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Many problems involve computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a periodic sequence of length N , where N is the number of data points or samples. The number of calculations required to compute the DFT is proportional to N 2 . The fast Fourier transform (FFT) was developed to efficiently compute the DFT, where the number of calculations required to compute the FFT is proportional to N log 2 N . Sun Performance Library TM provides routines for computing the FFT or inverse transform (synthesis) of a sequence of length N . The FFT routines are based on FFTPACK and VFFTPACK, which are collections of public domain subroutines available from Netlib ( http://www.netlib.org ). These routines have been enhanced and optimized for SPARC TM platforms, and then bundled with the Sun Performance Library. The Sun Performance Library also includes two-dimensional FFT routines, three-dimensional FFT routines, and convolution and correlation routines. FFTPACK routines operate on a single one-dimensional sequence of length N . After storing the sequence as a vector in an array, the fast sine, fast cosine, fast Fourier transform, or inverse transform of the sequence is computed. To process an additional sequence, the new sequence must be stored in the array before computing the FFT or inverse transform. VFFTPACK routines store the multiple one-dimensional sequences in a two-dimensional array, but the routines compute only a one-dimensional Fourier transform of each sequence. The two-dimensional and three-dimensional FFT routines provided with Sun Performance Library differ from the VFFTPACK routines. The two-dimensional FFT routines perform a two-dimensional Fourier transform of a sequence stored in a two-dimensional array, and the three-dimensional FFT routines perform a three-dimensional transform of a sequence stored in a three-dimensional array. TABLE 1 summarizes some of the similarities and differences between the single vector FFTPACK, multiple vector VFFTPACK routines, two-dimensional FFT routines, and three-dimensional FFT routines.

TABLE 1 Comparison Between Single Vector and Multiple Vector Routines

  • Double precision and double complex transforms. Because routines that process double precision and double complex data are not available in the standard package from Netlib, calls to these routines might not be portable.
  • Two-dimensional and three-dimensional FFTs. Netlib FFTPACK and VFFTPACK routines support one-dimensional FFTs.
  • Convolution and correlation routines.
  • Fortran 95 and C interfaces to FFTPACK and VFFTPACK. Conventions for these interfaces are described in detail in the Sun Performance Library User's Guide .
  • Optimizations for specific SPARC instruction set architectures.
  • Support for a 64-bit enabled Solaris TM Operating Environment.
  • Support for parallel processing compiler options.
  • Support for multiple processor hardware options.
  • The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) The following definition of the DFT is used when calculating the complex discrete Fourier transform of a periodic sequence, where When computing the DFT of a real sequence, the resulting array of Fourier coefficients is conjugate symmetric, where for k > 1, when using a one-based notation, or for k > 0, when using a zero-based notation. The asterisk * denotes complex conjugation, where . The number of calculations required to compute the DFT is reduced by taking advantage of this symmetry. When computing the transform of a real sequence, the complex discrete Fourier transform can be rewritten in the real trigonometric form shown in TABLE 2 . In TABLE 2 , equals the real part of equals the imaginary part of , and equals the real part of TABLE 2 Formulas for Real FFT Routines The FFT routines can be used to compute the discrete Fourier cosine transform, discrete Fourier sine transform, and inverse transforms of the functions listed in TABLE 3 .

    TABLE 3 Symmetries Supported by FFT and VFFT Routines Symmetry Definition Trigonometric Expansion Cosine Even-Wave An even function f ( t ) that satisfies the condition f (- t ) = f ( t ). Trigonometric series containing only cosine terms. Cosine Quarter-Wave A even function with half-wave symmetry , where T is the period of the function. Trigonometric series containing only cosine terms with odd wave numbers. Sine Odd-Wave An odd function f ( t ) that satisfies the condition f (- t ) =- f ( t ). Trigonometric series containing only sine terms. Sine Quarter-Wave A odd function with half-wave symmetry Trigonometric series containing only sine terms with odd wave numbers. Prefixes used with FFT and VFFT base names are shown in TABLE 5 .

