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  • Random\Randomizer::shuffleArray() - Get a permutation of an array
  • Random\Randomizer::shuffleBytes() - Get a byte-wise permutation of a string
  • Random\Randomizer::pickArrayKeys() - Select random array keys
  • 数组排序函数对比
  • ahmad at ahmadnassri dot com
    15 years ago
    shuffle for associative arrays, preserves key=>value pairs.
    (Based on (Vladimir Kornea of typetango.com)'s function)

    function shuffle_assoc (& $array ) {
    $keys = array_keys ( $array );

    shuffle ( $keys );

    $keys as $key ) {
    $new [ $key ] = $array [ $key ];

    $array = $new ;

    true ;

    *note: as of PHP 5.2.10, array_rand's resulting array of keys is no longer shuffled, so we use array_keys + shuffle.
    andjones at gmail dot com
    14 years ago
    Shuffle associative and non-associative array while preserving key, value pairs. Also returns the shuffled array instead of shuffling it in place.


    function shuffle_assoc ( $list ) {
    if (!
    is_array ( $list )) return $list ;

    $keys = array_keys ( $list );
    shuffle ( $keys );
    $random = array();
    foreach (
    $keys as $key )
    $random [ $key ] = $list [ $key ];

    $random ;

    15 years ago
    I needed a simple function two shuffle a two dimensional array. Please note the second level arrays must be indexed using integers, for example $myarray[0]["Name"] and not $myarray["One"]["Name"]. Here is the function:

    function twodshuffle ( $array )
    // Get array length
    $count = count ( $array );
    // Create a range of indicies
    $indi = range ( 0 , $count - 1 );
    // Randomize indicies array
    shuffle ( $indi );
    // Initialize new array
    $newarray = array( $count );
    // Holds current index
    $i = 0 ;
    // Shuffle multidimensional array
    foreach ( $indi as $index )
    $newarray [ $i ] = $array [ $index ];
    $i ++;
    $newarray ;

    Please note it only works on two dimensional arrays. Here is an example:

    = array( "Google" => array( "Name" => "Google" , "URL" => "www.google.com" , "Usage" => "Googling" ), "Yahoo" => array( "Name" => "Yahoo" , "URL" => "www.yahoo.com" , "Usage" => "Yahooing?" ), "Ask" => array( "Name" => "Ask" , "URL" => "www.ask.com" , "Usage" => "Asking Jeeves" ));

    print_r ( twodshuffle ( $myarray ));

    /* And the result is:
    Array ( [0] => Array ( [Name] => Ask [URL] => www.ask.com [Usage] => Asking Jeeves ) [1] => Array ( [Name] => Google [URL] => www.google.com [Usage] => Googling ) [2] => Array ( [Name] => Yahoo [URL] => www.yahoo.com [Usage] => Yahooing? ) )

    Hope you find it useful!
    dirk dot avery a t gmail
    15 years ago
    Building on examples by m227 and pineappleclock, here is a function that returns all permutations of each set in the power set of an array of strings (instead of a string). Thanks for the great examples!


    Use: $arr = power_perms($in);

    $in = array("A","B","C");
    $power_perms = power_perms($in);

    [0] => Array
    [0] => A
    [1] => B
    [2] => C

    [1] => Array
    [0] => A
    [1] => C
    [2] => B

    [2] => Array
    [0] => B
    [1] => A
    [2] => C

    [3] => Array
    [0] => B
    [1] => C
    [2] => A

    [4] => Array
    [0] => C
    [1] => A
    [2] => B

    [5] => Array
    [0] => C
    [1] => B
    [2] => A

    [6] => Array
    [0] => A
    [1] => B

    [7] => Array
    [0] => B
    [1] => A

    [8] => Array
    [0] => B
    [1] => C

    [9] => Array
    [0] => C
    [1] => B

    [10] => Array
    [0] => A
    [1] => C

    [11] => Array
    [0] => C
    [1] => A

    [12] => Array
    [0] => A

    [13] => Array
    [0] => B

    [14] => Array
    [0] => C



    function power_perms ( $arr ) {

    $power_set = power_set ( $arr );
    $result = array();
    $power_set as $set ) {
    $perms = perms ( $set );
    $result = array_merge ( $result , $perms );
    $result ;

    power_set ( $in , $minLength = 1 ) {

    $count = count ( $in );
    $members = pow ( 2 , $count );
    $return = array();
    for (
    $i = 0 ; $i < $members ; $i ++) {
    $b = sprintf ( "%0" . $count . "b" , $i );
    $out = array();
    for (
    $j = 0 ; $j < $count ; $j ++) {
    if (
    $b { $j } == '1' ) $out [] = $in [ $j ];
    if (
    count ( $out ) >= $minLength ) {
    $return [] = $out ;

