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actually you are passing array by using pluck
$userId = User::where('mf_branch_id', $permitbranchId)->pluck('id');
it returns the array like this (key is the index of the item. auto incremented value):
1 => "name1",
2 => "name2",
100 => "name100"
try it by using first() if you are fetching single record or if its multiple ID's then use whereIn Here
$permit_report = WorkPermit::whereIn('user_id', $userId)->get();
if single Record
$userId = User::where('mf_branch_id', $permitbranchId)->firstOrFail();
$permit_report = WorkPermit::where('user_id', $userId->id)->get();
method returns an array, change your code :
$userId = User::where('mf_branch_id', $permitbranchId)->firstOrFail();
$permit_report = WorkPermit::where('user_id', $userId->id)->get();
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