    TABLE 5 Prefix and Operand Data Types Prefix Operand Data Type FFT Routines No prefix REAL , REAL*4 , REAL(4)

  • I: Initialize the Fourier transform or inverse Fourier transform routine
  • F: Compute the forward transform (the Fourier transform)
  • B: Compute the backward transform (the inverse Fourier transform or synthesis)

    TABLE 6 FFT and VFFT Base Names Base Name Operation COSQB Inverse cosine quarter-wave transform (synthesis) COSQF Cosine quarter-wave transform COSQI Initialize cosine quarter-wave transform or inverse transform Cosine even-wave transform COSTI Initialize cosine even-wave transform EZFFTB Inverse EZ transform (synthesis) EZFFTF EZ transform EZFFTI Initialize EZ transform Inverse transform (synthesis) Forward transform Initialize before computing a transform or inverse transform SINQB Inverse sine quarter-wave transform (synthesis) SINQF Sine quarter-wave transform SINQI Initialize sine quarter-wave transform or inverse transform Sine odd-wave transform SINTI Initialize sine odd-wave transform

  • The prefix x is added to the base name when the information applies to REAL , DOUBLE , COMPLEX , and DOUBLE COMPLEX versions of that routine.
  • Specific prefixes are listed in square brackets [ ] before the base name when information does not apply to all versions of the routine.
  • The following example shows samples of these naming conventions.

    Convention Routines x FFTF RFFTF , DFFTF , CFFTF , and ZFFTF [R,D]FFTI RFFTI or DFFTI [C,Z]FFTF CFFTF or ZFFTF V[R,D,C,Z]FFTF VRFFTF , VDFFTF , VCFFTF , or VZFFTF Sun Performance Library contains the routines shown in TABLE 8 . The data type of the arguments follows the conventions shown in TABLE 7 .

    TABLE 7 Argument Data Types Argument Data Type AZERO , A , B , R (EZFFT routines) FULL , PLACE , ROWCOL Character N , M , K , LDA , LD2A , LDB , LWORK , MDIMX Integer A , B , X , XT Same as data type of routine called WSAVE , WORK See TABLE 11 In addition to the FFT and VFFT routines listed in TABLE 8 , the following routines are described in this manual.

    TABLE 9 Convolution and Correlation Routines Routine Arguments Function SCNVCOR , DCNVCOR , CCNVCOR , ZCNVCOR CNVCOR,FOUR,NX,X,IFX,
    Convolution or correlation of two vectors SCNVCOR2 , DCNVCOR2 , CCNVCOR2 , ZCNVCOR2 CNVCOR,METHOD,TRANSX,
    Convolution or correlation of two matrices

  • All arguments are passed by reference.
  • The number of arguments to a routine is fixed.
  • Types of arguments must match.
  • Arrays are stored columnwise.
  • Indices are based at one, following standard Fortran practice.
  • C Interface Conventions
  • Input-only scalars are passed by value rather than by reference. Complex and double complex arguments are not considered scalars because they are not implemented as a scalar type by C.
  • Complex scalars can be passed as either structures or arrays of length 2.
  • Types of arguments must match even after C does type conversion. For example, be careful when passing a single precision real value, because a C compiler can automatically promote the argument to double precision.
  • Arrays are stored columnwise. For Fortran programmers, this is the natural order in which arrays are stored. For C programmers, this is the transpose of the order in which they usually work. References in the documentation and man pages to rows refer to columns and vice versa.
  • Array indices are based at zero in conformance with C conventions, rather than being based at one in conformance with Fortran conventions.
  • Using 64-Bit FFT Routines Sun Performance Library provides 32-bit and 64-bit interfaces. To use the 64-bit interfaces:
  • Modify the Sun Performance Library routine name. For C, FORTRAN 77, and Fortran 95 code, append _64 to the names of Sun Performance Library routines (for example, rfftf_64 or CFFTB_64) . For Fortran 95 code with the USE SUNPERF statement, routines can be called using the optional interfaces (interfaces where certain arguments can be omitted), but _64 must still be appended to the Sun Performance Library routine names. The compiler will infer the correct interface and values for the optional arguments, but the compiler cannot determine if the optional arguments are 32-bit integers or 64-bit integers.
  • Promote integers to 64 bits. Double precision variables and the real and imaginary parts of double complex variables are already 64 bits. Only the integers are promoted to 64 bits.
  • To control promotion of integer arguments, do one of the following:
  • To promote all default integers (integers declared without explicit byte sizes) from 32 bits to 64 bits, compile with -xtypemap=integer:64 .
  • When using Fortran, to promote specific integers, change INTEGER or INTEGER*4 declarations to INTEGER*8 .
  • Note – When calling a 32-bit interface, such as ZFFTF , from a 64-bit code, Sun Performance Library internally converts the arguments to 64 bits, and then calls the 64-bit interface ( ZFFTF_64 ). Extra overhead is associated with this argument conversion.
  • If N can be factored into powers of 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, or 13, the transform is computed using the FFT, which is an N log 2 N operation.
  • If N is a product of some of these prime factors, along with additional prime factors, the part of N that can be factored into powers of 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, or 13 is computed using the FFT. The transform of the sequence corresponding to the additional prime factors is computed using the DFT, which is an N 2 operation.
  • If N cannot be factored into powers of 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, or 13, the transform of the sequence is computed using the DFT.
  • For example, the transform of a vector of length N = 1024 = 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 can be computed using an FFT, because 4 is a factor of 1024. If N = 6080 = 4 × 4 × 4 × 5 × 19, the transform of the vector corresponding to 4 × 4 × 4 × 5 is computed using the FFT, but the part of the vector corresponding to 19 is computed using the DFT. The transform of a vector of length N =1019 is computed using the DFT, because 1019 is not the product of small primes. Computing the Fourier transform is most efficient when N-1 for fast cosine transforms, N+1 for fast sine transforms, and M , N , and K for multi-dimensional FFT routines can be factored into powers of 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, or 13, as summarized in TABLE 10 .

