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本文介绍了如何使用R语言Caret库进行随机森林模型的参数调优,包括随机调参和指定参数调参。通过示例展示了如何调整变量选择数`mtry`和决策树数量`ntree`,并创建自定义方法扩展Caret的功能。调参过程中使用交叉验证评估模型性能,最终确定最优参数组合。 摘要由CSDN通过智能技术生成

Caret R 中一个试图流程化机器学习方法的包,前面已有过介绍。


Caret只给 randomForest 函数提供了一个可调节参数 mtry ,即决策时的变量数目。随机调参就是函数会随机选取一些符合条件的参数值,逐个去尝试哪个可以获得更好的效果。

tuneLnegth 设置随机选取的参数值的数目。 metric 设置模型评估标准,分类问题用 Accuracy Kappa 值。也可以设置 ROC (在 第4章caret 部分有讲解)。

  rf_random <- readRDS("rda/rf_random.rda")
} else {
  # Create model with default parameters
  trControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=3, search="random")
  # 设置随机数种子,使得结果可重复
  seed <- 1
  rf_random <- train(x=expr_mat, y=metadata[[group]], method="rf", 
                     tuneLength = 15, # 随机15个参数值或参数值组合
                     metric="Accuracy", #metric='Kappa'
  saveRDS(rf_random, "rda/rf_random.rda")
## Random Forest 
##   77 samples
## 7070 predictors
##    2 classes: 'DLBCL', 'FL' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 3 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 70, 69, 69, 70, 69, 69, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  Accuracy   Kappa    
##    270  0.8988095  0.6586786
##    330  0.8821429  0.6129643
##    597  0.8946429  0.6529643
##   1301  0.9077381  0.7020960
##   1533  0.8988095  0.6729643
##   2177  0.9119048  0.7154293
##   2347  0.8904762  0.6462976
##   3379  0.8898810  0.6379783
##   4050  0.8940476  0.6475021
##   4065  0.8904762  0.6469326
##   4567  0.8946429  0.6564564
##   4775  0.8815476  0.6202005
##   5026  0.8946429  0.6709195
##   5307  0.8857143  0.6297244
##   6070  0.8815476  0.6163910
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 2177.

最佳模型是 mtry = 2177


使用 tuneGrid 指定需要调整的参数和参数值,参数名字需要与函数预留的调参参数名字一致。

  rf_grid <- readRDS("rda/rf_grid.rda")
} else {
  # Create model with default parameters
  trControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=3, search="grid")
  # 根据经验或感觉设置一些待查询的参数和参数值
  tuneGrid <- expand.grid(mtry=c(3,10,20,50,100,300,700,1000,2000))
  # 设置随机数种子,使得结果可重复
  seed <- 1
  rf_grid <- train(x=expr_mat, y=metadata[[group]], method="rf", 
                     tuneGrid = tuneGrid, # 随机15个参数值或参数值组合
                     metric="Accuracy", #metric='Kappa'
  saveRDS(rf_grid, "rda/rf_grid.rda")
## Random Forest 
##   77 samples
## 7070 predictors
##    2 classes: 'DLBCL', 'FL' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 3 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 70, 69, 69, 70, 69, 69, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  Accuracy   Kappa    
##      3  0.7875000  0.1596078
##     10  0.8345238  0.3766667
##     20  0.8511905  0.4731884
##     50  0.8648810  0.5324041
##    100  0.8779762  0.5920119
##    300  0.8946429  0.6558215
##    700  0.9071429  0.7002659
##   1000  0.9029762  0.6824881
##   2000  0.9071429  0.6920119
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 700.

