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hello  guys i cant reset my password on my router i tried to instal original firm from tplink  by using tftp but couldnt connect the server  so i want to reset password or to go back to original tplink firmware pls help me smile
and the strange thing is that address for access the router setting now is

digitmobilie , I don't understand, what firmware is running now? I don't understand what you've done. There was OpenWRT firmware running in the router, you decide to flash original (stock) firmware? Why did you use tftp? If it is running OpenWRT firmware, initially you should login to it via telnet and set password.

(Last edited by ulmwind on 16 Nov 2016, 17:58)

ulmwind wrote:

digitmobilie , I don't understand, what firmware is running now? I don't understand what you've done. There was OpenWRT firmware running in the router, you decide to flash original (stock) firmware? Why did you use tftp? If it is running OpenWRT firmware, initially you should login to it via telnet and set password.

hello there smile its openwrt on login screen    i see  luci v2.4 , i dont know the password and cant reset it so i want solution for reseting the password or instal back original tplink firmware  , i tried to use fttp cus i saw it in youtube how 1 guy instal firmware like this, and one guy from tplink site support sent me link with same solution i dont know i can paste link from tplink forum here  tnx

yes i make this failsafe when blinking faster sys led . but after i dont know what to do , what program to get to write comands in it . and how to connect it with the router everywhere i see  but my router default gateway is wich is very strange  , i found now that  the command for new pass is passwd...tnx again

(Last edited by digitmobile on 16 Nov 2016, 21:29)

Mune wrote:
digitmobile wrote:

yes i make this failsafe when blinking faster sys led.
but after i dont know what to do ,
what program to get to write comands in it .

you should get this knowledge on their own.
openwrt wiki can help you.

there are so many thing i think i dont need 90% of them from the explaning .. and im new in this i dont want to brick something  need just explaning for what program to connect how to connect depending on my router ip and what commands to enter,  tnx

Several messages in this thread give you the correct solution (failafe mode) and point you to resources on the wiki that show what you should do. It's really impossible to spoon feed you - you need to make same effort to read the wiki and help yourself.

Turn off your router. Turn it on. When it's booting, press the QSS push button repeatedly until the blinking of the 'SYS' LED gets faster. Wait 5 minutes. Your router should now be available on the network with the IP address Give your PC the static IP address Now ssh (using putty or a linux ssh client) to the IP address

Now , from the command line, execute the following command BEFORE you do anything else. If you do not mount_root then the commands that come after will not work.

OpenWrt:~# mount_root

Now you can change the password to whatever you want.

OpenWrt:~# passwd
Changing password for root
New password:

If you want to reset the router to default state, then

OpenWrt:~# firstboot
OpenWrt:~# reboot -f

Now your router is set back to default settings

Really dude, look at your output of the ipconfig command.

This should give you a clue. Your IP address is, NOT

This IP does not come from failsafe mode. It's there because you have not correctly set a static IP address for the interface on your PC.

When the output of ipconfig shows your adapter address on your PC to be, then you have done it correctly.

dl12345 wrote:

Really dude, look at your output of the ipconfig command.

This should give you a clue. Your IP address is, NOT

This IP does not come from failsafe mode. It's there because you have not correctly set a static IP address for the interface on your PC.

When the output of ipconfig shows your adapter address on your PC to be, then you have done it correctly.


what is wrong now ? smile

Mune wrote:
digitmobile wrote:

what is wrong now ? smile

now type in cmd window: ping
and post here what happening

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 2ms, Average = 1ms

and putty says connection refused

(Last edited by digitmobile on 17 Nov 2016, 15:59)

dl12345 wrote:

Use putty to telnet to the router, not ssh. Select the telnet radio button. When you set the new password, you will no longer be able to use telnet. You will need to use ssh

i think it has already a password  thats why i want to reset it or get back to original firmware , i tried with telnet and when i press open button on putty the console comes and then it disappear

(Last edited by digitmobile on 17 Nov 2016, 16:07)