    TABLE 10 Values That Must Have 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, or 13 as Factors for Best Performance Routine Values COST , DCOST , VCOST, VDCOST N - 1 SINT , DSINT , VSINT, VDSINT N + 1 All other one-dimensional FFT and VFFT routines Two-dimensional FFT routines M and N Three-dimensional FFT routines M , N , and K The function x FFTOPT can be used to determine the optimal sequence length, as shown in CODE EXAMPLE 1 .

    COSQI, DCOSQI 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 COSQB, DCOSQB 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 COSQF, DCOSQF 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 COST, DCOST 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 COSTI, DCOSTI 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 EZFFTB 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 EZFFTF 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 EZFFTI 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 RFFTB, DFFTB 2N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 RFFTF, DFFTF 2N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 RFFTI, DFFTI 2N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 CFFTB, ZFFTB 4N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 CFFTF, ZFFTF 4N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 CFFTI, ZFFTI 4N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 SINQB, DSINQB 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 SINQF, DSINQF 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 SINQI, DSINQI 3N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 SINT, DSINT 2N + N/2 + 15 REAL, REAL*8 SINTI, DSINTI 2N + N/2 + 15 REAL, REAL*8 VRFFTB, VDFFTB N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 VRFFTF, VDFFTF N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 VRFFTI, VDFFTI N + 15 REAL, REAL*8 FFT and VFFT routines use the arguments shown in TABLE 12 . Some routines use additional arguments that are described in the sections for those routines.

    FFT Routines The results of a complex one-dimensional FFT are stored in-place (in the original input array). Storage problems do not occur when performing the Fourier transform of a complex sequence, because the number of calculated Fourier coefficients equals the number of input values. The real and imaginary values of the Fourier coefficients can be stored in the original complex array without additional storage manipulations. Computing the Fourier transform of a real sequence produces complex Fourier coefficients. The number of computed Fourier coefficients is twice the number of values in the original sequence, because of the real and imaginary parts of the complex Fourier coefficients. The complex vector must be packed before it can be stored in the original real array. This packing is done by not storing the imaginary parts of the one or two Fourier coefficients that are always 0, and by not storing the complex conjugates of the Fourier coefficients.
  • If N is even:

    • The real part of X 0 is stored.
    • The imaginary part of X 0 is equal to 0; this part is not stored.
    • The real and imaginary parts of X 1 , up to and including the real part of X ( N /2) , are stored sequentially.
    • The imaginary part of X ( N /2) is equal to 0; this part is not stored.
    • X ( N - k ) is the complex conjugate of X k , for k = 1 : N /2 - 1 and is not stored.
    • If N is odd,

      • The real part of X 0 is stored.
      • The imaginary part of X 0 is equal to 0 and is not stored.
      • The real and imaginary parts of X 1 , up to and including the imaginary part of X (( N -1)/2) , are stored sequentially.
      • X ( N - k ) is the complex conjugate of X k , for k = 1 : (( N -1)/2) - 1 and is not stored. For example, if N = 6, the input array X contains the following six real data points: CODE EXAMPLE 2 computes the FFT and inverse of a real or complex sequence for even and odd values of N . The transform of the complex sequence shows all the Fourier coefficients in an unpacked, complex array. The transform of the real sequence shows the Fourier coefficients stored in a packed, real array. Differences between the real arrays for even and odd values of N can also be compared.

    1. Specify the minimum dimension and data type of the work array WSAVE .
    The minimum dimension and data type depends upon the operand data type and FFT or VFFT routine, as shown in TABLE 11 . 2. Initialize the work array by calling the corresponding FFT or VFFT routine whose base name ends with the character I. For example, when using RFFTF or RFFTB , initialize the work array by calling RFFTI .

    The same work array can be used for both the transform or inverse transform as long as N remains unchanged. Different WSAVE arrays are required for different values of N . As long as N and WSAVE remain unchanged, subsequent transforms can be obtained faster than the first transform, because the initialization does not have to be repeated between calls to the transform or inverse transform routines.

