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Your first scene

This guide will help you to create your first Tres scene. 🍩

Setting up the experience Canvas

Before we can create a ThreeJS Scene , we need a space to display it. Using plain ThreeJS we would need to create a canvas HTML element to mount the WebglRenderer and initialize the Scene .

With TresJS you only need to import the default component <TresCanvas /> and add it to the template of your Vue component.


It's important that all components related to the scene live between the <TresCanvas /> component. Otherwise, they will be not rendered.

The TresCanvas component is going to do some setup work behind the scenes:

  • It creates a WebGLRenderer that automatically updates every frame.
  • It sets the render loop to be called on every frame based on the browser refresh rate.

Canvas size

By default, TresCanvas component will take the parent's width and height , if you are experiencing a blank page make sure the parent element has a proper size.

If your scene is not gonna be part of a UI, you can also force the canvas to take the width and height of the full window by using the window-size prop like this:

Creating a scene

We need 4 core elements to create a 3D experience:

With TresJS you only need to add the <TresCanvas /> component to the template of your Vue component and it will automatically create a Renderer ( canvas DOM Element) and Scene for you.

Then you can add a PerspectiveCamera using the <TresPerspectiveCamera /> component.


A common issue is that the camera default position is the origin of the scene (0,0,0). TresJS will automatically set the position of your camera to [3,3,3] if the prop position is not set by you. If no camera is defined in you scene, a perspective camera is added automatically.

Adding a 🍩

That scene looks a little empty, let's add a basic object. If we were using plain ThreeJS we would need to create a Mesh object and attach to it a Material and a Geometry like this:

A Mesh is a basic scene object in three.js, and it's used to hold the geometry and the material needed to represent a shape in 3D space.

Now let's see how we can easily achieve the same with TresJS . To do that we are going to use the <TresMesh /> component, and between the default slots, we are going to pass a <TresTorusGeometry /> and a <TresMeshBasicMaterial /> component.


Notice that we don't need to import anything, that's because TresJS automatically generate a Vue Component based on the three objects you want to use in PascalCase with a Tres prefix . For example, if you want to use an AmbientLight you would use the <TresAmbientLight /> component.