    //usort($return,"cmp"); //can sort here by length
    return $return ;

    factorial ( $int ){
    $int < 2 ) {
    1 ;

    $f = 2 ; $int - 1 > 1 ; $f *= $int --);

    $f ;

    perm ( $arr , $nth = null ) {

    if (
    $nth === null ) {
    perms ( $arr );

    $result = array();
    $length = count ( $arr );

    while (
    $length --) {
    $f = factorial ( $length );
    $p = floor ( $nth / $f );
    $result [] = $arr [ $p ];
    array_delete_by_key ( $arr , $p );
    $nth -= $p * $f ;

    $result = array_merge ( $result , $arr );
    $result ;

    perms ( $arr ) {
    $p = array();
    for (
    $i = 0 ; $i < factorial ( count ( $arr )); $i ++) {
    $p [] = perm ( $arr , $i );
    $p ;

    array_delete_by_key (& $array , $delete_key , $use_old_keys = FALSE ) {

    $array [ $delete_key ]);

    $use_old_keys ) {
    $array = array_values ( $array );

    TRUE ;
    pineappleclock at gmail dot com
    15 years ago
    If you want the Power Set (set of all unique subsets) of an array instead of permutations, you can use this simple algorithm:

    * Returns the power set of a one dimensional array,
    * a 2-D array.
    * array(a,b,c) ->
    * array(array(a),array(b),array(c),array(a,b),array(b,c),array(a,b,c))
    function powerSet ( $in , $minLength = 1 ) {
    $count = count ( $in );
    $members = pow ( 2 , $count );
    $return = array();
    for (
    $i = 0 ; $i < $members ; $i ++) {
    $b = sprintf ( "%0" . $count . "b" , $i );
    $out = array();
    for (
    $j = 0 ; $j < $count ; $j ++) {
    if (
    $b { $j } == '1' ) $out [] = $in [ $j ];
    if (
    count ( $out ) >= $minLength ) {
    $return [] = $out ;
    $return ;
    xzero at elite7hackers dot net
    9 years ago
    There is an function which uses native shuffle() but preserves keys, and their order, so at end, only values are shuffled.

    * Array Quake - Give an array good quake so every value will endup with random given space.
    * Keys, and their order are preserved.
    * @author xZero <[email protected]>
    * @param array $array
    * @return boolean false on failure
    function array_quake (& $array ) {
    if (
    is_array ( $array )) {
    $keys = array_keys ( $array ); // We need this to preserve keys
    $temp = $array ;
    $array = NULL ;
    shuffle ( $temp ); // Array shuffle
    foreach ( $temp as $k => $item ) {
    $array [ $keys [ $k ]] = $item ;
    false ;

    // Example
    $numbers = array(
    'ZERO' => 0 ,
    'ONE' => 1 ,
    'TWO' => 2 ,
    'THREE' => 3 ,
    'FOUR' => 4 ,
    'FIVE' => 5 ,
    'SIX' => 6 ,
    'SEVEN' => 7 ,
    'EIGHT' => 8 ,
    'NINE' => 9
    "\nBefore (original):\n" ;
    print_r ( $numbers );
    array_quake ( $numbers );
    "\n\nAfter (Array Quake);\n" ;
    print_r ( $numbers );
    "\n" ;

    Result example:
    Before (original):
    [ZERO] => 0
    [ONE] => 1
    [TWO] => 2
    [THREE] => 3
    [FOUR] => 4
    [FIVE] => 5
    [SIX] => 6
    [SEVEN] => 7
    [EIGHT] => 8
    [NINE] => 9

    After (Array Quake);
    [ZERO] => 4
    [ONE] => 2
    [TWO] => 0
    [THREE] => 8
    [FOUR] => 3
    [FIVE] => 6
    [SIX] => 1
    [SEVEN] => 7
    [EIGHT] => 5
    [NINE] => 9
    tony at brokerbin dot com
    16 years ago
    Here is IMO the simplest and extremely fast way to shuffle an associative array AND keep the key=>value relationship. However, it ONLY works if there are NO NUMERIC keys AT ALL. Look into array_merge for the reason why.