    TABLE 11 Minimum Dimensions and Data Types for WSAVE Work Array
    Routine Minimum Work Array Size ( WSAVE ) One-Dimensional Routines VFFT Routines VCFFTB, VZFFTB If transforming rows: 2 * M + 15
    If transforming columns: 2 * N + 15
    REAL, REAL*8
    TABLE 12 Arguments for FFT and VFFT Routines
    Arguments Description
    CODE EXAMPLE 2 Real and Complex FFT Example
    CODE EXAMPLE 3 shows a C example that uses dfftf to compute the Fourier coefficients of a real sequence.

    CODE EXAMPLE 3 C Example Showing How to Extract the Complex Result From the Packet Output of dfftf
    In addition to the VFFT arguments defined in Arguments for One-Dimensional FFT and VFFT Routines , the VCFFTF , VZFFTF , VCFFTB , and VZFFTB routines use one additional argument called ROWCOL. ROWCOL specifies whether to transform the rows or columns of X(M,N) . Set ROWCOL equal to `R' or `r' perform the transform or inverse transform on the rows of X(M,N) . Set ROWCOL equal to `C' or `c' perform the transform or inverse transform on the columns of X(M,N) . CODE EXAMPLE 4 uses RFFTF to compute the FFT of a real sequence and RFFTB to compute the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are packed and stored in the original real array. The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by N .

    CODE EXAMPLE 4 Fast Fourier Transform and Inverse Transform for Real Values
    CODE EXAMPLE 5 uses CFFTF to compute the FFT of a complex sequence and CFFTB to compute the inverse transform. Because the number of calculated Fourier coefficients equals the number of input values, the real and imaginary values of the Fourier coefficients can be stored in the original array without additional storage manipulations. The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by N .

    Sequence length For EZFFTF , a real array containing the sequence to be transformed, unchanged on exit. For EZFFTB , a real array containing the Fourier coefficients of the inputs. AZERO The Fourier constant A 0 Real array containing the real parts of the complex Fourier coefficients. If N is even, then A is length N /2, otherwise A is length ( N -1)/2. Real array containing the imaginary parts of the complex Fourier coefficients. If N is even, then B is length N /2, otherwise B is length ( N -1)/2. WSAVE Work array initialized by EZFFTI CODE EXAMPLE 6 uses EZFFTF to compute a Fourier transform of a real sequence and EZFFTB to compute the inverse transform. When using EZFFTF , the computed Fourier coefficients are stored in the arrays A and B . The input array R is not overwritten. Unlike the output of RFFTF and DFFTF , no packing is performed, and the complex conjugates are retained.

    CODE EXAMPLE 5 Fast Fourier Transform and Inverse Transform for Complex Values
    The EZFFT routines use the arguments shown in TABLE 13 .

    TABLE 13 Arguments for EZFFT Routines
    Argument Definition
    CODE EXAMPLE 6 EZ Fourier Transform and Inverse Transform
    CODE EXAMPLE 7 uses COSQF to compute the cosine quarter-wave transform of a real sequence and COSQB to compute the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are packed and stored in the original real array. The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by 4*N .

    CODE EXAMPLE 7 Cosine Quarter-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform
    CODE EXAMPLE 8 uses VCOSQF to compute the cosine quarter-wave transform of a single real sequence and VCOSQB to compute the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are packed and stored in the original real array. The inverse transform is normalized.

    CODE EXAMPLE 8 Cosine Quarter-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform Using Vector Routines
    CODE EXAMPLE 9 uses VCOSQF to compute the cosine quarter-wave transform of multiple real sequences and VCOSQB to compute the inverse transforms. The computed Fourier coefficients of each sequence are packed and stored in the rows of the original real array. The inverse transforms are normalized.

    CODE EXAMPLE 9 Cosine Quarter-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform Using Vector Routines
    CODE EXAMPLE 10 uses COST to compute the cosine even-wave transform of a real sequence and the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are packed and stored in the original real array. The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by 2*(N-1) .

    CODE EXAMPLE 10 Cosine Even-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform
    CODE EXAMPLE 11 uses SINQF to compute sine quarter-wave transform of a real sequence and SINQB to compute the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are packed and stored in the original real array. The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by 4*N .

    CODE EXAMPLE 11 Sine Quarter-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform
    CODE EXAMPLE 12 uses VSINQF to compute the sine quarter-wave transform of a single real sequence and VSINQB to compute the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are packed and stored in the original real array. The inverse transform is normalized.

