Hi team,
We are trying to create eiq project using own dataset with the help of instruction given in TP-EIQ-BRING-YOUR-OWN-DATA-BYOD document as shown below.
We created a python script as mentioned in the notebook as shown below :
import os
import deepview.datastore as ds
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
project = ds.create_project('facemask.eiqp')
def splitall(path):
allparts = []
while 1:
parts = os.path.split(path)
if parts[0] == path:
allparts.insert(0, parts[0])
elif parts[1] == path:
allparts.insert(0, parts[1])
path = parts[0]
allparts.insert(0, parts[1])
return allparts
count = 0
for (dirpath, _, files) in os.walk('Dataset'):
count += 1
for (dirpath, _, files) in tqdm(os.walk('Dataset'), total=count):
dirs = splitall(dirpath)
label = dirs[-1] if len(dirs) > 0 else None
grouping = dirs[-2] if len(dirs) > 1 else None
if grouping is not None and grouping not in ('train', 'test'):
images = []
for file in files:
with open(os.path.join(dirpath, file), 'rb') as f:
if label is not None:
for image_id in project.add_images(images, grouping):
project.add_annotation(image_id, label)
But while running the script. we are facing an error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "importer.py", line 2, in <module>
import deepview.datastore as ds
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'deepview'
We have installed eiq toolkit v1.0.5 already. we have also added "C:\nxp\eIQ_Toolkit_v1.0.5\bin" to my system path. Do we have to do anything else. Please help to solve the issue.
Thanks and regards
Ramson Jehu K
do you use
eIQ Portal
Command Line
? should be working from there
This lab could be also interesting
(DeepViewRT for RT1170 - Data Import Lab.pdf -> eIQ Toolkit Setup)
This topic could be interesting as well
do you use
eIQ Portal
Command Line
? should be working from there
This lab could be also interesting
(DeepViewRT for RT1170 - Data Import Lab.pdf -> eIQ Toolkit Setup)
This topic could be interesting as well
Hello!I have used what you adviced in your answer.But my computer still says that there's no module named 'deepview'.How can I sovle this problem?I downloaded eIQ Tookit from the official web.Should I uninstall the eIQ and install it again?I haven't installed any pip pack named 'deepview' because I can't find it on the Internet....Thank you in advance for answering my stupid question!
Here's a picture as attachments.Maybe it can describle my question better.