  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Rule syntax


Getting started with rule writing? Try the Semgrep Tutorial 🎓

This document describes the YAML rule syntax of Semgrep.



All required fields must be present at the top-level of a rule, immediately under the rules key.

Field Type Description
id string Unique, descriptive identifier, for example: no-unused-variable
message string Message that includes why Semgrep matched this pattern and how to remediate it. See also Rule messages .
severity string One of the following values: INFO (Low severity), WARNING (Medium severity), or ERROR (High severity). The severity key specifies how critical are the issues that a rule potentially detects. Note: Semgrep Supply Chain differs, as its rules use CVE assignments for severity. For more information, see Filters section in Semgrep Supply Chain documentation.
languages array See language extensions and tags
pattern * string Find code matching this expression
patterns * array Logical AND of multiple patterns
pattern-either * array Logical OR of multiple patterns
pattern-regex * string Find code matching this PCRE2 -compatible pattern in multiline mode

Only one of the following is required: pattern , patterns , pattern-either , pattern-regex

Language extensions and languages key values

The following table includes languages supported by Semgrep, accepted file extensions for test files that accompany rules, and valid values that Semgrep rules require in the languages key.

Language Extensions languages key values
Apex (only in Semgrep Pro Engine) .cls apex
Bash .bash , .sh bash , sh
C .c c
Cairo .cairo cairo
Clojure .clj , .cljs , .cljc , .edn clojure
C++ .cc , .cpp cpp , c++
C# .cs csharp , c#
Dart .dart dart
Dockerfile .dockerfile , .Dockerfile dockerfile , docker
Elixir .ex , .exs ex , elixir
Generic generic
Go .go go , golang
HTML .htm , .html html
Java .java java
JavaScript .js , .jsx js , javascript
JSON .json , .ipynb json
Jsonnet .jsonnet , .libsonnet jsonnet
JSX .js , .jsx js , javascript
Julia .jl julia
Kotlin .kt , .kts , .ktm kt , kotlin
Lisp .lisp , .cl , .el lisp
Lua .lua lua
OCaml .ml , .mli ocaml
PHP .php , .tpl php
Python .py , .pyi python , python2 , python3 , py
R .r , .R r
Ruby .rb ruby
Rust .rs rust
Scala .scala scala
Scheme .scm , .ss scheme
Solidity .sol solidity , sol
Swift .swift swift
Terraform .tf , .hcl tf , hcl , terraform
TypeScript .ts , .tsx ts , typescript
YAML .yml , .yaml yaml
XML .xml xml

To see the maturity level of each supported language, see the following sections in Supported languages document:

  • Semgrep OSS Engine
  • Semgrep Pro Engine
  • Optional

    Field Type Description
    options object Options object to enable/disable certain matching features
    fix object Simple search-and-replace autofix functionality
    metadata object Arbitrary user-provided data; attach data to rules without affecting Semgrep behavior
    min-version string Minimum Semgrep version compatible with this rule
    max-version string Maximum Semgrep version compatible with this rule
    paths object Paths to include or exclude when running this rule