    CODE EXAMPLE 12 Sine Quarter-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform Using Vector Routines
    CODE EXAMPLE 13 uses VSINQF to compute the sine quarter-wave transform of multiple real sequences and VSINQB to compute the inverse transforms. The computed Fourier coefficients of each sequence are packed and stored in the rows of the original real array. The inverse transforms are normalized.

    CODE EXAMPLE 13 Sine Quarter-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform Using Vector Routines
    CODE EXAMPLE 14 uses SINT to compute the sine odd-wave transform of a real sequence and the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are packed and stored in the original real array. The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by 2*(N+1) .

    Number of rows to be transformed Number of columns to be transformed Two-dimensional array A(LDA,N) containing the sequences to be transformed and the results of an in-place transform Leading dimension of array containing data to be transformed Work array initialized by x FFT2I LWORK Dimension of work array WORK Real two-dimensional FFT routines use the arguments shown in TABLE 15 .

    PLACE `I' or `i' specifies that an in-place transform is performed.
    `O' or `o' specifies that an out-of-place transform is performed. RFFT2F or DFFT2F only:
    `F' or `f' specifies that a full result matrix is generated.
    Any other character specifies that a partial result matrix is generated. Number of rows to be transformed Number of columns to be transformed Two-dimensional array A(LDA,N) containing the sequences to be transformed and the results of an in-place transform Leading dimension of array containing data to be transformed Two-dimensional array B(2*LDB,N ) that stores the results of an out-of-place transform One half of the actual leading dimension of array that stores results of out-of-place transform Work array initialized by x FFT2I LWORK Dimension of work array WORK
  • In-place or Out-of-place. When using In-Place, the results are stored in the modified input array that contains one or two additional rows, depending upon whether M is odd or even. When using Out-of-Place, the results are stored in a separate array.
  • Full or Partial. When using Full, the complex conjugates are retained. When using Partial, the complex conjugates are discarded.
  • When computing a real one-dimensional FFT, the complex result can be packed and stored in the original array, because the values identically equal to zero and the complex conjugates are not stored. When computing the real two-dimensional FFT using the in-place and partial storage options, the complex conjugates are not stored, but the values identically equal to zero are stored. Saving the values identically equal to zero simplifies the indexing that occurs when computing the two-dimensional FFT. However, the size of the original array is modified to contain one or two additional rows, which are needed to store the values identically equal to zero. The values of the arguments used with the real two-dimensional FFT routines depend upon whether an in-place or out-of place transform is performed, and whether the results are stored in a full or partial result matrix, as shown in TABLE 16 .

    In-Place Transform B unused B unused When computing the real two-dimensional FFT of an input sequence of M rows and N columns, the computed Fourier coefficients will be stored in a result matrix with 2*M rows and N columns when using the Full storage option. When using the Partial storage option, the Fourier coefficients will be stored in a result matrix with M+2 rows and N columns when M is even, or in a result matrix with M+1 rows and N columns when M is odd. Sun Performance Library provides the [S,D,C,Z]CNVCOR routines for computing the convolution or correlation of a filter with one or more input vectors and the [S,D,C,Z]CNVCOR2 routines for computing the two-dimensional convolution or correlation of two matrices. These routines are described in Section Convolution and Correlation Routines . The two-dimensional FFT routines can also be used to compute the two-dimensional convolutions of the two two-dimensional arrays A and B , as described in the following procedure. 1. Compute the two-dimensional FFT of A . 2. Compute the two-dimensional FFT of B . 3. Perform pointwise multiplication of A and B . 4. Compute the inverse two-dimensional FFT of the previous result. The second transpose can be avoided for increased performance by using the VFFT and [SDCZ]TRANS routines to explicitly compute the transposed two-dimensional FFT, as described in the following procedure. 1. Use VFFT to compute one dimensional FFTs along the columns of A . 2. Use ZTRANS to transpose A . 3. Use VFFT to compute one-dimensional FFTs along the columns of the new A . 4. Use VFFT to compute one-dimensional FFTs along the columns of B . 5. Use ZTRANS to transpose B . 6. Use VFFT to compute one-dimensional FFTs along the columns of the new B . 7. Perform pointwise multiplication of A and B . 8. Use VFFT to compute inverse one-dimensional FFTs along the columns of the result. 9. Use ZTRANS to transpose the result back into its original order. Sample Program: Two-Dimensional FFT and Inverse Transform CODE EXAMPLE 15 uses CFFT2F to compute the two-dimensional FFT of a two-dimensional complex sequence and CFFT2B to compute the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are stored in the original complex array. The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by M * N .

    CODE EXAMPLE 14 Sine Odd-Wave Transform and Inverse Transform

  • Perform a one-dimensional transform of the columns of the input vector.

