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How to remove the following warning?
Package breakurl Warning: You are using breakurl while processing via pdflatex.
(breakurl) \burl will be just a synonym of \url.
(breakurl) on input line 48.
This is my code before the \begin{document}
% \usepackage{subfiles}
\date{February 2022}
%%% journal %%%
%% Elsevier bibliography styles
%% To change the style, put a % in front of the second line of the current style and
%% remove the % from the second line of the style you would like to use.
%% Numbered
%% Numbered without titles
%% Harvard
%% Vancouver numbered
%% Vancouver name/year
%% APA style
%% AMA style
%% `Elsevier LaTeX' style
\setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{3pt} %%% 3pt
The message about \burl
being treated as a synonym for \url
is a warning message, not an error message. You needn't doing anything about it -- especially if there are no \burl
directives in the body of your document.
If you really can't stand getting this innocuous warning message, I suggest you open the file sn-jnl.cls
in a text editor and find the following code chunk:
Then, either comment out (or delete) this entire chunk or, more simply, its final instruction, viz.,
To suppress the warning load the class with the option pdflatex