  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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imageStore — write a single texel into an image


void imageStore ( gimage1D image ,
int P ,
gvec4 data ) ;
void imageStore ( gimage2D image ,
ivec2 P ,
gvec4 data ) ;
void imageStore ( gimage3D image ,
ivec3 P ,
gvec4 data ) ;
void imageStore ( gimage2DRect image ,
ivec2 P ,
gvec4 data ) ;
void imageStore ( gimageCube image ,
ivec3 P ,
gvec4 data ) ;
void imageStore ( gbufferImage image ,
int P ,
gvec4 data ) ;
void imageStore ( gimage1DArray image ,
ivec2 P ,
gvec4 data ) ;
void imageStore ( gimage2DArray image ,
ivec3 P ,
gvec4 data ) ;
void imageStore ( gimageCubeArray image ,
ivec3 P ,
gvec4 data ) ;
void imageStore ( gimage2DMS image ,
ivec2 P ,
int sample ,
gvec4 data ) ;
void imageStore ( gimage2DMSArray image ,
ivec3 P ,
int sample ,
gvec4 data ) ;



Specify the image unit into which to store a texel.


Specify the coordinate at which to store the texel.


When present, specifies the sample within the image to store into.


Specifies the data to store into the image.


imageStore stores data into the texel at the coordinate P from the image specified by image . For multi-sample stores, the sample number is given by sample . When image , P , and sample identify a valid texel, the bits used to represent data are converted to the format of the image unit in the manner described in of the OpenGL Specification and stored to the specified texel.

Version Support

OpenGL Shading Language Version
Function Name 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 3.30 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50
imageStore - - - - - - - -
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