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hi there - i’ve check my sites on google PageSpeed Insights and the results are not
good to say the least - i have nu-morose problem which i have no clue how to address.
Optimize images -
Enable compression
Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Prioritize visible content
Leverage browser caching
Minify JavaScript
These are just of the things that needs to addressed in your articles - please see
how to fix it - now that we have a code platform - all problems can be solved
individually through with the right code - while you guys (wix) trying to solve it to the platform.
what i am mumbling is that you could give a solutions to slow uploading problem
with code lines that we can add to site - anyway it will be good if you address solutions
to uploading time (beside what you have so far because uploading time getting worst)
thanks - and if someone interested in looking in my site and tell me why is uploading time is so bad it would be super - https://www.jerseyvanlines.com/
i have striped it from all animation and stuff

I agree to many points, logging a help ticket is also a nightmare. would it be possible for someone at WIX to please post some links to “help/resource tutorials” on how to improve pages peed in line with google’s requirements/recommendations in that page speed is now one of the most important SERP ranking factors

I agree with both comments above. The mobile version is especially bad and gives me much to think about with moving forward with this service in the future. I’ll continue going through site improvements but even the sites that’s promoted as looking pretty have loading issues. Please fix, the simplicity with the site down played with the issues your customers must face in ranking.

When I had created my site few months back, and had tested on PageSpeed, it was good enough in acceptable range. But recently I tested it again and shocked to see the PageSpeed results. They are in completely bad range. I haven’t made any significant changes or updates to the site, but PageSpeed results ridiculously worse. Whatever platform updates Wix is making, they need to look into the dip in PageSpeed performance because it seems like it’s widespread issue for many people here.

Most of the issues with page speed are things out of our control. With Google moving to a mobile first indexing this is a big problem for Wix users because Google as stated that page speed is a big factor because it provides a better user experience.

I stripped my site bare, used web friendly fonts, compressed all images etc. and my mobile page speed is still in the low end of the poor range.

I love Wix but this is becoming an issue that I can’t afford with most of users being on mobile. And I have been looking for a better option other than Wix.

Can someone create a feature request ticket so we and our developers and anyone else on the team can all spam it to draw attention to this. Because yeah, same thing. Used to be wonderful speedwise, that’s why I choose Wix… now my site speed is awful :frowning:

And the worst part is that it’s all js and css libraries that I don’t control and therefore can’t even fix by lazy loading or whatever.



Maybe I can remove Helvetica but the rest I can’t touch :frowning:

And server response time is taking 0.39 seconds, used to be entire website loaded in 0.5 seconds.

I’m not even using external javascript libraries. The only extra stuff I use is 2 custom font faces, and even those are not very heavy.

The pagespeed issues are really concerning, and some of the suggested videos to improve speed mostly suggest redownloading the images and optimizing them further. I’m already uploading my images optimized with JPEGMini and none of the online optimization services (like TinyPNG) retain quality. So that’s not an option either. I reduced the number of images on homepage slider, but there’s only so much one can do to reduce the size for photography portfolio website. I knew that might site was not going to fastest of the bunch with primary focus on displaying good quality photos. But the site was well within, or in-fact little over the acceptable numbers when it was launched. This PageSpeed performance hit has happened recently so it’s definitely something to do with Wix’s servers or infrastructure.

@yogiee The thing about the downloading and optimizing the images is that Wix is supposed to automatically do that for you. And TinyPNG is supposed to and I think is incredibly good at optimizing it as much as possible without it being possible to tell the quality has been reduced. Hopefully Wix can do the same thing and if you look at the same image larger, it’ll show in higher quality.

Talked to support, they say they’ll look into this and they will read through this thread… fingers crossed they figure something out! If you guys do, please reply to the thread and let us all know!

I have been voicing my concerns about Wix site speeds since I started developing sites here, especially since they launched the Turbo service and everyone was so proud of it… Unfortunately I just get shut down by moderators, saying that Google’s speed testing is just “guidelines” and not something to live by. I have been told to use Wix’s new speed tester, which shows everything much faster because “Wix knows their systems better than Google, therefore they can analyze the loading time better”. What?? Loading time is loading time… and Wix does it very badly! (I’m not even talking about the responsive site issue, which I think they are working on)… I chose Wix because its was (and still is BY FAR), the easiest and most feature-rich platform out there, but the speed issues have pushed me away and I’m currently building 2 sites on another platform.

