  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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# As controller

# Methods provided

Lists all methods provided by the trait.

# __invoke

Executes the action by delegating immediately to the handle method.

// Equivalent to:

Whilst this method is not actually used, it has to be defined on the action in order to register the action as an invokable controller. When missing, Laravel will throw an exception warning us that we're trying to register a class as an invokable controller without the __invoke method. The truth is, the controller will actually be an instance of ControllerDecorator but the framework doesn't know that yet.

// Illuminate\Routing\RouteAction
protected static function makeInvokable($action)
    if (! method_exists($action, '__invoke')) {
        throw new UnexpectedValueException("Invalid route action: [{$action}].");
    return $action.'@__invoke';

If you need to use the __invoke method for something else, you may override it (opens new window) with anything you want. The only requirement is that an __invoke method has to exists.

class MyAction
    use AsAction {
        __invoke as protected invokeFromLaravelActions;
    public function __invoke()
        // ...

# Methods used

Lists all methods recognised and used by the ControllerDecorator and ActionRequest .

# asController

Called when used as an invokable controller. Uses the handle method directly when no asController method exists.

public function asController(User $user, Request $request): Response
    $article = $this->handle(
    return redirect()->route('articles.show', [$article]);

# jsonResponse

Called after the asController method when the request expects JSON. The first argument is the return value of the asController method and the second argument is the request itself.

public function jsonResponse(Article $article, Request $request): ArticleResource
    return new ArticleResource($article);

# htmlResponse

Called after the asController method when the request expects HTML. The first argument is the return value of the asController method and the second argument is the request itself.

public function htmlResponse(Article $article, Request $request): Response
    return redirect()->route('articles.show', [$article]);

# getControllerMiddleware

Adds controller middleware directly in the action.

public function getControllerMiddleware(): array
    return ['auth', MyCustomMiddleware::class];

# routes

Defines some routes directly in your action.

public static function routes(Router $router)
    $router->get('author/{author}/articles', static::class);

For this to work, you need to call Actions::registerRoutes on a service provider.

use Lorisleiva\Actions\Facades\Actions;
// Register routes from actions in "app/Actions" (default).
// Register routes from actions in "app/MyCustomActionsFolder".
// Register routes from actions in multiple folders.

# prepareForValidation

Called right before authorization and validation is resolved.

public function prepareForValidation(ActionRequest $request): void
    $request->merge(['some' => 'additional data']);

# authorize

Defines authorization logic for the controller.

public function authorize(ActionRequest $request): bool
    return $request->user()->role === 'author';

You may also return gate responses instead of booleans.

use Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response;
public function authorize(ActionRequest $request): Response
    if ($request->user()->role !== 'author') {
        return Response::deny('You must be an author to create a new article.');
    return Response::allow();

# rules

Provides the validation rules for the controller.

public function rules(): array
    return [
        'title' => ['required', 'min:8'],
        'body' => ['required', IsValidMarkdown::class],

# withValidator

Adds custom validation logic to the existing validator.

use Illuminate\Validation\Validator;
public function withValidator(Validator $validator, ActionRequest $request): void
    $validator->after(function (Validator $validator) use ($request) {
        if (! Hash::check($request->get('current_password'), $request->user()->password)) {
            $validator->errors()->add('current_password', 'Wrong password.');

# afterValidator

Adds an after callback to the existing validator. The example below is equivalent to the example provided in the withValidator method.

use Illuminate\Validation\Validator;
public function afterValidator(Validator $validator, ActionRequest $request): void
    if (! Hash::check($request->get('current_password'), $request->user()->password)) {
        $validator->errors()->add('current_password', 'Wrong password.');

# getValidator

Defines your own validator instead of the default one generated using rules , withValidator , etc.

use Illuminate\Validation\Factory;
use Illuminate\Validation\Validator;
public function getValidator(Factory $factory, ActionRequest $request): Validator
    return $factory->make($request->only('title', 'body'), [
        'title' => ['required', 'min:8'],
        'body' => ['required', IsValidMarkdown::class],

# getValidationData

Defines the data that should be used for validation. Defaults to: $request->all() .

public function getValidationData(ActionRequest $request): array
    return $request->all();

# getValidationMessages

Customises the messages of your validation rules.

public function getValidationMessages(): array
    return [
        'title.required' => 'Looks like you forgot the title.',
        'body.required' => 'Is that really all you have to say?',

# getValidationAttributes

Provides some human-friendly mapping to your request attributes.

public function getValidationAttributes(): array
    return [
        'title' => 'headline',
        'body' => 'content',

# getValidationRedirect

Customises the redirect URL when validation fails. Defaults to redirecting back to the previous page.

public function getValidationRedirect(UrlGenerator $url): string
    return $url->to('/my-custom-redirect-url');

# getValidationErrorBag

Customises the validator's error bag when validation fails. Defaults to: default .

public function getValidationErrorBag(): string
    return 'my_custom_error_bag';

# getValidationFailure

Overrides the validation failure altogether. Defaults to: ValidationException .

public function getValidationFailure(): void
    throw new MyCustomValidationException();

# getAuthorizationFailure

Overrides the authorization failure. Defaults to: AuthorizationException .

public function getAuthorizationFailure(): void
    throw new MyCustomAuthorizationException();