uSync.Complete gives you all the uSync packages, allowing you to
completely control how your Umbraco settings, content and media
are stored, transferred and managed across all your Umbraco installations.
Try the trial
uSync.Complete will install in trial mode, and will give you 60 days to try out all the tools and features, with no limits.
After the trial expires you will need to purchase a licence.
Push and Pull Umbraco content, media and settings between
Umbraco installations, without even leaving the backoffice.
Publisher will allow you and your users to select target
sites and send content to them to be published.
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Pick what you want to export, group them together
and create Sync-Packs of all the items and their dependencies.
Sync-Packs can then be taken to another Umbraco installation
to recreate the whole setup for the items you picked.
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Take point in time snapshots of your Umbraco installation,
download them and apply them to other installations.
Snapshots can be merged together when applied, to make a
cumulative update of many changes simpler and quicker
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For licencing purposes an umbraco project is the collection of Umbraco instances that make up
the deployment of a specific site or suite of sites
So for example you might have multiple developers, pushing changes to a development site, which
then goes to a stage or QA Site, once things are approved they go to a live site, and that site may well be load balanced.
All the Umbraco sites in this process would be considered part of the same project.
If you have multiple clients all with their own live sites, then that would be multiple projects, and you would need
a licence for each one.
Digital is an overused term, everyone is doing digital, but not
everyone is helping people get digital things to work across the
business. Digital isn't a tool, it's way of thinking.
Everything is stuff, or stuff is everything -
it's hard to call it digital services (it makes us cringe),
or software, or the "internet of things" because almost always
those terms will have been mis-sold by a salesman, and mean
nothing useful to anyone. So we stick with "stuff".