最佳模型是 mtry = 700


如果我们想调整的参数 Caret 没有提供,可以用下面的方式自己手动+Caret配合调参。

  results <- readRDS("rda/rf_manual.rda")
} else {
  # Manual Search
  trControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=3, search="grid")
  # 用默认值固定mtry
  # tunegrid <- expand.grid(mtry=c(sqrt(ncol(expr_mat))))
  tunegrid <- expand.grid(mtry=c(700))
  # 定义模型列表,存储每一个模型评估结果
  modellist <- list()
  # 调整的参数是决策树的数量
  for (ntree in c(500,700, 800, 1000)) {
      fit <- train(x=expr_mat, y=metadata[[group]], method="rf", 
                   metric="Accuracy", tuneGrid=tunegrid, 
                   trControl=trControl, ntree=ntree)
      key <- toString(ntree)
      modellist[[key]] <- fit
  # compare results
  results <- resamples(modellist)
  saveRDS(results, "rda/rf_manual.rda")
## Call: ## summary.resamples(object = results) ## Models: 500, 700, 800, 1000 ## Number of resamples: 30 ## Accuracy ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's ## 500 0.5714286 0.875 0.9375 0.9071429 1 1 0 ## 700 0.5714286 0.875 0.9375 0.9071429 1 1 0 ## 800 0.5714286 0.875 1.0000 0.9154762 1 1 0 ## 1000 0.5714286 0.875 1.0000 0.9113095 1 1 0 ## Kappa ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's ## 500 -0.2352941 0.6 0.8571429 0.7002659 1 1 0 ## 700 -0.2352941 0.6 0.8571429 0.7002659 1 1 0 ## 800 -0.2352941 0.6 1.0000000 0.7269326 1 1 0 ## 1000 -0.2352941 0.6 1.0000000 0.7091548 1 1 0





如果我们想调整的参数 Caret 没有提供,另一个方式是重新定义一个方法。尤其是参数比较多时,自己写循环会比较乱。

rf 方法在Caret中的定义可通过此链接查看https://github.com/topepo/caret/blob/master/models/files/rf.R。需要做的修改就是在 parameters 上增加一个参数 ( ntree ), fit 时调用下这个参数 ( param$ntree )。


#  https://machinelearningmastery.com/tune-machine-learning-algorithms-in-r/
customRF <- list(type = "Classification", library = "randomForest", loop = NULL,
                 parameters = data.frame(parameter = c("mtry", "ntree"), 
                                         class = rep("numeric", 2), 
                                         label = c("mtry", "ntree")),
                  grid = function(x, y, len = NULL, search = "grid") {
                    if(search == "grid") {
                      out <- expand.grid(mtry = caret::var_seq(p = ncol(x),
                                                              classification = is.factor(y),
                                                              len = len),
                                         ntree = c(500,700,900,1000,1500))
                    } else {
                      out <- data.frame(mtry = unique(sample(1:ncol(x), size = len, replace = TRUE)),
                                        ntree = unique(sample(c(500,700,900,1000,1500), 
                                                              size = len, replace = TRUE)))
                 fit = function(x, y, wts, param, lev, last, weights, classProbs, ...) {
                    randomForest(x, y, mtry = param$mtry, ntree=param$ntree, ...)
                predict = function(modelFit, newdata, preProc = NULL, submodels = NULL)
                  predict(modelFit, newdata),
                prob = function(modelFit, newdata, preProc = NULL, submodels = NULL)
                  predict(modelFit, newdata, type = "prob"),
                sort = function(x) x[order(x[,1]),],
                levels = function(x) x$classes


