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Hi Folks,

I am new to Julia, and beginning to port some machine learning projects over to Julia. One thing I am missing is the python os library which can walk a directory path quite easily. I am googling around and looks like it doesn’t exist in Julia yet… but wanted to throw up a question before I start writing my own implementation

for context here’s the python function I’m porting

import os
import fnmatch
def list_all_files(directory, extensions=None):
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
        for filename in filenames:
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            joined = os.path.join(root, filename)
            if extensions is None or ext.lower() in extensions:
                yield joined

Thank you

walkdir(dir; topdown=true, follow_symlinks=false, onerror=throw) The walkdir method returns an iterator that walks the directory tree of a directory. The iterator returns a tuple containing (rootpath, dirs, files). The directory tree can be traversed top-down or bottom-up. If walkdir encounters a SystemError it will rethrow the error by default. A custom error handling function can be provided through onerror keyword argument. onerror is called with a SystemError as argument. for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir(".") println("Directories in $root") for dir in dirs println(joinpath(root, dir)) # path to directories println("Files in $root") for file in files println(joinpath(root, file)) # path to files