  • Transpose the result matrix.

  • Perform a one-dimensional transform of the columns of the result matrix.

  • Transpose the result matrix to restore the original order of the data points. Arguments for Two-Dimensional FFT Routines Complex two-dimensional FFT routines use the arguments shown in TABLE 14 .

  • TABLE 14 Arguments for Complex Two-Dimensional FFT Routines
    Argument Definition
    TABLE 15 Arguments for Real Two-Dimensional FFT Routines
    Argument Definition
    TABLE 16 Relationships Between Values of Arguments for Real Two-Dimensional FFT Routines
    Full Result Matrix Partial Result Matrix
    Re( X 0 ) Im( X 0 ) Re( X 0 ) Im( X 0 ) Re( X 1 ) Im( X 1 ) Re( X 1 ) Im( X 1 ) The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by M * N .

    CODE EXAMPLE 15 Two-Dimensional FFT and Inverse of Complex Sequence
    The computed Fourier coefficients are stored in a (2*M, N) array where one row contains the real part of the complex coefficient and the next row contains the imaginary part of the complex coefficient. In CODE EXAMPLE 15 , to better display the complex conjugate symmetry, the real and imaginary parts of each complex coefficient are displayed on one line. For example, the following output: Transformed Out-of-Place, Full ( 6.241, 0.000) ( 1.173, 0.000) ( -0.018, 1.169) ( 0.304, 0.111) represents the following values for the Fourier coefficients.

    Column 1 Column 2
    CODE EXAMPLE 16 RFFT2F and RFFT2B Example Showing In-Place and Out-of-Place Storage
    CODE EXAMPLE 17 is a C example that uses zfft2f to compute the two-dimensional FFT of a two-dimensional complex sequence and zfft2b to compute the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are stored in the original complex array. The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by m * n .

    CODE EXAMPLE 17 ZFFT2F and ZFFT2B Example Using C
    CODE EXAMPLE 18 is a C example that uses rfft2f to compute the two-dimensional FFT of a two-dimensional real sequence and rfft2b to compute the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are stored in the original real array using the partial storage option. The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by m * n .

    Number of rows to be transformed Number of columns to be transformed Number of planes to be transformed Three-dimensional array A(LDA,N,K) containing the sequences to be transformed and the results of an in-place transform Leading dimension of array containing data to be transformed, where LDA M Second dimension of array to be transformed, where LD2A N Work array initialized by x FFT3I LWORK Dimension of work array WORK Real three-dimensional FFT routines use the arguments shown in TABLE 18 .

    PLACE `I' or `i' specifies that an in-place transform is performed.
    `O' or `o' specifies that an out-of-place transform is performed. RFFT3F or DFFT3F only:
    `F' or `f' specifies that a full result matrix is generated.
    Any other character specifies that a partial result matrix is generated. Number of rows to be transformed Number of columns to be transformed Number of planes to be transformed Three-dimensional array A(LDA,N,K) containing the sequences to be transformed and the results of an in-place transform Leading dimension of array containing data to be transformed Three-dimensional array B(2*LDB,N,K) that stores the results of an out-of-place transform Leading dimension of array that stores results of out-of-place transform Work array initialized by x FFT3I LWORK Dimension of work array WORK
  • In-place or Out-of-place. When using In-Place, the results are stored in the modified input array that contains one or two additional rows, depending upon whether M is odd or even. When using Out-of-Place, the results are stored in a separate array.
  • Full or Partial. When using Full, complex conjugates are retained. When using Partial, the complex conjugates are discarded.
  • When computing a real one-dimensional FFT, the complex result can be packed and stored in the original array, because the values identically equal to zero and the complex conjugates are not stored. When computing the real three-dimensional FFT using the in-place and partial storage options, the complex conjugates are not stored, but the values identically equal to zero are stored. Saving the values identically equal to zero simplifies the indexing that occurs when computing the three-dimensional FFT. However, the size of the original array is modified to contain one or two additional rows, which are needed to store the values identically equal to zero. The values of the arguments used with the real three-dimensional FFT routines depend upon whether an in-place or out-of place transform is performed, and whether the results are stored in a full or partial result matrix, as shown in TABLE 19 .

