  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
  • The java.lang.Character.isDigit(char ch) is an inbuilt method in java which determines whether a specified character is a digit or not. There are few conditions that a character must accomplish to be accepted as a digit. That is if the general category type of a character, provided by Character.getType(ch), is DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER, then the character is a digit.
    Some Unicode character ranges that contain digits: From ‘\u0030’ to ‘\u0039’ : ISO-LATIN-1 digits (‘0’ through ‘9’)
    From ‘\u0660’ to ‘\u0669’ : Arabic-Indic digits
    From ‘\u06F0’ to ‘\u06F9’ : Extended Arabic-Indic digits
    From ‘\u0966’ to ‘\u096F’ : Devanagari digits
    From ‘\uFF10’ to ‘\uFF19’ : Fullwidth digits

    Apart from the above mentioned ranges, many other character ranges contain digits as well.


    public static boolean isDigit(char ch)

    Parameter: This method accepts character parameter ch as an argument, which is to be tested.

    Return value: This method returns a boolean value. It returns True if ch is digit, else False.

    Note: This method cannot handle supplementary characters . To support all Unicode characters, including supplementary characters, use the isDigit(int) method.

    Below programs illustrate the above method:
    Program 1:

    // Function to check if is digit
    // is found or not
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < s.length(); i++) {
    if (Character.isDigit(
    == true ) {
    // return position of digit
    return i + 1 ;
    // return 0 if digit not present
    return 0 ;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    // Array of strings
    String[] arr = { "ABC4DEF" , "QWERTY" };
    // To store the position of digit
    int index = 0 ;
    // Traverse the array arr[] to find digit
    // within it's elements
    for (String x : arr) {
    index = search_digit(x);
    if (index != 0 ) {
    "Digit found at : "
    + (index)
    + "th position." );
    else {
    "Digit not present." );
  • The java.lang.Character.isDigit(int codePoint) is an inbuilt method in java which determines whether the specified Unicode code point character of integer type is a digit or not.
    There are few conditions that a character must accomplish to be accepted as a digit. That is if the general category type of a character, provided by getType(codepoint), is a DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER, then the character is a digit. Some Unicode character ranges that contain digits: From ‘\u0030’ to ‘\u0039’ : ISO-LATIN-1 digits (‘0’ through ‘9’)
    From ‘\u0660’ to ‘\u0669’ : Arabic-Indic digits
    From ‘\u06F0’ to ‘\u06F9’ : Extended Arabic-Indic digits
    From ‘\u0966’ to ‘\u096F’ : Devanagari digits
    From ‘\uFF10’ to ‘\uFF19’ : Fullwidth digits

    Apart from the above mentioned ranges, many other character ranges contain digits as well.


    public static boolean isDigit(int codePoint)

    Parameter: This method accepts unicode character parameter codePoint of integer type as an argument, which is to be tested.

    Return value: This method returns a boolean value. It returns True if the specified character is digit, else it returns False.

    Below programs illustrate the above method:
    Program 1:

    // This program demonstrates the use of
    // isDigit(int codePoint) method of Character class.
    import java.util.*;
    public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
    // create codePoints
    int cp1 = 57 ;
    int cp2 = 84 ;
    // Check whether the codePoints
    // are digit or not.
    "The codePoint cp1 is a digit -> "
    + Character.isDigit(cp1));
    "The codePoint cp2 is a digit -> "
    + Character.isDigit(cp2));
    // This program demonstrates the use of
    // isDigit(int codePoint) method of
    // Character class.
    import java.util.*;
    public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args)
    // create codePoints
    int cp1 = 0x50 ;
    int cp2 = 0x06f8 ;
    // Check whether the codePoints
    // are digit or not.
    "The codePoint cp1 is a digit -> "
    + Character.isDigit(cp1));
    "The codePoint cp2 is a digit -> "
    + Character.isDigit(cp2));
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