    = array( 'one' => 1 , 'two' => 2 , 'three' => 3 );

    $shuffled = array_merge ( array_flip ( array_rand ( $unshuffled , count ( $unshuffled ))), $unshuffled );


    aalaap at gmail dot com
    15 years ago
    I've been wondering why shuffle() doesn't provide the shuffled array as a return value instead of a bool. I mean, what could possibly go wrong in shuffling elements from an array?

    So I use something like this:

    function array_shuffle ( $array ) {
    if (
    shuffle ( $array )) {
    $array ;
    } else {
    FALSE ;
    ezakto at ezakto dot com
    14 years ago
    This is a replica of shuffle() but preserving keys (associative and non-associative)

    bool kshuffle ( array &$array )


    function kshuffle (& $array ) {
    is_array ( $array ) || empty( $array )) {
    false ;
    $tmp = array();
    $array as $key => $value ) {
    $tmp [] = array( 'k' => $key , 'v' => $value );
    shuffle ( $tmp );
    $array = array();
    $tmp as $entry ) {
    $array [ $entry [ 'k' ]] = $entry [ 'v' ];
    true ;

    $array = array( 'first' => 0 , 'second' => 1 , 'third' => 2 );
    kshuffle ( $array );
    print_r ( $array ); // [second] => 1 [first] => 0 [third] => 2

    $array = array( 'first' , 'second' , 'third' );
    kshuffle ( $array );
    print_r ( $array ); // [1] => second [2] => third [0] => first

    rick at suggestive dot com
    14 years ago
    Many people in SEO need to supply an array and shuffle the results and need the same result each time that page is generated. This is my implementation with a working example:

    function seoShuffle (& $items , $string ) {
    mt_srand ( strlen ( $string ));
    for (
    $i = count ( $items ) - 1 ; $i > 0 ; $i --){
    $j = @ mt_rand ( 0 , $i );
    $tmp = $items [ $i ];
    $items [ $i ] = $items [ $j ];
    $items [ $j ] = $tmp ;

    $items = array( 'one' , 'two' , 'three' , 'four' , 'five' , 'six' );
    $string = 'whatever' ;

    '<pre>' ;
    print_r ( $items );
    '</pre>' ;

    seoShuffle ( $items , $string );

    '<pre>' ;
    print_r ( $items );
    '</pre>' ;
    sivaji2009 at gmail dot com
    15 years ago
    Here i wrote a custom shuffle function which preserves the array index and distributes the array element randomly.


    * return an array whose elements are shuffled in random order.
    function custom_shuffle ( $my_array = array()) {
    $copy = array();
    while (
    count ( $my_array )) {
    // takes a rand array elements by its key
    $element = array_rand ( $my_array );
    // assign the array and its value to an another array
    $copy [ $element ] = $my_array [ $element ];
    //delete the element from source array
    unset( $my_array [ $element ]);
    $copy ;

    $array = array(
    'a' => 'apple' ,
    'b' => 'ball' ,
    'c' => 'cat' ,
    'd' => 'dog' ,
    'e' => 'egg' ,
    'f' => 'fan' ,
    'g' => 'gun'

    print_r ( custom_shuffle ( $array ));

    c ] => cat
    [ e ] => egg
    [ f ] => fan
    [ a ] => apple
    [ b ] => ball
    [ g ] => gun
    [ d ] => dog

    Eric Anderson
    13 years ago
    Copy and paste this script and refresh the page to see the shuffling effect.