# train model
  rf_custom <- readRDS("rda/rf_custom.rda")
} else {
  trControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=3)
  tunegrid <- expand.grid(mtry=c(3,10,20,50,100,300,700,1000,2000), 
                          ntree=c(500,700, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000))
  rf_custom <- train(x=expr_mat, y=metadata[[group]], method=customRF, 
                   metric="Accuracy", tuneGrid=tunegrid, 
  saveRDS(rf_custom, "rda/rf_custom.rda")
##   77 samples
## 7070 predictors
##    2 classes: 'DLBCL', 'FL' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 3 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 70, 69, 69, 70, 69, 69, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  ntree  Accuracy   Kappa    
##      3   500   0.7964286  0.1925490
##      3   700   0.7964286  0.1925490
##      3   800   0.7964286  0.1925490
##      3  1000   0.7922619  0.1792157
##      3  1500   0.7964286  0.1992157
##      3  2000   0.7922619  0.1792157
##     10   500   0.8083333  0.3000000
##     10   700   0.8220238  0.3233333
##     10   800   0.8214286  0.3225490
##     10  1000   0.8351190  0.3796078
##     10  1500   0.8303571  0.3566667
##     10  2000   0.8220238  0.3366667
##     20   500   0.8660714  0.5162745
##     20   700   0.8523810  0.4696078
##     20   800   0.8571429  0.4927962
##     20  1000   0.8351190  0.4061296
##     20  1500   0.8565476  0.4924041
##     20  2000   0.8517857  0.4727962
##     50   500   0.8744048  0.5531884
##     50   700   0.8648810  0.5428803
##     50   800   0.8702381  0.5465217
##     50  1000   0.8702381  0.5398551
##     50  1500   0.8702381  0.5398551
##     50  2000   0.8702381  0.5398551
##    100   500   0.8779762  0.5958215
##    100   700   0.8821429  0.6053453
##    100   800   0.8821429  0.5986786
##    100  1000   0.8952381  0.6398551
##    100  1500   0.8779762  0.5920119
##    100  2000   0.8869048  0.6131884
##    300   500   0.9029762  0.6720119
##    300   700   0.9029762  0.6758215
##    300   800   0.9071429  0.6920119
##    300  1000   0.8946429  0.6491548
##    300  1500   0.8988095  0.6624881
##    300  2000   0.8988095  0.6691548
##    700   500   0.9107143  0.7046450
##    700   700   0.9113095  0.7091548
##    700   800   0.9029762  0.6862976
##    700  1000   0.9071429  0.6920119
##    700  1500   0.9029762  0.6824881
##    700  2000   0.9071429  0.6958215
##   1000   500   0.9113095  0.7091548
##   1000   700   0.9029762  0.6824881
##   1000   800   0.9071429  0.6891548
##   1000  1000   0.9077381  0.7020960
##   1000  1500   0.9029762  0.6824881
##   1000  2000   0.9071429  0.6958215
##   2000   500   0.9029762  0.6824881
##   2000   700   0.9029762  0.6824881
##   2000   800   0.9119048  0.7116198
##   2000  1000   0.9029762  0.6824881
##   2000  1500   0.9029762  0.6824881
##   2000  2000   0.8988095  0.6691548
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final values used for the model were mtry = 2000 and ntree = 800.





  • 官方文档 https://topepo.github.io/caret/model-training-and-tuning.html

  • 部分中文解释 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42712867/article/details/105337052

  • 特征选择 https://blog.csdn.net/jiabiao1602/article/details/44975741

  • 调参的好例子 https://machinelearningmastery.com/tune-machine-learning-algorithms-in-r/





  1. 机器学习算法 - 随机森林之决策树初探(1)

  2. 机器学习算法-随机森林之决策树R 代码从头暴力实现(2)

  3. 机器学习算法-随机森林之决策树R 代码从头暴力实现(3)

  4. 机器学习算法-随机森林之理论概述

  5. 随机森林拖了这么久,终于到实战了。先分享很多套用于机器学习的多种癌症表达数据集 https://file.biolab.si/biolab/supp/bi-cancer/projections/。

  6. 机器学习算法-随机森林初探(1)

  7. 机器学习 模型评估指标 - ROC曲线和AUC值

  8. 机器学习 - 训练集、验证集、测试集

  9. 机器学习 - 随机森林手动10 折交叉验证

  10. 一个函数统一238个机器学习R包,这也太赞了吧

  11. 基于Caret和RandomForest包进行随机森林分析的一般步骤 (1)

  12. Caret模型训练和调参更多参数解读(2)

  13. 机器学习相关书籍分享

机器学习实操(以随机森林为例)为了展示随机森林的操作,我们用一套早期的前列腺癌和癌旁基因表达芯片数据集,包含102个样品(50个正常,52个肿瘤),2个分组和9021个变量 (基因)。(h...
随机森林回归 回归问题指的是因变量或者被预测变量是连续性变量的情形,比如预测身高体重的具体数值是多少的情形。整个代码大致可以分为包、数据、模型、预测评估4个部分,接下来逐一解读。 1、包部分,也就是加载各类包,包括随机森林包randomForest,数据相关包tidyverse、skimr、DataExplorer,模型评估包caret。 2、数据部分,主要是读取数据,处理缺失值,转换变量类型。 3、模型部分。 为了对模型的泛化能力有更准确的评估,先将数据集拆为训练集和测试集,后续将在训练集上训练
2401_83155407: 你好 我在> motif <- new("pcm", mat=as.matrix(pcm), name="motif-test")这一步之后出现了报错信息如何解决呢 错误于getClass(Class, where = topenv(parent.frame())): “pcm”不是有定义的类别