    In-Place Transform B unused B unused When computing the real 3D FFT of an input sequence of M rows, N columns, and K planes, the computed Fourier coefficients will be stored in a result matrix with 2*M rows, N columns for each value of K when using the Full storage option. When using the Partial storage option, the Fourier coefficients will be stored in a result matrix with M+2 rows and N columns for each value of K when M is even, or in M+1 rows and N columns when M is odd. For each value of K , the storage format of the Fourier coefficients in the M rows and N columns is the same as for the real two-dimensional FFT routines. See Storage of Real Two-Dimensional Sequences . CODE EXAMPLE 19 uses CFFT3F to compute the three-dimensional FFT of a three-dimensional complex sequence and CFFT3B to compute the inverse transform. The computed Fourier coefficients are stored in the original complex array. The inverse transform is unnormalized and can be normalized by dividing each value by M * N*K .

    CODE EXAMPLE 18 Example of Using the Partial Storage Option

  • Perform a one-dimensional transform of the columns of the input vector.

  • Transpose the result matrix.

  • Perform a one-dimensional transform of the columns of the result matrix.

  • Reflect the result matrix so that the planes become columns.

  • Perform a one-dimensional transform of the columns of the result matrix.

  • Reflect and transpose the result matrix to restore the original order of the data points. Arguments for Three-Dimensional FFT Routines Complex three-dimensional FFT routines use the arguments shown in TABLE 17 .

  • TABLE 17 Arguments for Complex Three-Dimensional FFT Routines
    Argument Definition
    TABLE 18 Arguments for Real Three-Dimensional FFT Routines
    Argument Definition
    TABLE 19 Relationship Between Values of Arguments for Real Three-Dimensional FFT Routines
    Full Result Array Partial Result Array
    CNVCOR `V' or `v' specifies that convolution is computed.
    `R' or `r' specifies that correlation is computed. `T' or `t' specifies that the Fourier transform method is used.
    `D' or `d' specifies that the direct method is used, where the convolution or correlation is computed from the definition of convolution and correlation. (See Note 1) Length of filter vector, where NX 0. Filter vector Index of first element of X , where NX IFX 1 Stride between elements of the vector in X , where INCX > 0. Length of input vectors, where NY 0. Number of implicit zeros prefixed to the Y vectors, where NPRE 0. Number of input vectors, where M 0. Input vectors. Index of the first element of Y , where NY IFY 1 INC1Y Stride between elements of the input vectors in Y , where INC1Y > 0. INC2Y Stride between input vectors in Y , where INC2Y > 0. Length of the output vectors, where NZ 0. Number of Z vectors, where K 0. If K < M , only the first K vectors will be processed. If K > M , all input vectors will be processed and the last M - K output vectors will be set to zero on exit. Result vectors Index of the first element of Z , where NZ IFZ 1 INC1Z Stride between elements of the output vectors in Z , where INCYZ > 0. INC2Z Stride between output vectors in Z , where INC2Z > 0. Work array LWORK Length of work array Note 1. When the lengths of the two sequences to be convolved are similar, the FFT method is faster than the direct method. However, when one sequence is much larger than the other, such as when convolving a large time-series signal with a small filter, the direct method performs faster than the FFT-based method. The two-dimensional convolution and correlation routines use the arguments shown in TABLE 21 .

    CNVCOR `V' or `v' specifies that convolution is computed.
    `R' or `r' specifies that correlation is computed. METHOD `T' or `t' specifies that the Fourier transform method is used.
    `D' or `d' specifies that the direct method is used, where the convolution or correlation is computed from the definition of convolution and correlation. (See Note 1) TRANSX `N' or `n' specifies that X is the filter matrix
    `T' or `t' specifies that the transpose of X is the filter matrix SCRATCHX `N' or `n' specifies that X must be preserved
    `S' or `s' specifies that X can be used for scratch space. The contents of X are undefined after returning from a call where X is used for scratch space. TRANSY `N' or `n' specifies that Y is the input matrix
    `T' or `t' specifies that the transpose of Y is the input matrix SCRATCHY `N' or `n' specifies that Y must be preserved
    `S' or `s' specifies that Y can be used for scratch space. The contents of X are undefined after returning from a call where Y is used for scratch space. Number of rows in the filter matrix X , where MX 0 Number of columns in the filter matrix X , where NX 0 Filter matrix. X is unchanged on exit when SCRATCHX is `N' or `n' and undefined on exit when SCRATCHX is `S' or `s' . Leading dimension of array containing the filter matrix X . Number of rows in the input matrix Y , where MY 0. Number of columns in the input matrix Y , where NY 0 Number of implicit zeros prefixed to each row of the input matrix Y vectors, where MPRE 0. Number of implicit zeros prefixed to each column of the input matrix Y , where NPRE 0. Input matrix. Y is unchanged on exit when SCRATCHY is `N' or `n' and undefined on exit when SCRATCHY is `S' or `s' . Leading dimension of array containing the input matrix Y . Number of output vectors, where MZ 0. Length of output vectors, where NZ 0. Result vectors Leading dimension of the array containing the result matrix Z , where LDZ MAX(1,MZ) . WORKIN Work array LWORK Length of work array Note 1. When the sizes of the two matrices to be convolved are similar, the FFT method is faster than the direct method. However, when one sequence is much larger than the other, such as when convolving a large data set with a small filter, the direct method performs faster than the FFT-based method. The minimum dimensions for the WORK work arrays used with the one-dimensional and two-dimensional convolution and correlation routines are shown in TABLE 24 . The minimum dimensions for one-dimensional convolution and correlation routines depend upon the values of the arguments NPRE , NX , NY , and NZ . The minimum dimensions for two-dimensional convolution and correlation routines depend upon the values of the arguments shown TABLE 22 .