@matt42150 I know what you mean and I think WIX was already doing the whole recompression thing with our images. I think they are using WEBP formats to serve the browsers that support it IIRC, and ideally that would be HEIF compression allowing even smaller sizes. I haven’t compared with my original images, but I think I had noticed that while debugging my site during launch few months ago. Which is why the videos suggesting to redownload and recompress images didn’t make sense to me unless WIX’s recompressed versions were larger than the original uploaded files. Maybe I’ll have to do a small comparison test to see if that’s the case.

I love TinyPNG for optimizing PNG images, but I found their JPG optimizations not as good as JPEGmini that I was using. Besides, JPEGmini has hard limit on compression levels, meaning you can’t recompress the image that’s already been run through JPEGmini once. With TinyPNG you can run your JPEG file many times over and obviously, multiple runs degrade quality further and further. But anyway, that’s beside the issue of WIX’s speed troubles.

WIX really need to figure out why has the speed gone down, and fix it soon, end of story.

Hopefully, your talk with support may bear some fruit, fingers crossed here too.

@Matt sorry I tried stripping my site completely for kicks and giggles and my page speed was in the 40’s with no images and ONE FONT. Wix needs to realize no one cares about there guid but then and they should be following GOOGLE guidelines since that’s where EVERYONE wants to rank.

I’m experimenting on other platforms and the min they’re I’m gone.

@irving6812 Interestingly, I just tried again, and my website was in the 30s for mobile… 95 percentile for desktop. Weird about mobile…

Don’t understand what you mean about " I’m experimenting on other platforms and the min they’re I’m gone. "

idk, I love Wix in some ways. The only issue I have that really, really hurts us is that only one developer can use it at a time.

@irving6812 Was about to contact customer support myself. BUT you already have a perfect example ready to go. They don’t make it easy to figure out how to contact them, but once you do, I love their staff and they are helpful.

So, I’ll make it easy for you, you can start here:

Then from there, you can submit an issue and request a callback and discuss the problem with them. Bet they can fix it, since it does sound like an issue on their end and would be wonderful for us all.

Thanks Kevin.

I was further exploring this and noticed something interesting:
Google Page Speed Insights is loading a different webpage than the user.

Discussed Heard back from Wix on this issue, liked their response. Couple things specific to me but still figured I’d share it:

"I understand that you are concerned about the score you received from the Google PageSpeed Insights.
Google updated this tool to use the Lighthouse technology for performance analysis in November 2018. This update resulted in a reduction in score for numerous sites.

We are aware of this matter and we are working towards a solution. We have also engaged directly with Google to ensure that Wix sites are properly analyzed.

That being said, it is important to emphasize that the reduction in score does not indicate that the performance of your Wix site has changed.
In fact, since Google implemented this technology, we have made several changes that help to improve performance.

We have also not found any indication that this change impacts site ranking on Google search results in any way.

Regarding your images, while there’s a recommended image quality for online use, you should not worry about it.
Wix takes care of it for you by automatically optimizing your images for best quality and fast download.
In case your visitors are experiencing slow loading of your website’s images, note that it may be a browser issue.

Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer as for today do not supoort WebP, which is the best suitable image format for web. If you feel your site’s images load slowly, check again on Chrome.

I have taken a look at the homepage and I see that you a video in the fold section (the section of your site that’s visible to visitors without scrolling down).

Video Backgrounds and VideoBox are kind of videos that do not affect the performance and loading time of the rest of your page.
Embed videos (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook), are iframes and the content delivered is not coming from the Wix servers, which means Wix can’t optimize it.
This doesn’t mean that you should not use it - a good compromise is not to overuse this kind of videos on your homepage, especially above the fold (the part of the page that is visible for visitors, before scrolling down).

You may consider moving below the fold the video or even better show it on a separate page. That will help the homepage load much faster.

You can add a button like “See All Videos” or “See More” that links to multiple videos located on a separate page of your site.
This will encourage site visitors to explore your site’s content, and will also keep your homepage clean and organized."

Does the Google PageSpeed Insights tool result affect how Google would rank the site?
This would be a huge issue on SEO.

The score I get is terrible for https://www.infinittravel.com/
While Wixturbo does not indicate any issues of course except that speed could improve.
Wix support keeps indicating that is has to do with coding on the site and they cannot help except in pointing out that certain design changes could be done.
I’m starting to think it would help if I optimize images just to be on the safe side.

What is going on? I have looked at all my competitors website on PageSpeed and they all score much higher then mine (www.vincent-arboriste.ca) For troubleshooting purposes, I even stripped my webpage of video, pictures, etc. and it was still horrible.

Did anyone get any follow-up from Wix? I just bought a 2 year subscription, but I would rather move to a better platform and lose my money then lose hundreds of potential customer over Wix’s inability to solve the problem.