SEO is really important. Having a translated URL for your website will boost your SEO performance. Check out the google documentation , it encourages you to do that.
Let's create the project
If you already have a project with
skip to the next point. Or check out the
directly. (
Live demo
npx create-nuxt-app myproject
Make sure to select axios . From here you need to install nuxt-i18n .
npm install --save-dev nuxt-i18n
You need to create a file store/index.js to activate the store in your NuxtJS project and make Nuxt i18n work.
Static page with translated slugs
For the static pages, you can check the docs . You can configure it in the module configuration inside your nuxt.config.js or directly in components. Here is an example of how to use it in a component:
<div>Contact me</div>
export default {
nuxtI18n: {
paths: {
en: '/contact-me',
fr: '/me-contacter',
Important : If the filename is different from the default lang use this example to navigate to it.
<nuxt-link :to="localePath({ name: 'contact' })">
Let's use dynamic URLs with Storyblok.
For dynamic URLs I could have used Nuxt content. But as I have worked on a lot of eCommerce websites, I prefer doing it with Storyblok .
First, let's see how to use
dynamic routes parameters
. You will need to use
actions from your Vuex store. Your file will look like
pages/_articleId.vue .
<h1>{{ content.seo.title }}</h1>
{{ content.seo.description }}
import { translatedSlugs } from '~/helpers/translated_slug'
export default {
name: 'PageArticle',
async asyncData(ctx) {
const locale = === 'en' ? '' : 'fr'
const param = ctx.params.articleId
try {
const article = await$storyapi.get(
version: process.env.STORYBLOK_VERSION || 'draft',
const story =
await'i18n/setRouteParams', translatedSlugs(story))
return story
} catch (e) {
// your error handler
data: () => ({
content: { seo: {} },