    Number of rows in the filter matrix Number of rows in the input matrix Number of output vectors Number of columns in the filter matrix Number of columns in the input matrix Length of output vectors Number of implicit zeros prefixed to each row of the input matrix Number of implicit zeros prefixed to each column of the input matrix MPOST MAX(0,MZ-MYC) NPOST MAX(0,NZ-NYC) MPRE + MPOST + MYC_INIT , where MYC_INIT depends upon filter and input matrices, as shown in TABLE 23 NPRE + NPOST + NYC_INIT , where NYC_INIT depends upon filter and input matrices, as shown in TABLE 23 MYC_INIT and NYC_INIT depend upon the following, where X is the filter matrix and Y is the input matrix.

    MYC_INIT MAX(MX,MY) MAX(NX,MY) MAX(MX,NY) MAX(NX,NY) NYC_INIT MAX(NX,NY) MAX(MX,NY) MAX(NX,MY) MAX(MX,MY) The values assigned to the minimum work array size is shown in TABLE 24 .

    The most common form of the computation, and the case that executes fastest, is applying a filter vector X to a series of vectors stored in the columns of Y with the result placed into the columns of Z . In that case, INCX = 1, INC1Y = 1, INC2Y NY , INC1Z = 1, INC2Z NZ . Another common form is applying a filter vector X to a series of vectors stored in the rows of Y and store the result in the row of Z , in which case INCX = 1, INC1Y NY , INC2Y = 1, INC1Z NZ , and INC2Z = 1. Convolution can be used to compute the products of polynomials. CODE EXAMPLE 21 uses SCNVCOR to compute the product of 1 + 2 x + 3 x 2 and 4 + 5 x + 6 x 2 .

    CODE EXAMPLE 19 Three-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform and Inverse Transform
    The one-dimensional convolution and correlation routines use the arguments shown in TABLE 20 .

    TABLE 20 Arguments for One-Dimensional Convolution and Correlation Routines SCNVCOR , DCNVCOR , CCNVCOR , and ZCNVCOR
    Argument Definition
    TABLE 21 Arguments for Two-Dimensional Convolution and Correlation Routines SCNVCOR2 , DCNVCOR2 , CCNVCOR2 , and ZCNVCOR2
    Argument Definition
    TABLE 22 Arguments Affecting Minimum Work Array Size for Two-Dimensional Routines: SCNVCOR2 , DCNVCOR2 , CCNVCOR2 , and ZCNVCOR2
    Argument Definition
    TABLE 23 MYC_INIT and NYC_INIT Dependencies
    Transpose(Y) Transpose(X) Transpose(X)
    TABLE 24 Minimum Dimensions and Data Types for WORK Work array Used With Convolution and Correlation Routines
    Routine Minimum Work Array Size ( WORK ) SCNVCOR2 1 , DCNVCOR2 1 MY + NY + 30 COMPLEX, COMPLEX*16
    CODE EXAMPLE 21 One-Dimensional Convolution Using Fourier Transform Method and REAL Data
    Making the output vector longer than the input vectors, as in the example above, implicitly adds zeros to the end of the input. No zeros are actually required in any of the vectors, and none are used in the example, but the padding provided by the implied zeros has the effect of an end-off shift rather than an end-around shift of the input vectors. CODE EXAMPLE 22 will compute the product between the vector [ 1, 2, 3 ] and the circulant matrix defined by the initial column vector [ 4, 5, 6 ]:

    CODE EXAMPLE 22 Convolution Used to Compute the Product of a Vector and Circulant Matrix
    The difference between this example and the previous example is that the length of the output vector is the same as the length of the input vectors, so there are no implied zeros on the end of the input vectors. With no implied zeros to shift into, the effect of an end-off shift from the previous example does not occur and the end-around shift results in a circulant matrix product.

    CODE EXAMPLE 23 Two-Dimensional Convolution Using Direct Method