    * Shuffles and displays cards in a deck
    * @author: Eric Anderson
    * @filename: deckofcards.php

    // Create an array of face values
    // and an array of card values
    // then merge them together
    $cards = array_merge (array( "J" , "Q" , "K" , "A" ), range ( 2 , 10 )); // 13 cards

    // Shuffle the cards
    shuffle ( $cards );

    // Create an multidimentional array to hold the 4 suits
    $suits = array(
    'Heart' => array(),
    'Spade' => array(),
    'Diamond' => array(),
    'Club' => array()

    // Add cards to their respective suits
    for( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $suits ); $i ++)
    $j = 0 ; $j < count ( $cards ); $j ++)
    $suits [ 'Heart' ][ $j ] = $cards [ $j ]. "<span style=color:#FF0000;>&hearts;</span>" ;
    $suits [ 'Spade' ][ $j ] = $cards [ $j ]. "&spades;" ;
    $suits [ 'Diamond' ][ $j ] = $cards [ $j ]. "<span style=color:#FF0000;>&diams;</span>" ;
    $suits [ 'Club' ][ $j ] = $cards [ $j ]. "&clubs;" ;

    // Create a deck
    $deck = array();

    // Merge the suits into the empty deck array
    $deck = array_merge ( $deck , $suits );

    // Display the deck to the screen
    echo "<p><b>Deck of cards:</b></p>" ;
    $deck as $k1 => $v1 )
    // Display suit name
    echo "<p>&emsp; $k1 's<br />&emsp;{<br />&emsp;&emsp;" ;
    $acc = 0 ;

    // Display card value
    foreach( $v1 as $k2 => $v2 )
    " $v2 &nbsp" ;
    $acc ++;

    if (
    $acc == 4 )
    "<br />&emsp;&emsp;" ;
    $acc = 0 ;
    "<br />&emsp;}</p>" ;
    tyler at CompLangs dot com
    15 years ago
    Here is a quick function I wrote that generates a random password and uses shuffle() to easily shuffle the order.

    public function randPass ( $upper = 3 , $lower = 3 , $numeric = 3 , $other = 2 ) {
    //we need these vars to create a password string
    $passOrder = Array();
    $passWord = '' ;

    //generate the contents of the password
    for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $upper ; $i ++) {
    $passOrder [] = chr ( rand ( 65 , 90 ));
    for (
    $i = 0 ; $i < $lower ; $i ++) {
    $passOrder [] = chr ( rand ( 97 , 122 ));
    for (
    $i = 0 ; $i < $numeric ; $i ++) {
    $passOrder [] = chr ( rand ( 48 , 57 ));
    for (
    $i = 0 ; $i < $other ; $i ++) {
    $passOrder [] = chr ( rand ( 33 , 47 ));

    //randomize the order of characters
    shuffle ( $passOrder );

    //concatenate into a string
    foreach ( $passOrder as $char ) {
    $passWord .= $char ;

    //we're done
    return $passWord ;
    Antonio Ognio
    16 years ago
    Another shuffle() implementation that preserves keys, does not use extra memory and perhaps is a bit easier to grasp.

    if ( function_exists ( 'shuffle_with_keys' )=== false ) {
    shuffle_with_keys (& $array ) {
    /* Auxiliary array to hold the new order */
    $aux = array();
    /* We work with an array of the keys */
    $keys = array_keys ( $array );
    /* We shuffle the keys */
    shuffle ( $keys );
    /* We iterate thru' the new order of the keys */
    foreach( $keys as $key ) {
    /* We insert the key, value pair in its new order */
    $aux [ $key ] = $array [ $key ];
    /* We remove the element from the old array to save memory */
    unset( $array [ $key ]);
    /* The auxiliary array with the new order overwrites the old variable */
    $array = $aux ;
    3 years ago
    implementation of shuffle() using random_int()


    function random_int_shuffle ( array $array ): array
    $array = array_values ( $array );

    $result = [];
    $skip_indexes = [];

    $sizeof_array = count ( $array );

    for (
    $i = 0 ; $i < $sizeof_array ; $i ++ )
    $random_index = random_int ( 0 , $sizeof_array );
    } while (
    in_array ( $random_index , $skip_indexes ) );

    $skip_indexes [] = $random_index ;
    $result [] = $array [ $random_index ];

    $result ;